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Lola Nov 2017
Enjoy your freedom but don’t look too close
Or you’ll see these stone walls that keep you enclosed
These hidden fences
Wherever you look
Now you see your cage
And all that it took
Was a look to the left  
And a look to the right
Then the truth came upon you
There was no freedom in sight
You had always been trapped
In a cage made of lies
society tricked you
And they covered your eyes
So you couldn’t see them
Couldn’t see what they do
But the truth is they whisper
No freedom for you
Lola Nov 2017
I’ve tried you know
You must see that
I fought all the snakes
Who hissed and spat
All the evil that this world could throw
I did not waver
Did not let them know
How weak I was
How broken inside
And I held my head low
In shame as I cried
Because I am so weary
From all of this war
And I’m not the same person
As I was before
Everything’s fading
All the things that I was
I don’t know what to do now
And I know it’s because
You gave me this pain
And thought I could fight
But I can’t any longer
I can’t sleep at night
I am haunted by ghosts
Of the people I’ve lost
And I’m haunted by day
And there is a high cost
The cost is my soul
And my sanity
Can’t you see I’m done fighting
Please just set me free
Lola Nov 2017
I wish that you would love me
I’m hoping that you’ll try
That one day you will look at me
And you’ll begin to cry
For everything you could have had
And everything you don’t
You’ll wish you loved me sooner
But now I’m losing hope
I look in to your eyes my dear
I look in to your soul
I wish that I would see me there
But now I just feel cold
I know you’ll never love me
I know you’ll never try
But one day I hope you’ll look at me
You’ll look into my eyes
You’ll see the things we could have had
And all the things we don’t
And maybe then
You’ll feel my love
But by then it will be gone

— The End —