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  Apr 2014 Tinku
I don't know what it's like:
To be...


Without anyone else
I haven't be alone for a while in at least three years

What would I do by myself?
Would I view myself differently?

Would I discover new talents or hobbies?
Would I learn something new?

Would I take myself out
Get all dressed up, and just go out?

Or would I spend some time
With myself, just having my own moments

I don't even know who I am anymore
I've just been defined by who I have been with

It's not like I got in relationships to avoid being alone
I just have been in really long ones, that I tend to forget

It's just that I don't know how to be by myself
I can't remember how
Just something I realized tonight
  Apr 2014 Tinku
I don't ******* care
what's out there
Nemo was a stupid fool
that little tool
had it good
being the centre
of someone's world
We are just plankton
waiting to be swallowed
by the yawning maw
of an industrious whale
waiting to be eaten up
laying down tracks
like a laborious snail
just slugs
tresspassing upon gardens
that are richly scented
with heavily perfumed
'a la, smell me please
leave your heart to me
and I'll trample it
to get my feet wet'

Little fish in big ponds
get to hide between
the rocks
They get to frolicking
between frocks
of seaweed and coral
that chokes or
cuts like fine glass
Little fish in Big ponds

tend to outlast ;)
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
There is so much going on, in this evil world.  It's happening to our adults, and to every boy and girl.
Listening to the News today, a student stabbed 23 students with a butcher knife.  What should we expect tomorrow, in this dangerous life?
Time is running out for the pings on the little black box.  Will any debris float from the bottom of the plane, up to the very top?
Have they found anymore bodies, after the big mud slide?  Have they added anymore numbers, to all of those who have died?
Any news about the train that derailed, from off the railroad track?  I wonder what is going on that we have not heard, that's happening behind our back?
When are we going to hear some type of good news?  So far, all we hear is something that gives us the "Blues."
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
I don't mind, if you constantly tell the truth.  Also, you are given the" Go Ahead," sign, to do all you can for our youth.
I don't mind, if you help those without a home.  You can even visit those, who are sitting all alone.
I don't mind, if you contribute to the nearest Food Bank.  This will give our children a chance to eat, and be able to think.
I don't mind, if you donated clothes and shoes. They no longer have to be teased, by the children they see at school.
I don't mind, if you daily took time out to pray.  I promise you this one thing; I will not get in your way.
I don't mind!
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
  Apr 2014 Tinku
I can feel him pulsing
from deep inside me, all down & up underneath

but, when I'm on top
I have my fun,
I grab his wrists,
kiss his neck just a little bit
his eyes roll back
breaks free of my grip, running down my ***
till he finds the sweet spot
& rubs me nice

now this is how I like it
he takes control
I lose my mind
lose my body
in our souls



           & moan

                        baby, please don't stop,oh

his head

                                                     his jaw goes


                         we both


                                                                as one.

I have a pretty good *** life
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
Now that you are married, and you love your wife, enjoy God's gift to you, for the rest of your life.
Now that you are married, there is no need to mess around.  Enjoy God's gift to you, keep the marriage strong and sound.
Now that you are married, don't forget to communicate.  Don't forget to spend at least one night out, on a special date.
Now that you are married, learn how to speak pleasant words. Resist the temptation to argue, politely let your voice be heard.
Now that you are married, enjoy God's gift to you.  May this marriage last forever, as the Lord takes you safely through.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
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