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Sylindrythrae Sep 11
The softness malleable chord of your voice, lyra's entrapment of a disfigured nymph, whose skin loosens on mental charades.
Another dedication to the very same Taurus person; rather finding his voice soothing, and using self-expression and creative freedom to waltz with it.
Fervent opening of night, melted amethyst defaming the credibility of my tastebuds, salty metal binding the aftertaste to unswallowed misery; tongue wrapped over its plastic sheath, unsustainable portrayal of self-abandon.
I am striving to comprehend and picture a former partner's depression and self-hatred through intuitive, immediate writing, where her subconscious is bathed in shame, negative self-talk, guilt, and wounds that open, uncleaned by herself or others. My own hands are stained, wrapping myself around her, aiming to alter her misery, which found a stable companion in me; suffocating myself in self-abandonment.
Pulverised codeine to abide by a stale throat chakra, surged to swallow its self-imposed coughing - plural dissociation colliding unarmed against your borrowed title of a doctor.
Reminiscing physical pain, severe coughing, which complemented a parallel reality I was tangled within: betrayal from the one I loved the most; supposedly a way of the universe to choke me with the truth I denied: me and her were no longer aligned.
Sylindrythrae Sep 10
Strawberry jam leaking its achenes on tastebuds swollen by the scarcity of interdependence; natural redness oscillating with the intention to bite my tongue.

A special note to a former homeboy (happy birthday)

Your hoodie's borrowed my skin, texture diffused in fragrance of my fleeting tendencies, wingspan of my overwhelm drew extrinsic lines, a vermillion signature of insecurity.
Looking back at a bond I had with a former best friend; struggling to fit in, washed by guilt, past wounds, and the innocent desire of wishing him would've seen my reconciliation intentions as pure; alas, we both were barely afloat.
Sylindrythrae Sep 13
Former teal eyed creature infused in smoke and tequila, you were not yet dictated by the foam of Cerberus's mania, not a nailed muse to my hip, or punctured within my organs, bleeding on you my veneration; merely a buck for which a ****** goddess revered remotely the veins which would slither themselves on her countenance, should the stag perpetuate it as a bush to succumb on.
To Jassem: you were not as Mon said someone I used for inspiration, not in a perverted, impure way, but a muse to my expanding feelings and making sense of them through writing; I sincerely, deeply felt for you; neither knew how to communicate.
Sylindrythrae Sep 12
Undersold circular vow, encrypted against ingrown shards - the seedless mother Neith from which gore split her superiority to low frequencies devouring their black spinel printed offspring, denied not her abnegation in self-preserving - thy wing span crowded inside my *****, a cross bathed in salt and dried seaweed, siren to my purity.
Returning to self, to my creations, my creativity, rather than further harbouring a shared misery, sunbathing underneath our mutual insecurities, unresolved trauma, pent-up feelings. I set you free, as you wished; I let go a few years ago, bit by bit.
Sylindrythrae Sep 11
Your venusian string, marble powder dry to its feather-sculpted end, frail to stain my skin with its purity - delusional craving of merged entities; muse infused with surface adoration, delayed monthly my sweltering escapism.
Dedication: to a minor crush who happens to be a Taurus (hence reference to venusian); and hope to have been mutual interest or at least curiosity; using him as a muse.
A splinter of burgundy wood wrapped against cobwebs implanted within its edible surface - a self-sacrificed price to being owned, rather than being chopped by squirrels' mediocrity - quivered intrinsically, coagulating a stationary urge to atrophy.
I wrote this intuitively based on picturing wood floor bending and being transmitted within its texture, following a sense of belonging tightly, suffocatingly, needing so to understand why my nature did not seek to be affiliated to anything but myself and my creation.
Slow-paced medicine slither as sebum on carcass of closed pores; fair pigmented acne secreting frailty mirrored against his beryl hues.
An imagery where my insecurity (minor acne) would be treated softly by a former blue-eyed love interest; fragile for not controlling the insides of my skin, hoping for his sight to dig deeper, towards my soul; although loosely connected, I yearned for his communication when other imperfections rose to our derma, immediate reaction of betrayal on his side, and overall unsaid words bathed in our distance and brisk ending of friendship (may I be allowed to call it so; if not, then acquaintance).
Sylindrythrae Sep 10
Caffeinated attempt to indulge my saccharine consent to self-neglecting identity leased by fogged canines unleashed to a Hades's progenitor, rotten tree.
Swimming in a loop of self-betrayal, overextending loyalty to a running dune, succumbing to its heaviness, her own depleted self, bathed in depression, neglect, scars.
Sylindrythrae Sep 12
Energetic waste of eroded threads on which a third party - an acrobat weighed by its light, translucent derma, the inward unpeeled organs, self-control to not cling to its ascension - blinded her nucleus, the core concept of having should be an abortion, irreversible eerie and stream of numbness, emptiness, withdrawal discoloured my roots, staining the texture in co-dependency - tungsten immortality of my soul pledged to merge with hers, a melange of decayed Achilles.
Point of reference: a former ex lover and best friend who dealt (possibly still does) with severe depression, drowning in its effects, self-hatred, to which a plot twist further fuels her state: the awareness and knowledge that she was supposed to be aborted; our bond being briefly described as co-dependency; with me putting her above my needs; and the third person being the authentic me, cutting through the illusions.
Sylindrythrae Sep 13
Edible, malleable texture extended on my derma, a foliage of peeled organs, burnt insides in dried sebum, a sorceress wilted by her nocturnal, pelvic hair, dense to the seamstressing of the Earthly immortal, a claimed follower, or patriarchy itself, a fervent javelin of oak, on which crawls in wet approvals the tangled naturalness plucked not consensually.
Waltzing with a figure who wore her heart on a sleeve, her fingertips touching the materials of ex partners drenched in mud: patriarchy, *** stereotypes; freeing herself through creativity and openness to inwards.

— The End —