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Wendy Buckley Nov 2019
It's the rage,
  I didn't expect.
    All because...
      You couldn't accept.
        That you didn't affect,
          My ability to be happy
            And do what's right.
               Not because of you,
                  But in spite.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
You can't say you didn't know.
Or that it wasn't your intention.
Because you kept putting on a show.
And it was you who felt the need to mention...
That I Wasn't worthy of someone like you...
Nothing I did kept you satisfied.
So that no matter what I would do.
There would never be enough to provide.  
And because you needed action.
The anger you could no longer hide...
Crushed me finally giving  you satisfaction.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
I held it by its stem to blow all the seeds away.
A dandelion to grant me the perfect wish that day.
I found it in a beautiful field of green.
With the most colorful wild fowers I'd ever seen.
I thought all the colors were a positive sign.
That whatever I wished for would surely be mine.
So on that breezy spring day...
"Please make him love me" is what I did say.
But Dandelion Magic isn't real,
And it can't change the way you feel.
So just because I blew the seeds away.
It didn't do anything to make you stay.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
All the ways I should have felt it.
It was right there in front of me.
It felt like something didn't fit.
So many red flags I failed to see...
What you said, that I didn't hear,
All that time I spent alone.
I didn't see what was  so clear.
All the missed calls on your phone...
All the emotions you didn't feel.
Everytime you had to go.
All the feelings that weren't  real.
Was it really all for show?
All the times you were so mean.
How on earth did I not know?
So many ways I should have seen.
How I felt I was all wrong.
Every gut feeling I just disposed of.
And you let me believe all along
It was never even close to love.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
All the little pieces of me.
Scattered everywhere.
Put together I will never be.
Because you simply didn't care.

I wander aimlessly.
Missing the part you did take.
The part that meant the most to me.
Now I have no faith.

You made me lose my ability
To live as if I was free.
It's the damage you can't see
That forever ruined me.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
How did this happen?
I can still feel your hand
in my hair.
I can't comprehend...
How could I prepare?
I thought we covered every angle.
But now I'm alone,
With my heart in a tangle.
We set the boundries.
You agreed, just for fun.
You said no feelings.
We said no emotion.
Then we both did things
we said we wouldn't do.
But you started it.
You said "I love you".
What did I say when u let it slip?
Never again I said
"Thats It!"
Actualy, I begged,
It was more like a plea.
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
You just got back into bed,
threaded your fingers through my hair.
I thought, "Please don't do this to me..."
And with that stare,
you made me see.
Like a Knife cutting through
You said "It's ok to love me"
And Oh God, how I loved you.
And it was was done.
There was nothing else I could do.
No more just for fun.
You said right there.
Promised you wouldn't go.
There with Your fingers threaded through my hair.
And now I don't know
U don't play fair.
I'm  Caught...
You should be there
Some how I forgot...
I wasn't supposed to care...
No forget me not...
It was that penetrating stare...
Somehow I missed that angle...
With Your hand in my hair....
You're forever stuck in the tangle.
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
Don't tell me how you feel.
I have heard this all before.
I know what you say isn't real.
I can't believe what you say anymore.

I know you'd like to believe, that you aren't as transparent as you are.
But I know how you love to deceive.
And I really don't need another scar.

You need to just move on.
Your eggshells are everywhere.
They're to sharp for me to walk upon.
I don't need to because I no longer care.
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