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Daniyah May 2017
When I first learned how to talk I also learned never to talk nicely to those who have less. I learned that they were meant to be poor and we were meant to be rich. I learned never to show them mercy.
       That’s when I realized something. My whole life had been about what others have wanted for me not what I wanted. I was like a robot being controlled. I got good grades and acted professional for my dad, I was respectful and poised for my mom.
It's not much of a poem again but I decided to write something about me.
  Apr 2017 Daniyah
Let's face it!
Many men are dumb
Regardless where they’re coming from

If they were not mysterious
We’d never take them serious

If they were understandable
More men would treat them 'low level’!

Mystery should make curious
It shouldn't make us furious 

The mystery is there to keep
Us fell unsure and insecure

Riddle, to spend with all our life
Trying to nail it, endless strive!

As long as we don't understand
Things will be perfect and as planned

Cause mystery is there to teach us
To be human, and not just men...
Inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about the mystery of women. My opinion was that it is necessary for women to be mysterious to us and that we don't understand them completely. Otherwise we would take them for granted.

There is this saying that goes like 'questions are more important than answers' because when looking for answers, more questions will pop up and we will learn a lot of things during our journey that are more valuable than the original answer we were looking for. And as long as the search is going on, we will be truly human and alive.

And I think this applies to the relationship between men and women. Its not about understanding women as  mush as it is about our journey to understand them that makes us wiser, more considerate, and humble. And I think a little but of insecurity and self-doubt is healthy when it comes to men, in oder to keep the ego in check. Besides, women who see in men the determination to understand them will appreciate their effort, even if men still don't get them completely. But sadly enough, many of us men are not patient and want everything our own way. And if we don't get women, we get angry, which basically means, we go for the dump option instead of being smart about it and wonder what makes women really tick. The mystery is a good challenge that we need to face, and it makes our relationship with women more interesting.

Of course, this advice is directed to myself before anybody else, but I am trying to learn how to be smarter about women.
Daniyah Apr 2017
Pants have yellow ice in trucks of hills. I'm in a purple suitcase and the trees are poking my ****. Goosebumps aren't feather dusters anymore. Foot warts in my hair and yarn on my nose. Water is dribbling from my power line and my calf is aching. My shoes are covers in slime and my toes are twitching. The flag stands there in front of us and we are all slapping our dogs. The sun poked our cheeks as the as the lights went flapping away. Pots went eating a way leaving the chairs bird less. gas had loud books on their foreheads and was talking in a cheetah. Cows ate my blanket of clocks. Bags killed my sauce pick. Mills have ***** roofs.
I apologize if you were looking for actually poetry. This is a writing excersize I did on a road trip when I was about 8.
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