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 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
The children covet.
No longer pure.
There is a feeling.
An intimate feeling.
To grip anything breathing and just ******
the pain into oblivion.
Not love but lust.
Feelings are too much.
The children can run carelessly.
Playing with whomever is near.
Whether it's forceful or submissive.
All have been warned.

**Circle Two
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
If I may be honest with you

I only wanted to compete with you in staring contests because I just loved looking into your eyes

I only wanted to make up weird handshakes because I enjoyed your hands being in mine

I only did the dumbest things just to see you smile and make you laugh

If I may be honest with you
I want you to be my forever and always
I'm not too sure about this
My heart aches like daggers are stabbing into it as I hear the words that cut like knives come out of your mouth 'lets just be friends' you say but you don't know how it effects me.
I blink my eyes not once but two times as I'm trying not to cry over some boy who broke my heart.
You broke my heart. You are the boy that left swords in my heart, not taking the time to take them out and help my wounds heal.
You are the boy that ignored multiple times while I tried to stay in love with you.
You are the boy that made these tears fall like pouring rain on a stormy day as I tried to make you stay
I run through my thoughts again and again.
As I wait in line to complain yet again.
The waiting room is empty and I sit here again.
You call my name and I walk back into this twist turny hallway into your office. You asked how my week was so far and i get quiet.
This is the loudest moment of silence I've ever encountered.
I can hear my heart beating fast and I can hear me swallow hard.
My thoughts are getting louder and louder, shouting at me to just tell you the truth.
Instead I tell you its been good with a fake smile on my face.
You asked about my mom and I change the subject, again.
I asked you if it was wrong to be hit.
I looked down at the floor, listening to you ask the same question over and over again.
Until I burst into tears and say never mind. It doesn't matter, but it does matter because I could've helped myself from a lot of heartache if I would've just told you.
Now I lay here wishing I could go back so I can just complain, again.
A love like ours,
sweet and memorable,
was written in the stars.
But as time goes on,
do we become unstable?
Written in the stars...
What happens then
if we forget how to read?
Another love story
tossed into the nearest waste bin.
Don't fall in love too fast unless you know it's real. Any "love" can be sweet and have good memories. But wait until you find a love that is real and unquestionably infinite.
Opera was the first
emo music.
The feelings, the passion, insatiable thirst,
depict the soul's greatest longings
and the things that make it sick.
But the best opera I have heard
is the desperate cry for things
griefs beyond the heart's capacity-
a vessel, on violent waves, tossed.
Opera is an art with reckless abandon.
Opera: My hat's off to you.
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Doug Potter
Atop a quilt
beneath  an oak

gauze dress
a pillow.

Hair a muss
Scent of rye;

no camera
only memory.
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