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Sia Harms Jan 25
I stared at the words
Until the trees outside
My dimming windows
Started to wilt & bend
Down to the ground.
With a hesitant finger,
I struck the key that
Would only delay all
Of my worries:
Sia Harms Jan 23
We pretend to know
The deepest of emotions,
The most burning love
As it scathes our lives.
Do we think the pain of it
Is pleasurable, simply
Because we cannot
Comprehend the Love
Only God understands?
Sia Harms Jan 23
If I lost the favor of God,
I imagine my feet would break.
I would fall on my back, unable
To stand or walk in any meaningful
Direction. I would still be alive,
But only in definition.
Sia Harms Jan 23
The fleeting touch
of skin.

The intimacy
of a shared glance.

The simple love
of an unprompted

Yet, nothing could
compare with
His grace.
Sia Harms Jan 23
The metal protested
As you twisted the bulb
Into place.

It screamed, not wanting
To light up, preferring

Without it, we could not see,
But that did not change its

Despondency resided in
The shadows of a high

It needed your stubborn,
Caring hands to change its
We cannot be helped if we don't choose to be. Do we burden those who love us more by refusing to help ourselves, by refusing to let them assist?
Only Jesus was able to draw me from the darkness.
Sia Harms Jan 23
I sat back with a breath,
Folding my hands as if
I had just wiped them
And the corners of my

I had resigned. It was
None of my business
I realized how full I felt
With the empty plate
Now before me, waiting
For something new to
Decorate it.
It would be colorful.
New and unexpected,
Sia Harms Jan 23
My ankles were sore
From standing on my
Trying to ascertain
The words in your eyes.
There were none
For me;
You were guarded,
Your gaze obstinate as
You looked straight
Never wavering or
Crouching down to let
Me see into your
When will my ankles give out?
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