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Wuji Sep 2014
I can't wait for you to be thrown away.
I can't wait to see the look on your face.
I can't wait to see you replaced.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until they all turn on you.
I can't wait until they find someone new.
I can't wait until there is nothing for you to do.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until you're just like your old friend.
I can't wait until this all comes to an end.
I can't wait to know I told you so then.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until you're all alone.
I can't wait until no one is home.
I can't wait to turn off my phone.
I can't wait, I can't wait.
But I have to.
Wuji Sep 2014
A stranger passed me by today,
Smile on his face and kindness in his eyes.
He looked directly at me with that familiar look,
I think I used to know that guy.

He waved to me and said hello as he walked by,
I gave him a slight nod and exhaled a "hi" in return.
Kept trying to avoid his eyes, but he just couldn't keep them to himself,
When will this guy ever learn?

Can't he see I've changed and I'm happy where I am?
None of what we had is there anymore.
You aren't anything to me so stop acknowledging me,
When will you leave me alone?

Your only purpose in my life was to be a mistake,
A road I took my time crossing but crossed none the less.
You've gone from everything to nothing in a matter of seconds,
When I see your face in the crowd I cringe, give it a rest.

I am so far away from you now,
Abandon our old hopes and dreams of us.
I've changed into something new and better, can't you see that?
I don't need you anymore, blow away with the dust.

So when I see you,
Be grateful for that nod.
You are a stranger now, you're nothing to me,
Don't call me love, you've been cut off.
I'd say it ***** but I can't stop smiling.
Wuji Sep 2014
Had a girl, everything was great.
Got me into ***** **** I'm sure some can relate.

Then one day she left and claimed everything we had was gone,
Broke my heart to know I was so wrong.

She'll move on to her future living it out and forgetting the past.
But I know that I've made at least one impression that will last.

Cause I was her dom and she was my slave,
She loved feeling like **** and enjoyed what I gave.
Too bad I smiled just a little too much cause now she ran away.

Poor little girl, she just couldn't handle it anymore,
Flinched and cried out at everything, I'm disappointed in my mohawked *****.

Maybe she scared herself how much she liked being abused,
I only did it for her I swear, I didn't even know that pain and love for me had fused.

But she's gone now and I can't drag her away,
A room all to myself and she doesn't want to play.

Cause I was her dom and she was my slave,
She loved feeling like **** and enjoyed what I gave.
Too bad I smiled just a little too much cause now she ran away.

Oh love, you know better than anyone else what goes on behind these eyes.
Whenever you're around I just can't look away you, I stare at what was once mine.

She couldn't match my stride and I left her behind,
Didn't even try to catch up she made up her mind.

And it's sad to see her fall so far,
Became something she didn't want to be at all.

Cause I was her dom and she was my slave,
She loved feeling like **** and enjoyed what I gave.
Too bad I smiled just a little too much cause now she ran away.
"A good time for this boy does not lie in your reach, for what you have he does not want... He hates your world, and has left it." -Charles Shaffer
Wuji Sep 2014
Nothing has happened but everything has changed,
Today was easier than I planned.
Lay in bed with my studies, music cheering me on,
I've dropped the crutches, I wanted to stand.  

Keep making friends, keep jamming in names,
Remembering jokes and information day by day.
Always smiling and being friendly,
Never being too tired to play.

Fool all my friends to think that I'm cool,
Waving to people while playing bass late at night.
They offer me all kinds of things,
Guess I'm just not about that life.

Eye contact with strangers,
I've got that bounce in my step.
8 AMs, whatever man,
Don't want to dull my optimistic rep.

People ask what I'm on,
Question how I can believe.
I turn to them and simply answer,
"I really like to breathe."
Highway to Easy Street
Wuji Sep 2014
Soft voices and sweet dreams,
A small bed for one team.
Hot nights on the skyline,
Holding on to each other for dear life.

She made us a family in her head,
Named the kids, found a house, and started paying the rent.
There is a fire in our eyes,
A desire to burn that no one can deny.

We have our rings, we have are vows,
We've never been better than we're now.
Two smiles and then one kiss,
"I found the love that I knew I'd miss."

Two beautiful hazels, locked with a pair of black holes,
An unlikely couple by the looks of it but what do any of them know?
We had it all and knew that to be true,
I just couldn't get enough of you.

We lay arm and arm together in ease,
Be it in the bed in the sky or under shaded tree.
I refuse to look down, we are headed straight forward, full steam ahead.  
All these thoughts relived looking back at all we said.
You don't need be afraid.
Wuji Sep 2014
Guess what,
You're reading this right now love.
You don't really care,
You're just curious.
Don't worry I get it.

But why are you here though,
What right do you have?
You left me broken and alone,
Yet you still hang on for my words.
Maybe I never actually left your head.

How does this make you feel?
You always liked to check on your exs.
I changed my name,
And you followed me here.
But since I have you, why not look around?

Will you dare to read a love poem,
The ones that proves that this last year was real.
All those words inspired by your promises.
Or are those thoughts amputated,
Trying to rid yourself of this disease.

What did they tell you?
That I was manipulating you do to what I want?
I did everything for you.
Let me take you back.
Think of the good times, they didn't have to end.  

Guess what I know?
I know your afraid of me.
I love that, it's so cute.
So why not play with fire some more?
After all we still have a world to burn.
Wuji Sep 2014
I keep writing all this sad ****,
About how I love and want and feel.
But every time I finish one,
I feel so ******* pathetic.

So now I'm all mad,
And  I want to write something to the effect of,
*******, you ******* ***** liar you built us to ******* crash.
But then I'm like "That doesn't rhyme..."

You know what though, I don't care.
She ****** up and I can't do anything to help the situation.
I'm powerless here, I can't apologize for **** cause it's all on her.
So what the **** am I supposed to do.

I keep telling myself wait it out,
She'll come back when she is good and ready.
Good and ready with what though?
The ******* *** of thirty ******* guys dripping from between her legs?

I just don't get it.
Can't I at least have a thorough explanation of why you have to make me feel like complete **** instead of,
"It just kinda happened."
It just kinda happened that you could throw away every ******* promise you made and everything we ******* shared?

It makes me sick really.
Cause guess what?
After letting all this anger out in this ******* therapeutic rant,
Now I'm... ******* sad.
ju9iglfyukdtyrsjdtyguihiojopkp;uoytredfgybhniiyhb IT ONLY COMES OUT WHEN I'M ALONE
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