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Fearless Nov 2019
I made up this thing after I read the first
and thought I would add my own little verse
10 ways a husband can add value to his life
and make sure he takes good care of his wife
the first is respect, yes it goes both ways
if you respect her, you'll have much happier days
the second is listen to her when she speaks
even when it seems like she'll go on for weeks
if you listened the very first time around
maybe you could avoid having to hear the sound
of her rambling on about it again and again
driving you to want to commit some bad sin
create a safe place so she won't feel judged
or you may start hearing a "truth" that is fudged
be honest with her in all that you do
because women can sniff out any clue
if you think you have pulled the wool over her eyes
sorry, but trust me, you haven't, guys
the fifth one is lead, and do it with care
don't be a tyrant or cruel or unfair
our first boss is God, and if you're not in line
you can see our obedience start to decline
so lead by example and lead from love
and you will have God's help with us from above
Serve is for both a husband and wife
this will create a happier, love-filled life
both of you share in the cooking and cleaning
always be helpful and never demeaning
husbands are called to be joyful too
nobody can handle someone always blue
it drains on your soul and drags you both down
then your married to a face that's stuck in a frown
pray for her, she needs God's help too
after all, she is married to you!
surely I jest, but all jokes aside
ask God to help your beautiful bride
Nine is one I don't need to tell men
but just to utter it once again
having *** with your wife isn't just for you
make sure she gets something out of it too
*** is a love sacrifice and not just a gift
and it's great for repairing a marriage rift
affirm the good things that you see in your wife
it's true what they say, happy wife happy life
positivity is important for all
and all those things add up, big or small
trying to do this on our little strength
will only cause stress and worry at length
now that you know how God wants you to love
ask for help with all this from above
Fearless Nov 2019
I read this thing about your man
that you should do these things, if you can
to have a happy loving marriage
so both of you will not disparage
The first one said to give respect
and if you do, you can expect
that he will love and honor you
because you showed him that you do
the second, listen when he speaks
and into his heart you'll get little peaks
the third one, creating a safe place
so he can be vulnerable, his fears erase
be honest with him in all you do
so he knows he can trust you too
the fifth may be the hardest one
and it may make you want to run
but submit yourself to your man
and do the very best you can
give him a chance to grow and lead
and watch him blossom and succeed
six to serve with love and care
to do kind things and love and share
Seventh to have joy even in rain
not seeking him out just to complain
eight shows a huge amount of love
to ask God to help him from above
praying for another opens us wide
pulls out all of the bad things we try to hide
Nine is easy in the beginning
'cause *** within marriage isn't sinning
it's fun, and exciting and easy to do
sometimes later, you just don't want to
it's important to keep it going though
temptation to stray, lurks as we know
The last to affirm the good that you see
and not circle the drain of negativity
always focusing on the positive
all of this is good advice to live
Your marriage will be filled with love
and you can thank a good God up above
Fearless Nov 2019
You're my everything, he said
without you i'd certainly be dead
I get up in the morning just for you
Then I see what else you want me to do
I think about my words before I speak
so that I don't appear to be very weak
but I hang right on your every word
you're love is my cage and I'm a bird
You speak and I focus so I don't forget
I haven't found the formula yet
to make you happy and see you smile
let me sit and soak you in for awhile
the perfect formula I will find
so maybe I can read your mind
and be the man that you will love
that fits you perfect like a glove
I'll analyze and study you too
so I always know just what to do
Then once you fall I'll be complete
and then you'll be down at my feet
the tables will turn and I will run
because then I will have had my fun
I will have accomplished my only task
and done everything you could ask
up on a pedestal I put you so high
so that I'd have to try and try
to try and deserve your love for me
because then maybe I'd feel worthy
but somebody cannot ever be your all
because we are human and we will all fall
This is why you must love God first
or you will all be certainly cursed
to run around and do this over and over
falling for a needy and abusive lover
Fearless Nov 2019
I see You in the rain coming down
though it often causes me to frown
I'm not a fan when the sky is sad
but it gives me an excuse to wear my plaid

I see You in the water drops
landing on the pool with little plops
the brightened green of shiny leaves
wearing my only pair of long sleeves

I see You in the lightening strike
its the part of the storm I really like
the booming thunderous deep voice
still don't care for my clothing choice

I see You in the sunny days
driving boats through the water ways
puffy clouds that look so neat
while standing there in my bare feet

I see You in the smiles of others
brothers, sisters, and brand new mothers
to share a kiss a couple stops
I love wearing my tank tops

I see You in this moment here
Your Presence seems so very near
You wash away my every care
and it doesn't matter what I wear
Fearless Nov 2019
We have been playing tug of war
and I'm tired and I want it no more
You're excited to see me but then
you act stupid, like big tough men
I know you're afraid you'll lose me
so in circles we go, repeatedly
I leave and you miss me and call
and I feel more love and start to fall
then I open up and let you in
and you just run away again
so I run away and then you come back
and show me your facade has a crack
but then those walls close right back in
and we start this thing all over again!
push and pull, pull and push away
is there ever going to come a day
when neither will run and we can connect
what will it take for that to take affect
I never want to give up on you
because I love you, and hope you do to
but I may have to put it out there
to see if this will go anywhere
You don't want to see me with another guy
but you won't give me a reason why
one of these days you will have to choose
or I'm afraid it is me you will lose
I'll be your friend and that is forever
our bond is strong and will not sever
but romance has an expiration date
I'm sorry my love, but it's biology's fate
Fearless Nov 2019
Rush of wind goes through the palms
it's Sabbath and I'm reading Psalms
I had a plan to sit by the pool
but the weather is a bit too cool
my roommate's painting in the shed
I decided to write poetry instead
I'm thinking 'bout our talk yesterday
and all the things I wanted to say
you always seem to cut things short
and I'm just try to be a good sport
texting just is not your style
and I'd rather hang out for a while
so invite me out and I'll say yes
and maybe God can both us bless
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