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I may not be able to turn water into wine
                but I  can pour a cup of water for a thirsty stranger
I can't walk on water
                but I can be by your side near the waters
                find you shelter in the storm
I may not be able to miraculously heal the sick
                yet I can rush you to the doctor
I may not have raised the dead
                but I can speak the words of life
He can forgive your sin
                and I can help him cover your nakedness,
                show you that your shame is a lie
I may not be Jesus
but I will go where he asks me to go
to be a light to the hopeless
a friend to sinners (I know I am the worst sinner of all so I do not judge you...)
I will be the ear that listens to your story
and the shoulder to cry on,
and give you a hug...
God ******

The Lamb of God
sold into the marketplace
led into the slaughter

The Love and Heart of God
now a harlot
for the desires and pleasures of perverse men
--honestly, I have more respect for a Lady of the Night, than religious ****** who traffic in holiness

The Spirit of God
miracles transformed
into entertainment and to rake in filthy lucre

The Banner of God
leads an army of hate

The Pastor of God
exiles a member of Christ’s body

The sacred Writings of God  
twisted into a message of
judgement, guilt, intolerance

I am dismayed
… I have seen too much

The Heart of God bleeds, tears fall from His eyes

How long will this go on?

Is there vengeance and a special place of punishment reserved for those who commit such travesty?
For those who trample on the Blood of the Savior?

--Serge Banderet
So I go to this "meditation class" on meetup.  I get this lecture about how meditation will help me be one with the Universe, etc...
Oh and by the way, there's a $180 fee.  Or the many sob stories I have heard at church and how sacrificial giving is "spiritual".  Even found this sales pitch when buying a spell from a witch...  Greed seems to be an equal opportunity disease.  It sickens me.
I think I am still dreaming,
But I am amazed,
That alone I still fly

There is a greater love than human,
Than our fragile hearts can bear
But I had to die
shed the skin of mortal thought
like a dry skin

Be broken hearted

Empty, now my soul
Forgiveness a bitter bile
Though memories remain
Some sins redeemed
Amended, atoned for...

Purity sought
In a world of decay, corruption...

And yet I found...

There is an immortal river that flows
In a place where gods and goddesses
lift up the Grail
And into the chalice pours
the water from the Source
of creation and life

Where hearts have wings
And are borne beyond time
In the garden of eternity

The rose never fades there
and thoughts (voices I have heard)
span timeless space
even from heavenly galaxies
to our mortal realm

There are two gates to the other place:
Surrender and Purity.

Be Free.
Inspired by:
Is this the love I am searching for?
Is this love or am I dreaming?
Timeless Truths cannot be by mortal mouths spoken.
Those who speak have not known,
Those who know, realize the Truth cannot be put into words,
If you are willing to pay the price of what you value most,
You are on the path to understanding what I have written.
Sometimes the thing we cling to most for security, is what hinders us from knowing Love.
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