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So many ways
So many times
The unspoken
The voiceless voice

So little time
So much to do
So much to live
And never enough to do

What would life be
Had the mercy never be
Would it be the same
Or half the time it is?

All unspoken
What the heart longs
Heartache attached
And a brain never shuts off

So simple
So easy
But that's never been my way
For pain is easy
But strength is hard

Perhaps that's how it ends
A missed unspoken
A celebration
With a seat left open

So simple
So sweet
Why can't it be
A celebration I seek
Mask up or they'll see.
They'll see what you hide,
what you try not to be.
Don't let them in.
Don't let them win.
Do not show them the person within.
Just one more
A step closer
A step away
A sleepless night
A peaceful sleep
Just one more day
I can make it one more day
It if means im closer to you
In the end
Ink to paper
The strokes with persision

A simple request
A simple hope

A reminder
Of a promise that still stands

A dream of the impossible
A possibility of the 0.001%

Would you read it
Would you see my heart on the page

Or would it end up in the trash?
Due to worries of another?
A fluke I saw it
A fluke I found it
It looked so real
So life like
Exactly what I saw
When designing my own

But as excitement grew
The tears started to shed
As I wanted another more
Then to watch it with you

Miles apart
Years have passed
And I still wish for you

I still remember that small message
Written on a locker white board
"Have a great day, love you toothless"
But you hide behind "its normal"
you hide behind "but that's just them"
you hide behind fear of what I know

Do you truly wish to understand
and invisible disability
or are you doing this
to make it look good
when I get the meeting of
"You wont try to work with us
Please take your stuff and leave."
Physically I'm fine
A little bruised
Nothing to mind

Physically I'm alright
No cuts or scrapes
Nothing to stain the seats

Physically I'm ok
Through the nods and smiles
Fingers across the keys

Physically I'm
A voice I don't recognize
Speaks to the phone
As the fingers fly and click the keys

Just stay focused
Study hard and count the days
You'll make it another day

But despite what you see
A hard worker who thrives on her job
Who wants to get excitement from it

You glazed over
When I wasn't ok
And reminded me

I was a number to you.....
"Your never a number here" A empty promise from a empty voice, who refused to see past the cash
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