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Nov 2018 · 293
At last
Willobi Kome Nov 2018
You didn't really ask for this
But I just want you to know how I feel
P.S:this is real

Right from start
I wasn't all over you
I know I've been through alot
But still,I decided to give love a chance

Like a play
You won my heart
I know it should be the other way round
But still, I thank you for that
Unlike the others, you're so different
In all aspects,I feel you're my best

I love that you're so understanding
I love The way your lips curve when you smile,So enticing
I love the way you kiss me
The way Your hands move perfectly round my body
They give a great sensation,I've never felt before

Writing this
I feel I've found the one for me
I knew I was gonna fall in love
But not this deep,I guess you really got me

Yeah, we got so close in a short while
Now,I actually don't give a ****
I really wanna make you mine
Its just a matter time(I need you to understand)

I know I may not have all you want in guy
But trust me,i'm not gonna try to treat you right
I'm gonna treat you right!
May 2018 · 593
Willobi Kome May 2018
Just like the theory of floatation
You swim in the arms of confusion
You wonder about your situation
As you wander in circulation

Beclouded by so many distractions
With contemplations
You're not sure of your decision

You wanna turn your vision into your future
Yet you lack the concentration

You down in depression
But am here to tell you,put your shoes on
Run the race like its a competition

The key to unlock your vision isn't in the future
You know where it is ??
Its right here your possession

But it ain't gonna get into action
Until it feels your pre-actions
All its waiting for is your reaction

Just like the first law of motion
You'll remain in the same state of situation
Until your dream is acted upon
Then will you make a progression

You've got the passion
But you lack the ignition
With so much composure
You make resolutions
Neglecting the precautions
Cos all you care about is the solution

Looking for shortcuts to your destination
Forgetting that life is a condition
With no permanent situation
I know you've got aspirations
But let your imagination
Trigger your inspiration

You were not born to Be in a stagnant position
Its just a stage of probation

Despise the population
You're an exceptional creation
Don't crave for attention
Let your instinction get you your distinction

Its gonna be a hard decision
But I tell you
The decision you make today will determine your position tomorrow
Apr 2018 · 705
Since you came into my life
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
Since you came into my life
It was the first time I set my eyes on you,
  it felt like love at first sight.
I knew then that my dreams had come true,
  my feeling was so very right.

Since then i've been constantly thinking of you,
  with warm thoughts that put a smile on my face.
Some of them seeming very real,
  it makes my heart begin to race.

Your voice, when you talk, the way you walk,
  I think you are so very fine.
Your every ways make my heart soar,
  and sends chills up and down my spine.

I look deep into your beautiful eyes,
  to feel something I never felt before.
This feeling, and then I see you smile,
  it just makes my heart melt.

The wonderful feeling of your touch,
  when we were hand in hand.
It makes me smile and slightly laugh,
  now do you understand?

I will treasure all the times we've had,
  and the ones that are to be.
For us, I wonder what the future has to bring,
  I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Being with you, my prayers have been answered,
  I found all I'm looking for.
You are all i'll ever need,
  I couldn't ask for anything more.
Apr 2018 · 459
scared to love
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
I can't really know how feel
I can't read your mind
I just keep waiting
Take me to your heart
Show me where to start

Scared to tell you how I feel
My heart keeps hurting
Still I don't want you to flee

I'm confused
Tell me what you mean
Or are we just gonna be like this

Deep in thought
Wondering if there's ever gonna be an "us"
But then I stop
Cos I can't play the part of your first love
Apr 2018 · 419
She needs to be loved
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
She cries every night
tears streaming down her face;
She needs to be loved again
she's forgotten the taste.

The taste of the sweet kiss
that once made her smile;
She needs to be held again
if only for a little while.

She needs someone to talk to
when she needs a friend;
She has a broken heart
that she feels cannot mend.

She needs to be loved
forget the tears;
She needs someone who'll be there
forever throughout the years.

All she thinks about
are the times you had together;
You both said
you would be forever.

She needs someone there for her
she knows she can trust;
This isn't just a want
this is a must.

With all the signs of "true love"
she has been shown
She still cries at night
'cause she's still alone.

She needs to be loved again
someone's baby girl;
Someone who will tell her
she is his world.
Apr 2018 · 526
Last kiss
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
As I looked into your eyes
I knew something was wrong
And then you said goodbye
We had been together too long

You said you didn't feel for me
The same way I did for you
And after years of our love
We were actually through

I said you won't go
You said you can't stay
But how was I supposed to know
It would all end that day

I told you how much I would miss
Each and every day
And that was when we kissed
And you turned and walked away.
Apr 2018 · 513
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
At times
You wonder why life seems so tight
You try to do things right
But all efforts goes futile

You aim at the stars
Yet you fall on granites
When your hopes gets high
Everything seems to be working right
Suddenly it just flows down like drops of rain from the sky

Surrounding you are people gaining new heights
But its just like you're stagnant

Your plight is just so appalling

Do you ever wonder why??
Do you ever think of what's left, not right??

You see,The Great wall of China wasn't built in a night
Neither did Edison invent light in his second flight

All you have to do is just try till your time is right
Apr 2018 · 498
Desires of Men
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
With a burning desire
The hearts of men are pervaded with doubts
About what their future seems like
Decisions they take appears to be right
But things still don't work out

They're bewildered by the nature of life ,
What they don't understand is that the time isn't right
They try and try but it all goes into the sky

They wonder where the problem protudes from
But the fact is ,"Men only want to acquire
But they obliviate to inquire"
Apr 2018 · 482
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
Seated on a chair coupled with a table
Wanna write something about you
But nothing does comes through

I'm confused
Could it be we're no more fused
Or our bond has been loosed
Am trying to find you
But you're no where close

I only see foes

How could I have known
That you'll turn out to be this cold
Even though I was never told
I still couldn't  decode
That there ain't gonna be a yold

Seems our memories have been stolen
My heart is broken
I can't help but open up

Even when you said it was over
You weren't sober
At times I solemnly wonder
If we're really lovers

But I hope you see this and reconsider
Apr 2018 · 592
Mother's love
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
With tears of joy in her eyes
She saw you come to life
For the very first time
While you cried,she smiled

You were placed on her arms
She wiped the trickle of tear by her eye
Clamped by her hands,
Inexplicable was the joy in her heart

Then you grew into a toddler
You won her heart like its your birth right
She would have sleepless nights
Just to ensure you were alright

Changed your diapers every six hours
Understood all your gestures
Tried her best to stop your cries
Cautioned your plays
She'll clean up your mess in the presence of her friends with no shame

Years went by
You grew to be a teenager
And she's still nearby
Heeding to your complain and inner cries

Even though she reprimands
She fands to meet your daily demands
Guides you on your next path

In years to come
She'll still be by your side
Teaching you the secret of live
But she won't be forever
So appreciate her while she's still nearby
Apr 2018 · 3.4k
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
All I want is a rewind to those times
When we talked for a long while
Seated under street lights
We were always together at nights

Staring at the moonlight
Our minds were filled with doubts
About what our future seems like

Then it went viral
That we were together
You asked how

I still don't know why

And it all sums up to now
Thinking of how we drifted apart
It was just too fast

But that was all in the past
All I wish for now is a rewind
So I can win back your heart

I really need a rewind ......
Typical me.........
Apr 2018 · 447
Only if
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
Only if I had wings
I'll fly through mountains
Just to express my feelings

I'll build a ship
And sail the deepest seas
To show how Strong my love is

Only if I can make my mind visible to your sight
Then will you realise that my love is kind

I'll always be by your side
Even if you're not mine
Am gonna hope you're fine

Only if you can love me the way I love you
Even just for a day or two
I'll prove that my feelings are true

Despite the conundrums that may protrude
By your side, will I always reside
Only then will my dream come true
Of us being a couple..

....Only if
letter to my crush
Apr 2018 · 503
True love
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
As I lie in your beloved arms
I'm engulfed by your warmth
The way you move your hand
Proficiently round my cloth
Gives me a perception of thought
That our bond is strong

Enfolded in your love
You're certain that am yours
Without a twoth thought
You give me your all

Now, We are one
The preeminence of your love
Makes me wonder where you're from
Your infallibility outstrips your flaws

Agazed by your ways
With no dismay
You're perfect in every case

Even when you play
There's no mistake
What more can I say
Than to hope our love stays
Apr 2018 · 516
Lost Love
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
Beclouded by your thoughts
I'm sitted in the darkness of love
Should I go
Or should I not ?

This state of discombobulation
Keeps me wandering with no destination
I try to obliviate
But my heart still aches

It bleeds like an uncontrollable river flow that has no terminus
Now its just "us"
The truth of our love is now false

I'm lost
Trying to find my way out of depression
I scream for help
No one hears

Its just the voices in my head
But none seems to be yours
Now buried and gone is my trust

When you were needed, you never showed up
Well ,I guess your time is up
And my love is finally lost .
Apr 2018 · 426
Beloved Mom
Willobi Kome Apr 2018
She's an inspiration
That triggers my imagination
With all my fascinations
I wish we can be together for generations

She's a perfect creation
That has helped me achieve my aspirations

She's like a work of art
With no blemish
Her words subliminally display her acts
With no flaws, she's awesome

Like the moon shines in darkness
She tells me the next step
When am perplexed

In her ,I confide
I'm never disappointed
Her piety is nothing to be compared with
Sans a sense of incoherence
She constitutes pertinent decisions

Oh dear
I can't fathom your uniqueness

My beloved mom.......

— The End —