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My first kiss
My first friend
My first shoulder to cry on
My first support
My first love

But life is a cruel thing
Taking him so young
Leaving a stone and flag
I cried for years
Our son trying his best to support me
But how can a child help the parent

So much pain
So much fear
And I never wanted to forgive him
He didn't have to leave
He could have stayed
Stayed with us
Watch his son grow

But I guess remembering you
Is better then having you hear
Despite my longing for you
Craving your touch once more
We found happiness in the pain

We still visit you
Still loop you in when something happens
Leave you a seat at events
Like his band concert last fall

I think we're finally finding that happiness again
We can never replace you
Nor do we try
But we are getter better
One day at a time
Just push a little bit harder
Just stay a little bit longer
Just work a little bit harder
Just breathe a little bit deeper

Just sit for a little bit longer
Just stay still for a little bit more
Calm your nerves
Get ready for the push

Just a little bit now
Just wait
till the gates open
and the trumpet calls

One, two, three
run, run fast and run hard
Run like your life is on the line
Just a little bit more
Just last a little bit more
because of you
when feel defeat  
i now bleed black ink
to hello poetry:
thank you for giving me an outlet. a place where I can speak freely when i am at my lowest, in the darkest place i can reach. thank you for giving me a place to put the thoughts that i cant comprehend in my head, and making me realize I'm not alone. i cannot thank you enough!
So little time it feels
Jump for the hills
run that extra mile
They all point and watch
giving direction
but leave you on your own

"We know the struggle
We know the pain
Tough it out
It will get better"

Can I finally have a break
in this chaos
called life?
This doesn't happen to people like me
The world is cruel
not forgiving
People who have gone through hell
don't meet their idols
We don't meet the people we look up to
because when does anything go perfect?

Full of pain
full of torment
nothing is ever easy
so why is this easy?
Maybe that's why
this feels like a dream
Follow the North Star
All night into the morning
straight to make believe
where forever is a time
and death is unheard

Follow the North Star
among the moons and stars
fly with the birds in the night
Straight to relaxation
Straight to freedom

Follow the North Star
simple and easy
close your eyes
and breath in deeply
fly among the stars
to Neverland
Follow tasks
Listen to rules
Is it that hard
to follow something so simple?
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