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yellow Jul 2015
"She was only sixteen," the news reporters on channel five say. "She had her whole life ahead of her." They put my picture on the screen and start talking about how I did in school, what I was like; then they start showing videos of me laughing, and getting awards. They break for a commercial and when they come back they start showing interviews of my parents and friends crying or talking about how great I was, but then they start talking about the gunman like she was a stranger, yet I knew her; they knew her too. She had long brown hair, and the bluest eyes you'd ever seen. They put a picture of her on the screen and I guess no one told the reporters that I was the gunman and the victim because they just look around and don't say anything for a while. They break for another commercial but when they come back my picture is still up on the screen, but all they do is stare. One reporter starts to speak, "I'm sorry we weren't expecting this. We thought she was killed by someone other than herself. We didn't know she was that bad, but I guess we weren't the only ones." Her voice breaks and she starts to cry. The man beside her looks at her and clears his throat, "Please excuse us, but this is such a surprise," he starts to look around the room. "She looked so happy. She looked okay." The room goes quiet and so do the reporters. The videos of me living were put on a loop and they won't go off until the segment is over, but that isn't scheduled for another hour. Everyone at the station starts to get up and walk around. The man goes to the producer and starts to yell at him about why he wasn't told anything and the woman starts to cry even harder. They break for a commercial and don't come on air for an hour after that, but when they come back I'm not ever mentioned again. They act like nothing happened. My mom always said that I'd be on t.v. This was it.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You told them you loved them and they said it back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You drank and drank and drank and you threw up his name more than you did the alcohol
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: Your grandmother's cancer went away she'll be okay you'll be okay
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: He didn't only love you when it was convenient for him, he always said it back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Your father's heart is broken and the only thing to fix it is her and she is never coming back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: He wasn't lying when he told you he was home alone
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: She always said it back she never quit
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: It didn't hurt when she said goodbye you knew she would come back you never second guessed it
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: The only thing that ever broke was the plates you accidentally dropped helping your mother with the dishes not your voice when you tried to say 'I love you' back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: This is all a lie. She is gone and she is never coming back they are never coming back you are never coming back. He doesn't love you he loves her her her her her and there is nothing you can do from six feet underground
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: She was in the hospital because she was sick not because she tried to **** herself last week
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: He came back and he didn't talk about her
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: She never lied to you she stayed with you even when you pushed her away she never gave up
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking news: You don't care you never did. Take the whole bottle drown your sadness in whiskey AT LEAST THOSE THINGS WILL HURT YOU LESS THAN HE DID.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You didn't go to the hospital you only took 2 pills not 200
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You aren't ashamed of your body
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: It didn't hurt you when he left. You didn't cry, there was no reason to.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Your mom loves whiskey more than she loves your father and you
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: He paid attention to you and you had your clothes on
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: He only loves you with your clothes off. He isn't in love with you he only wants you with your clothes off. He can't love you if your clothes aren't off. He won't love you if your clothes aren't off
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Home was an actual building made of brick, wood, and concrete not something made of blood, skin, and a beating heart. Home wasn't him.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: After the car crash you thanked God that you were still alive
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: He gave up.
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: The scars all over your body were made by the car wreck
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: When you walked into the room he couldn't take his eyes off of you and it wasn't because he was imagining you naked but because you looked beautiful
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You made it past last night
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You are happy to be alive
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Your father's heart wasn't broken anymore she came back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: It's been 5 months and you can say his name without choking
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: you drank and drank and drank but you didn't say his name
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You only ever made yourself throw up was when you accidentally drank too much
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: The only time he ever hit you was when you were playing around
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You jumped on the train not in front of it
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: You asked him to stay and he did
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: You are all alone.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Your mother woke up today without the taste of whiskey in her mouth
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Today you woke up and you loved yourself
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: I'm bad again
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: The car crash killed more than your sister your faith went with her through the windshield
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: These aren't your glory days and you'll make it past 25

— The End —