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384 · Apr 2020
April Fool's Day
Siddharth Sharma Apr 2020
Did you read today’s news?
Ah! It’s making me so confused.
We have been already living the blues.

And now they say April Fool’s Day!!
I’d thought we could all use some fun.
But Alas! We’ve been asked to shun.
Coronavirus has left us spun.
What do you say, anyone??
154 · Jun 2020
Believe in Yourself
Siddharth Sharma Jun 2020
(In memory of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput: Jan 21st, 1986 to June 14th, 2020)

Believe in yourself
and have faith in your abilities.
Let no one ever question your capabilities.
Your future is bright and full of endless possibilities.
Let no hostility or negativity
ever influence your vulnerability.

Remember that whatever step you take
in life must show
your sensibility and responsibility.
This is the key for a happy life.

I may be too young to say this or describe
...but never pay heed to those who bully or stereotype.
Or even those who’re out to take a swipe.

Spitefulness and cynicism,’ll find in all walks of life.
But remember nothing is larger than life.
So, just relax and have the time of your life!
133 · Dec 2020
Wishing Happiness for 2021
Siddharth Sharma Dec 2020
Wishing happiness for 2021
Now that the year 2020 is almost done
This current year wasn’t really much fun
Ever since it had begun.
And then, pretty soon, it had left us all stunned
when the coronavirus managed to outrun.
Much like a Bofors gun,
it was out there killing everyone.
And around the world, it had greatly overrun.
But now there is hope,
That in 2021, the battle against corona
will surely be won.
And with that our fears would be reduced to none.
So, back will be the days
when we can party under the sun.
With children playing in the parks and beaches,
and having all their share of fun.
2021 is like that smoking gun,
much awaited by everyone,
when our days of fear will all be done,
and there’ll be a ray of hope in the short run.
130 · Jun 2020
Happy Father’s Day
Siddharth Sharma Jun 2020
Happy Father’s Day to a dad who’s strong.
Who’s fun to play with
and who’s never wrong.

He who can help me in every subject
and has even taught me how to be strong.

It’s fun to be around you
and so easy to get along.
— we can play or chat all-day
...and then, watch movies, nightlong!

Ain’t I lucky to have a father
who’s friendly, fun, & strong?
A Happy Father’s Day to you, dad me, you belong!
Siddharth Sharma Mar 2020
Life today has suddenly changed.
Everyone seems so distant and estranged!
We have no choice but to keep ourselves restrained.
...confined to our homes, away from the crowd
As if mankind has been buried in a shroud.

The streets are empty, and so are the malls.
...our enemy, the virus, is playing hardball.

Fighting a battle with Corona isn’t simple.
It’s like fighting your enemy without arms and pistols.
Around the world, the fatalities are rising.
Where or on whom is our enemy disguising?

Counting days, until life rebounds.
...When we can go back to our schools
And be out in the playgrounds.
When there be no one to check us from running around.
No grief, no sorrow, and no loss to surmount.
Siddharth Sharma Jun 2020
A tribute to those selfless heroes
...those who put their lives in a limbo.
Those frontline warriors - men and women,
...they don’t need an intro!

I salute these noble heroes
-the nurses, the doctors, the janitors,
the delivery guys, the sweepers, and others
who could have stayed safe at home
but chose our safety rather!

They risk their lives for us each day
for us to have our lives our way.
...a gift for which we can never repay.

Living for others is the life they chose.
...willingly bearing with all the life’s blows
...taking a path that’s not a primrose.
These are our greatest unsung heroes!

121 · Apr 2020
Siddharth Sharma Apr 2020
Love for me is the purest word - that selfless act of caring and giving.
...that unconditional affection that has no limits.
It is that feeling that binds us together and makes this world a happier place.
...A virtue that encompasses kindness, compassion, selflessness, trust, loyalty and much more!

Like the love of a mother for her child...that is patient, forgiving, and never falters.
That endless love that knows no bounds and continues to blossom.

Love exists in different shades the respect that I have for my parents, or my affection towards my little cousin,
...the care and compassion that I give to my dog ...or the passion that I have for sports.

Without love being around, life would be meaningless
Coz life without love is like a tree without blossoms.
We’ll be akin to robots with no feelings involved.
And would I wish for one such life?
Hell no!  It’s’ll have no meaning.
And this for me would be really grieving.

So this “love” for me is that “essence of life”
...that secret ingredient without which our lives wouldn’t be as sweet
And this will leave me cold feet.
And prompt me further to shake the dust from my feet.
Siddharth Sharma Jun 2020
I was seven
when I realized your intellectual acumen
...until then it had all sounded superhuman!

For every question, you had a solution
You taught me algebra and simple substitution,
...and taught how every moment makes a contribution.

Playing Bazooka with you all-day
-- disobeying the rules and going disarray!
are memories that’ll never wear away.

Your newspaper and toothpicks I would sneak away,
yet you’ll keep my troubles at bay
-- by making mom and dad shoo away!

Come what may
...I could just peacefully hit the hay.
Those are my best days
to look back on, any day!
115 · Aug 2020
Happy Independence Day
Siddharth Sharma Aug 2020
Every year, a day we celebrate
to mark the independence of a country that’s so great!
The sacrifices of our leaders and their fearless courage is beyond measure... to reiterate.
Hooray! It’s our HAPPY 74th INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
With the country all decked up,
and people around so happy & gay!

This moment of happiness
That we live in today
wouldn’t have been possible
without our warriors ******* away.
This freedom that we got as a give away
is an emblem of their sacrifices
from every single day.
We vow to never let it fritter away!

Today, we’ve come a long way.
United we stand with our spirits bright & pledge to never go astray.
With these high hopes and brimming happiness -
My heartiest wishes to you, I convey:
A Very Happy Independence Day!!
#India's 74th Independence Day#Happiness#Celebration
110 · Jul 2020
My Thoughts!
Siddharth Sharma Jul 2020
(In response to "The White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling)

Reading the poem, “The White Man’s Burden,”
has displayed how humanity back then
had gone for a burton.

...The sensitivity of mankind is hard to ascertain.
This crude presentation
of both - colonialism & racism
is so hard for me to even harken!

This poem that he wrote
for his men to hearten
has left me all
but completely disheartened.

The luminance of Kipling
suddenly seems all darkened.
Or is it that I didn’t
quite get his jargon??

Such a viewpoint
of any person
would be so hard for me to pardon
...coz this outlook
sure needs to be sharpened.
100 · Apr 2020
Spring break
Siddharth Sharma Apr 2020
The beauty of spring is far untold.
...the bright, blooming flowers
and their fragrance oft foretold!

With babies out strolling
and children playing with glee
...totally lit up like xmas trees
footloose...and fancy free!

What time of the year could that be? so boundless that words fail me!
Siddharth Sharma Apr 2020
Waiting for that light at the end of the tunnel
when the fun days will be back
And life would be incredible!

When roaming with friends would be possible
And our survival wouldn’t be this unpredictable.

The scare of Corona would be long gone.
Freeing us from the scare
...of dying with our boots on.
These present horrific days
...would all be long bygone!
91 · May 2020
Siddharth Sharma May 2020
It’s thought is worrisome,
and deprives us of our freedom.
A source of surmounting stress
...on tender hearts ...we must confess!

Children are genuinely afraid.
They’ll do anything to evade
Even the thought of it being delayed
is good for them as a trade!

But, don’t we all know
the benefits of exams?
They build our confidence
and increase our competence.
They sharpen our skills,
which itself is a thrill.

They’re the reason why we all cram
...without which we wouldn’t be worth
a tinker’s ****!
89 · Apr 2020
Siddharth Sharma Apr 2020
A friend is kind and easygoing.
One whose loyalty is always showing.

He’s generous and understanding
and genuinely withstanding.

He’s beside you through thick and thin
and will never try to pick holes in.
If you try to run, he’ll hem you in safeguard & empathize.
And even at times
...when needed to penalize.

...are a few of the qualities that
a friend will specialize!

— The End —