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Raven Nov 2018
You ask me why
And i dont understand
 how you dont see
All the little things
That you do
Are what kills me
So I tell you
I doesn't matter
Raven Nov 2018
I was told once
That life was a book
And you were merely a chapter
But what they didn't understand
Was that I was slow finishing each chapter
In fear that you wouldn't be in the next
The start of falling in love with your best friend part 2.
Raven Nov 2018
A shattered heart
A single tear
And the shattered
Of a family
This one isn't about me, it about one of my closest friends, an I know that she will probably never see this...
Dear her, I cant fix it, but I can help you survive this, and I'm sorry, but know I'm here, and you will always be family to me, I love you.
Raven Nov 2018
Isn't it strange
It's bad
To be good
Raven Nov 2018
Its hard to float
When the word
want me to sink
Raven Nov 2018
Rose's are red
Violets are blue
Yet we all know
That's not true
Though we still
Believe every
I love you
Raven Nov 2018
The world was dark and then it was bright,
But not dark and sad, to beauty everywhere
like all of those stories say.
The world was always beautiful,
You just made it more so
Because I see little parts of you all over,
And I cant help but smile
The story of falling in love with your best friend
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