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 Oct 2020 Sonorant
I will turn this anger into something euphoric
set my bones on fire, they sizzle and they crack
they cough out smoke, she flutters in my chest
I'd curse but all my words are melting, they melt in my skull,
drip down my back, tickling my insides,
I can't reach them.

I'd scream but a shadow has risen around my being,
he creeps, slowly, closer; all of my colours blending together
and he kisses my lips and buries in his fangs,
he reaches in his tongue and pulls out my veins;
threads them through his teeth and sews together my lips.

I'd bang this fist into the wall but there is no wall
there's just fire; she chewed away my back and sneaked quietly out
she swirled around my being, licking all of me,
all of me,
all of me
and I gave myself to her.

Nothing of me can spare this fire;
nothing wishes to.
I melt at her touch, dissolve in her warmth,
slices though my eyes, ******* out all their juice
I'd scream—
oh the screams I'd scream
—once I am out this sea.
But I sink
and I sink. I sink.
I sink.
I sink till I am no more.

I will make something euphonic out of this anger.
spread out my vacant limbs, pushing through the dark
pushing though the ruby fire; kick away the shadow,
pull out the stitches, spit the smoke right on his face
and I would scream and
curse and punch
and burn but not today
I run and I run. I run. I run.
I run till all that is burning is left behind.

Tear out a paper and I pick up a pen;
hide in the bushes and stare out the night.
scream and I curse and I break and no one hears a sound.
no one hears a sound. no one hears a sound.
no one hears me.
no one hears me. no one hears me. no one hears me.

But I made something euphoric out of this anger.

-- and the moon will always be the witness.
kind of a childish poem but thought I'd post anyway.
 Oct 2020 Sonorant
When I promised you the world
I didn't omit it's flaws
So I nudge your awake
To the reality of my world
One beautifully flawed.
 Jun 2020 Sonorant
Ashley Chapman
An insect,
Dull conscious,
In playful dance.

It, he, her,
Before a vision,
Where birds cross clouds.

Their vectors,
Love affirmations,
That meet,
In circles widen.

— The End —