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Joshua Haines Apr 2017
Im sorry im a *******. Always stressing you. Your a free bird. A free sea bird. Meant to fly high and travel far. You're destiny is far greater than mine. You're meant for better things. I don't deserve you. I hope one day you spread your wings and fly like the beautiful yellow bird you are......

You're a gift from god. Or someone up above. I've held you down for to long......

So I set you free, my butterfly baby. Im so ****** up, I can't live in those world. Im meant for outer space. A dark and cold and deep place.... for my soul to rest... I'll never be what you think I am. I'll never be your strong man.

Im sorry for all the writing. I've just lost myself in the sorrow of what I've become.
  May 2016 Joshua Haines
There are clouds covering my soul
and I know the rain they're crying
is hurting your heart too.
I'd make it nice and shiny
just so you can feel the warmth,
but I don't know how to do it anymore.
Clouds of silence darkening me whole
unspoken words I have for you
are dying under the tempest
while the blank page stares at me
and I feel useless.

A rain of fire
burning us both.

The sun always shines after a storm
and I hope
a rainbow will appear
before these falling flames
will turn us to ashes
flying over the ocean between.
  May 2016 Joshua Haines
I'll take your hand as I've had in many dreams
and together we'll fly in the night's sky
our love braided with the numberless stars
will make angels cry.

We'll find our place next to the moon
caressed by the light of the stars
I'll lay my head on your chest
and in the sweetest dream forever we'll be
tasting the joy of living
our bodies will float above the mortality
untouched by death's sour kiss.

I'll take your hand and fly with you to the stars
and there our souls will discover immortality.

*À gauche de la lune et parmi les étoiles
nous trouverons l'amour éternel.

Joshua Haines May 2016
A space seemed to be filled. With what? Who knows?
It's not me.
Inside my head.
A demon it might be?
I'm not sure.
Doubtful in myself, yet hopeful for everyone else.
Split down the middle, between love and hate.
Wandering while wasting away.
Shadowed in my own shame.
Joshua Haines May 2016
Forever lingering on the cusp of Love and Hate, within myself.
Forever searching in the abyss, in everyone.
To see which ones deep and dark like mine.

Why feel anything at all if, at any moment, it, your life, your love, everything, is subject to change at the drop of a pen, at the blink of an eye, at the flutter of a doves feather. Forever is a lie.. A lie told with first loves or friendships. The only thing that is constant is death........
Joshua Haines May 2016
There are many things that have stayed forever true.
In music.
Has supported us, brightened us, strengthened us, moved us.
Most importantly, it has pushed us.
Some to our ends.............................................................­.......................................
Some to our beginnings........^....^.......^.....^....^...^....^.....^..^.^..­^..^^^^^^^^^^
Music has away of bringing us all together, no matter the weather.
One thing is true to me you can't take the love outta the blues.
Reaching for something that's gone.
Joshua Haines May 2016
I said I need someone.
I said I need someone to bring me water from the sun.
Someone to bring me fulfillment.
Someone I can be still with.

Is there water on the sun?
Or am I dreaming up, some ****** babble *******.
The Talking Heads once side "There is water at the bottom of the ocean"
So why can't there be water in the center of the sun?

Questions? Forever to linger in thee abyss of my mind.
Answers? Forever to seek out thee ending.
Knowledge? Forever realizing that everything and everyone.
Speed racer...but only in my mind.
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