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 Aug 2015 Eniledam Where
Your dimples like the ocean,
carved out of the earth in perfect ovals,
deep, pale, and inviting
only present themselves
when I need their warmth
most desperately and
I've always been kind of
uncomfortable with the way
I look in my bathroom mirror,
absolutely soaked in flaws
illuminated dramatically
by daunting white fluorescent lights
but I have to say
I like the way my face looks
kind of soft and easy when
I catch a glimpse of it
all tinted green in the reflection
of your eyes

You are smoking a misty rose
with your legs crossed in front
of a sliding screen door
and the way the sun hits the
small blonde hairs on your thigh
makes you seem kind of
vulnerable but then again
you are breathing fire,
quite literally
and the biggest star
in the sky has
come just to
touch you where your
strength collects most
I think it is absorbing you,
I think it will be so bright today
that flowers will break free
from the earth & grow
at rapid speeds
because you are in the sky now,
or you've always been,
maybe only for me
or maybe for the entire world,
I can't decide

yesterday you cried
on the way home from
center city
right in the back of
a ***** taxi cab
and when we got
to the north side
you said the rain
was just so pretty

I don't always understand
the contents of your skull
but I know that it all fits
somehow with the decor
in my house
and you are more than
shower *** on Friday night
and you are more than
pancakes on Sunday morning,
cause I could stare at you forever
and die thinking I'll live forever
This is an ode to the Singles
Myself, a prided member
20 long years
of single life cheers
Even here and now in December

This is an ode to not sharing
Any food, or clothes I’m not wearing
I get good sleep
Without sharing my sheets
And I order dessert, without caring

This is an ode to my wallet
It’s always full, in my pocket
To give a gift
Is rare on my list
Except christmas. I’m not that selfish.

This is an ode to my spare time
Something I have that is sublime
I spend it alone
In my little old home
Relaxing with a glass of red wine

This is an ode to my life
It’s been so quiet and nice
To go on a date
Would be kinda great
So, hey, wanna go grab a bite?
It’s scary to open the door
                                                     If you don’t know what’s outside
                      If you take a step back
           And take a deep breath
     Prepare yourself
Take a leap of faith
                                  And COME OUT
                 Of your closet
                You may find things to be
         **So much better.
Its hard to see the plot
in the foreground of this fighting-
we’d understand her movie better
if it had better lighting.

But her body language sang
to me of what it's all about-
she tried disguises desperately,
but Hollywood sold out.

So she was a princess
prior to the revolution-
the soldiers saw her bow her head
over its bitter resolution.

Young wide eyes eclipsed by trust
in fiction stacked beside her bed-
reality though was a dagger ******
into youth, and disappointment slowly bled.

And we all know there's no place now
for her in their election-
she draws the curtains to hide her face
from that tired old reflection.

It wasn't what the trailers promised,
but she's free now to be honest-
Free to dream she crossed the stream,
escaped without the toll;
it's far too late to twist her fate
before the credits roll.
 Aug 2015 Eniledam Where
My words, they flow like estuaries,
From my fingertips to the seas,
Spindly, twisting, winding veins,
That run through evergreen plains.

Each word is rich with emotion,
Like the countless fish in motion,
Some vibrant, some dull, some,
Alive and some, floating with bellies above.

When thunder roars and lightning strikes,
And the Heavens in the sky start to cry,
My feelings they overflow, flooding over,
And all around must take cover.

For the once beautiful waves, are now,
Violent, destructive, and they plow,
Mercilessly through the haven in my heart,
Wrecking my world, part by part.

— The End —