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Joshua Haines May 2016
Let it go.
Free yourself.
Don't be stepped on.
Any longer.
Be real.
Be raw.
Be honest.
Not only to others but, be fully honest to yourself.
Be aware, always.
Be strong, always.
And no that the moment is in the here and now.
Not tomorrow.
Not next week.
Right now.
Just be.
Joshua Haines May 2016
Judge not, before you fool yourself.
Everyone feels.
What they so despreatly try to show.
Explain all that you can.
Waste the precious air that is still free.
For now.
Never fear that the adventures will end.
Always think of how another one is soon to begin.
I've lost me witts...
Joshua Haines May 2016
To break the chains.
Chains holding us down.
Downing and drowning in all we can.
To escape.
The fear we have.
Question everything.
Everything and anything.
That does not give you some sort of a release.
An escape......
I am a disease.
this poem
is not about you

even though
your spirit is in every word
your voice sounds strong
in the halls of my mind
telling me things
I am now sure
I want to know

this poem is
about me

trying to understand
Joshua Haines May 2016
To breathe fire into your life.
To see love light your life.
To be love.
To be growth.
To be forever passionate.
For all the beauty that is needed.
Joshua Haines May 2016
The first page of the story. Tells you nothing of how it will end.
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