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467 · Jan 2018
The Infomercial
Sydnē Deon Jan 2018
I thought it was me
The whole time.… it was you.
Convincing me that I had been the enemy
Tearing down all that’s familiar around me
Accepting too much
Placing things too high for reaching…
I have yet to find the stool
You are only seeking perfection
Is that not too farfetched?
Amid the worlds imperfection?
A glory that I, myself, have not yet attained
I am only seeking what’s worthy
Surely, I am deserving of that
The enemy…
Feeling like I must conform
To the ways and for the likes of you
When I don’t even know you…
So for now on, I’ll be sleeping
With the t.v. off.

-Sydnē Deon
343 · Jan 2018
A Days Dream
Sydnē Deon Jan 2018
I only wish that you could borrow my eyes
Then maybe
You could finally see just how much I cared for you
…How much you meant to me.
Look how special you are!
Underneath veils of darkness
You made way for the sun
Beautiful monster, you are!
Has your sight failed you?
I only wish that you could explore me.
Then maybe
You would finally know just what love looks like
When it’s spilling over
In all it’s purity.

-Sydnē Deon
295 · Jan 2018
Midnight Snack
Sydnē Deon Jan 2018
Honey Love
Entangle me in the webs
Of chocolate and vanilla swirls
My guilty pleasure indeed…
What am I to do…
with this sweet tooth of mine.
And this craving that only you can fill.
I am walking on rocky roads
But with a single touch
You have the power
To send me even above the clouds
And I don’t mind at all.
In fact, I welcome this feel
because every second that I’m away
I break down just a little bit
Until you come along
With those hands of yours
And put me back together

-Sydnē Deon
256 · Jan 2018
25 to Life
Sydnē Deon Jan 2018
Truth be told
I'm not so sure about this
You know, this whole
Living like grown ups thing
It's funny that I've waited
my whole life for this chapter
And now that it's here...
It kind of *****
And you know what..
I have to admit
That I miss being home
Man, I had it made...
Wish I had spent more time
appreciating that
Cause this adulting thing
Is much harder than it looks
I was just fooled by the glitter.
And truth be told...
I never even liked the stuff.

-Sydnē Deon

— The End —