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Mirror mirror
On the wall,
Who’s the most shattered
of them all?
Aligned with the cracked glass,
I feel broken.
Each scar of self-harm
Leads to a line of tokens—
Every scratch and crack in the mirror
Is a symbol of self hate
that plagues my heart.
Soon to fall apart
And rot in the mirror…

Mirror mirror
On the wall,
Who’s the most fallen of them all?
Hidden and forgotten
in the dust of cobwebs
In your attic.
I ask for help,
But aligned with the smashed glass,
I feel stolen and trapped
Under the illusion of no hope—
Bruised and abused.
Left in confusion,
Losing people like flies,
Leaving shattered moments
in pieces scattered across the floor,
Only then I feel heartbroken.

Mirror mirror
On the wall,
What have I done wrong
To become aligned with
This broken mirror?
 Jan 25 Vesper
The showers after
Always hit different
The skin and cuts sting
Lose my soul
While blood falls down the drain
The next 15 minutes always hit different...
Red liquid flowing and gushing out of my cuts



It almost stings
As much as your words
Wash my mouth with soap
Said too much
Told you too much
Said everything wrong
I can't do anything right
Rub salt to my wounds
 Jan 25 Vesper
 Jan 25 Vesper
I’m not fragile
I’ve just been broken
So many times before
That the glue is unable to hold.
I’m not fragile, am i?
 Jan 25 Vesper
 Jan 25 Vesper
i don't like myself
at all
i hate my body

i hate the was my stomach sticks out
when i sit
i hate the way my feminine structure looks
while wearing normal ****
i hate the way the skin
on my thighs sag
i hate the way i cover my body
with everything
anything i can find
because i'm not okay
i hate my body
 Jan 25 Vesper
 Jan 25 Vesper
i miss you more than you probably know. you have no idea how important you are to me. you were one of the reasons that came to my  head when i was thinking about committing $u!c!de. "but warren will have nobody to write poetry with. to draw with." i don't want to be the inspiration for your grieving poems, your mourning, your pain. one of my motivations to get out is so that we can spend 1st together like normal.
i miss you
-adhd/poetry bestie <33
Peaceful caressing dawn.
Golden eye of awakening
Peeping in early morning’s song,
above horizon’s east.
Reflections in rippleless waters.
Showing the beauty twice.
In silence a bird calls from afar.
Soft breeze of wind’s whisper.
The world so quiet in sunrise clothing.
Overwhelming feeling
when looking at our Creator’s new creation.
A new day.

Thankful for just another day.
No one knows when the last day will be.
Fluid of the mind
Falling silently
Like salty tiny rivers
over the cheeks.
Little cracks of the heart
when listening to that song,
Inhaling the fragrance of night’s Jasmine.

Remembering you.

Many have lost loved ones this year.
Sometimes this month is filled with memories and pain.
 Jan 22 Vesper
My rain is turning into hail.
You stand next to me.
Yet I can't see you.

You always inspire me.
Yet I can't hear you.

You break the heart in me.
Yet I can't feel you.

You have no name.
Yet I look for it.

Some how you always comfort me.
Yet I still need you.

You’re my invisible man.
Only God can make you appear.
Love should evaporate my fear.

Until I meet you my mind
will be on  repeat.
My heart is a drum
that can hardly beat.

Please say my hopes will
rise from concrete.
Or I shall be alive but
gradually forgotton.
I shall be an
invisible woman.
Written back in 2012 when I first started writing on the site called poem hunters.
 Jan 18 Vesper
there was a boy
who was nothing but ink
he would speak
and words would


out from his mouth
words that nobody wanted to hear
because he said too much
people don't want to know him
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