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Sep 2014
Busy people passing me by,
Some decide to talk, some stare and watch.
Others give me numbers and say they'll call.
Out there every night office hours ranging from 7 to 3
Find me with my cat named "*****" or on my bench surrounded by trees.
Just that guy out there practicing,
Look forward to the fresh air and fresh faces everyday.
Surprising everyone each night with their own name,
While they excuse themselves for forgetting mine.

Those school nights so calm,
Not a car in the city.
The occasional smoker will join us.
Those weekend nights so busy,
Everyone smiling having a good time.
An assortment of drunks and degenerates crowd us.
But no matter what night it is,
Get the chance to have the unique pleasure,
Of experiencing heartbreak again and again.

Making all these friends,
Like to think that it out weighs,
Any lost sleep orΒ Β internal pain.
But every night ends the same.
Back to my bed with a smile,
And a head full of names.
The people you meet, it's crazy.
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