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You Hurt Her,
Your Hurt My Girl.
I'm Going To **** You,
Rip You Limb From Limb.
What Had She Done,
She Loved You,
She Care's For You.
I'm Not Standing For This,
You Have Just Made Your Last Mistake.
She Still Protect's You,
But That's Not Enough,
I'm Going To Find You,
I'm Going To End You.
She's Mine Now And There's Nothing You Can Do.
She Wont Have To Fear Again,
Nothing Can Touch Her Now,
No One Can Harm Her Again.
I Will Protect Her Till My Last Breath.
She Is All I Have Ever Wanted.
More Than I Ever Needed.
But You Tried To Ruin It,
You Tried To Ruin Her,
Now I'm Going To Ruin You,
I'm Going To Destroy Every Fibre Of Your Being.
No More Fear,
No More Hate,
No More Resentment.
I Am Complete,
She Is Safe,
And We Are Both Happy.
 Jan 2014 The voice
Misti Gottsch
Once or twice I believed that I have become i n sane.
Overly o b s e s s I n g
Trying to hard to fake that what I am doing is perfect.
Causes me to fail even worse.
I am vain.
From this I have made myself more INSECURE!
I don’t like to be at home,
But during the direst times for me to be away,
Here I am, Stukc here.
My body is suffering.
I’ve been coughing up sllliiiiiiimmmmmmeeeeeeee.
My teeth are
I made many mistakes.
I’ll probably never learn.
 Jan 2014 The voice
Matsuo Bashō
Cold night: the wild duck,
sick, falls from the sky
    and sleeps awhile.
I'm going places
No matter what you say
There's doubt upon your faces
Don't worry I'll get out some way.

This town can't cage me
It wont bring me down
You all just wait and see
I'll turn my life around

I'll be a sensation
My name will be known
All across this nation
And you'll be here alone.
utatane ni
koFisiki Fito wo
mitesi yori
yume teFu mono Fa

As I dozed
The man I love
Appeared, so
It is dreams that
Have begun to comfort me.
 Jan 2014 The voice
i'm such a depressed person
and well
depression loves it.

- ts
 Jan 2014 The voice
 Jan 2014 The voice
Oh that contented soul to be
Who finds in all things harmony
Who weaves their cloth on nature's loom
And sees no cause to worry

Who shines with aura ever bright
Like lustrous moon on misty night
A smile to brighten any room
With charismatic light

Skillfully to seize the day
And cast all lowly thoughts away
So mind and body stay in tune
And happiness holds sway
A partner with a willing smile
                            and a happy heart
And a nice big dog that doesn't ****
Tracks of rain and light linger in
the spongy greens of a nature whose
flickering mountain—bulging nearer,
ebbing back into the sun
hollowing itself away to hold a lake,—
or brown stream rising and falling at the roadside, turning about,
churning itself white, drawing
green in over it,—plunging glassy funnels

And—the other world—
the windshield a blunt barrier:
Talk to me.  Sh! they would hear us.
—the backs of their heads facing us—
The stream continues its motion of
a hound running over rough ground.

Trees vanish—reappear—vanish:
detached dance of gnomes—as a talk
dodging remarks, glows and fades.
—The unseen power of words—
And now that a few of the moves
are clear the first desire is
to fling oneself out at the side into
the other dance, to other music.

Peer Gynt.  Rip Van Winkle.  Diana.
If I were young I would try a new alignment—
alight nimbly from the car, Good-bye!—
Childhood companions linked two and two
criss-cross:  four, three, two, one.
Back into self, tentacles withdrawn.
Feel about in warm self-flesh.
Since childhood, since childhood!
Childhood is a toad in the garden, a
happy toad.  All toads are happy
and belong in gardens.  A toad to Diana!

Lean forward.  Punch the steerman
behind the ear.  Twirl the wheel!
Over the edge!  Screams!  Crash!
The end.  I sit above my head—
a little removed—or
a thin wash of rain on the roadway
—I am never afraid when he is driving,—
interposes new direction,
rides us sidewise, unforseen
into the ditch!  All threads cut!
Death!  Black.  The end.  The very end—

I would sit separate weighing a
small red handful:  the dirt of these parts,
sliding mists sheeting the alders
against the touch of fingers creeping
to mine.  All stuff of the blind emotions.
But—stirred, the eye seizes
for the first time—The eye awake!—
anything, a dirt bank with green stars
of scrawny **** flattened upon it under
a weight of air—For the first time!—
or a yawning depth:  Big!
Swim around in it, through it—
all directions and find
vitreous seawater stuff—
God how I love you!—or, as I say,
a plunge into the ditch.  The End.  I sit
examining my red handful.  Balancing
—this—in and out—agh.

Love you?  It’s
a fire in the blood, *****-nilly!
It’s the sun coming up in the morning.
Ha, but it’s the grey moon too, already up
in the morning.  You are slow.
Men are not friends where it concerns
a woman?  Fighters.  Playfellows.
White round thighs!  Youth!  Sighs—!
It’s the fillip of novelty.  It’s—

Mountains.  Elephants ******* along
against the sky—indifferent to
light withdrawing its tattered shreds,
worn out with embraces.  It’s
the fillip of novelty.  It’s a fire in the blood.

Oh get a flannel shirt, white flannel
or pongee.  You’d look so well!
I married you because I liked your nose.
I wanted you!  I wanted you
in spite of all they’d say—

Rain and light, mountain and rain,
rain and river.  Will you love me always?
—A car overturned and two crushed bodies
under it.—Always!  Always!
And the white moon already up.
White.  Clean.  All the colors.
A good head, backed by the eye—awake!
backed by the emotions—blind—
River and mountain, light and rain—or
rain, rock, light, trees—divided:
rain-light counter rocks-trees or
trees counter rain-light-rocks or—

Myriads of counter processions
crossing and recrossing, regaining
the advantage, buying here, selling there
—You are sold cheap everywhere in town!—
lingering, touching fingers, withdrawing
gathering forces into blares, hummocks,
peaks and rivers—rivers meeting rock
—I wish that you were lying there dead
and I sitting here beside you.—
It’s the grey moon—over and over.
It’s the clay of these parts.
 Jan 2014 The voice
Laura EK
In the velvet dark that holds all dreams,
A thousand hopes are given flighted chance.
Optimistic wishes waft through empty beams.

A gentle ashen pallor moonlight reams;
A billion shadowed niches seem to dance
Within the velvet dark that holds all dreams.

A bluish glow though leafy vellum seams
Can thread its way through thick and wooden lance.
Optimistic wishes waft through empty beams.

And oh! the silken light above that streams,
Dissolving all the hundred million "can't"s
Within the velvet dark that holds all dreams.

The night that's holding precious breath, it teems
With broken vows, inconsequential rants;
Optimistic wishes waft through empty beams.

The wish for what is come to be, it seems,
Envelopes friendships, hopeful romance.
Within the velvet dark that holds all dreams,
Optimistic wishes waft through empty beams.
Saved this from years ago. There's something I still like about it.
 Jan 2014 The voice
I'm not good at writing, actually I'm not quite sure. Does there have to be certain requirements to write poems?
Or can I simply just write?
Knowing things is such a hard thing.
Is there certain elements that I need?
I'm not sure what to actually do.
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