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  Dec 2015 solEmn oaSis
Wonder if when constellations do align
And universe would finally see.
Would it be presumptious of me
To claim that then, finally you'd be mine.

Wonder if my sense would triumph over
So that my heart would be muted.
With all its contents looted...
Would I only seem sillier?

Wonder if I walked away
In due course.
You'd then take my hand in yours
So that a minute longer I'd stay...

Wonder if you'd understand
When if these feet
Should choose to retreat...
That they had to... It wasn't planned.

Wonder if it'd make a difference
If I said that I had to...
Not for me but more for you.
Would we still be able to love in silence?

Wonder if you'd wish that you made it all clear.
Before the gravity of reality would crush us,
Before the vastness of uncertainty swallows us,
Before my presence would diminish and inevitably disappear.

Wonder if you find my pessimism exhausting.
The volatile nature of my moods...
Especially when I dive deep in solitude
And resurface with a trove of words that are no less than exasperating.

Wonder if you loved me enough
In a day...
To stop me from walking away...
Or loved me too much to plainly say


Future's days would see us apart...
Future's moon would glow but not for us...
Future's stars would sing but not of us...
Future's sun would dry out the passion in our hearts.
  Dec 2015 solEmn oaSis
MS Lim
Men are born free
but everywhere are in chains
thus wrote Rousseau--I take the point further-
upon themselves they inflict pains

in being prisoners of time
which with a sword of Damocles hangs
over every head and herds them into closed barns
where they sigh and lament in silent pangs

of anguish with no hope to be free
they have lost the will to fight
to regain that which was once their heritage
and fundamental right

men are born free
but by the loss of freedom they are condemned
time is the slayer--would they wake up
some day and look upon time with contempt?
"This is the day we've been waiting on.  It's ok to be nervous but don't be scared.  You are the sacred vessel" said the tall dark skin woman as she looked down into the eyes of the ten year old boy.  Dressed in a red and black robe the ten year old boy says "I'm not afraid.  I'm just ready to get this over with."  "That's just what I wanted to hear Levi.  It's time to get started.  Please follow behind me" said the tall dark skin woman.  "Yes mother" said Levi as he followed his mother out of his room.  Leading Levi down a long hall that was illuminated with red light his mother says "When Priest summon the spirit Cruelty remember not to fight it.  Just let it take over."  "Ok" said Levi.  When Levi and his mother entered the worship area Levi's mother had him stand in front of the altar and the clergy.  "Thank you Harriet for escorting Levi to the altar" said a tall figure wearing a black hooded robe.  "You're welcome Priest" said Harriet.  Stepping down from the altar holding a baby creature in his right hand and a knife in his left hand Priest stood in front of Levi.  Priest stabbed the baby creature in it's stomach and ripped it opened.  He then dipped his finger in the baby creature's blood and anointed Levi's forehead with it's blood.  "Bring me the Book of Sins" said Priest.  Stepping down from the altar holding the Book of Sins a short figure wearing a black hooded robe brought Priest the Book of Sins.  Turning to the chapter of Cruelty, Priest began reading.  "As night blinds the sight of the male and the female and Hate stands on the grave of Love.  Only then will evil reveal it self.  Like Death stalking the living Cruelty will crush Kindness.  I offer this vessel to the mistress Cruelty.  Come forward I summon you Cruelty."  When Priest finished reading from the Book of Sins the red lights that illuminated the compound began to flicker off and on.  From out of no where a gust of wind began to circle around Levi.  Slowly the wind began to transform into black smoke.  Over taken with fear Levi was unable to move.  Entering through Levi's gaping mouth the black smoke took possession of him.  Shaking violently Levi fell to the floor.  "Levi are you all right?" asked Priest.  Standing to his feet and looking Priest in his face with eyes as black as death Levi says "The child is no longer in control."  Walking up to Priest, Levi sticks his hand in Priest's stomach and pulls out his intestines.  "LEVI YOU KILLED YOUR FATHER!" screamed Harriet as she ran over to the lifeless body of Priest.  "I am Cruelty.  Like I told the child's father Levi is no longer in control but for amusement everyone may still call me Levi" said Cruelty as she looked at Harriet.  Pointing at the robed figures on the altar Cruelty tells them to get rid of Priest's dead body.  "Yes Levi" said the robed figures.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
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