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388 · Nov 2015
Seher Seven Nov 2015
sing a song for me.
**** a tune for me. drum bamboom for me.
Nina, sing to me.
reset with me. 432 for me.
I hear you.

Nina I hear you
singing… your words are
quiet plainly the beauty of the cords
strummed for me. or, at least it seems.

Nina, you are singing to me.
I hear you calling, me.
taunting my harmony,
plucking my keys, you and Jean.
Nina, what is it you see?
What is it I am to see?

the music of things,
I can feel the planets moving.
circling, looping. the air whips
the curve of my lips and stuns me.
it arouses me, induces screams of love.

silently, inwardly, slowly releasing into the vine.
stretching my fingers individually,
stroking the strings,
getting good at things,
Nina sings to me,
and I feel good.
385 · Nov 2015
the neutral being
Seher Seven Nov 2015
babies are birthed from the darkest.
the LOVE of creation, from the darkest.
the light of life from the dark.
without the current in the fluid
the brain would not spark.
in order to stop you
had to start
and so I propose being

these days we could use some
neutrality. some of that prior unity
recognition. the initial condition.
the balanced act.
the grey only looks that way
with the blue sky shining
when the sun comes around.
contrast creates definitions.
provides a canvas for the reflection...

communal disconnections,
normalcy in alone. here,
we are meant to moan and groan
and throughly love the lust,
the bones of this life.
with the I sight the commune
becomes hindsight, the WE
shrinks down to one, alone,

competition to get to a conclusion
just an end of some
pass-time action. choose one or
the other.
each holding its truths,
the necessary rules.

so I try to be a neutral being
standing right on the middle of
I was raised on the coast,
the waves only rising and falling,
crashing, laughing
at the nights fate. each rise
rolling down into the valley, the pit.
giving time its due. then,
surface to the moon and prepare the ride

the neutral being, press upon
the sides
there is only One.
allow the insight to ignite from within,
embrace the ease of reality,
regardless of perception.
be quenched, release.
ALL is One.

an ode to my stars,
I am One, learning to balance.
I thank God I witness.
385 · Mar 2017
searching the sky
Seher Seven Mar 2017
I am, and then
my placement at birth.
and then the imprint upon my steps here.
the environment of my first breath,
this latest rebirth. it set, absorbed
all the energy of the sky at that moment.
in those few ticks,
I pierced through the waters into the heavens.
I rise, and the stars took hold.

mercury rests in pisces,
the home of free speech.
here I swim with other bits of me.
dreamy and wandering.
visions of clarity, clearly in my feelings.
exploring through my senses,
she catches the drift downstream,

embracing the sun, whom also lives
in pisces. here a free bird,
flying high among the trees,
and taller still.
inner knowing is to live for others,
needing to know I've done all I could.
needing to know why I breath,
why I see,
hearing the responses through the dream.
the messages come from within.

the aquarian moon, I feel
connects me with the the new school.
the future tense, the push through.
how the next generation sees.
and I can tend to be aloof,
leary of claiming low vibing energies.
feeling capable of overcoming these.
truly seeing in the dark,
with the water bearer sharing the stage
with the balsamic moon,
and the birth as the sun shifts to the
other horizon,
this dark truth,
enlightens my core,
allows peace to come through,
and I fight for it.

I fight for you,
mars in aries has taught me to act
then choose. this aspect of me
I'd rather lose, I used to despise.
I embrace her too now, though she's
a lioness prepared to protect her cubs.
when she's turned on, I run,
the piscean nervous for whats next.
my youthful passion takes precedence
and even I recommend calling off all bets.
the next steps will be a let off of stream.

as the passionate me, the venus
placement also shares the energy of aries.
the intense lover of all things.
the beginner of new things.
the young hearted lover coming alive
in the heat of the new.
she has brought me though many lessons
I needed.
I trust her steps, too. though I tame this beast.
I coax her to a simmer, barely a boil.
though she's only patient.
the fire will explode.

I give thanks to my virgo rising,
she will always come and clean it up.
never afraid of a little dirt.
a little analytical processing of stuff.
she will help my healers heart
grow up.
she holds me accountable.
checking my choices, making me a bit nervous.
I calm her now some, though
she can take over in an instant.
scanning for more info.

I am scanning for more,
wondering who made me.
how these bits and pieces came together
to create my steps.
to mold my challenges,
to shape my lessons.
there is an answer.
I believe its on the other side of the stars.
I'll never stop searching.
377 · Dec 2015
Feelings of closeness
Seher Seven Dec 2015
As the sensations deepen
Within, each passing moment arrives another brush
Against your skin.
The softness gliding below my senses
Acutely confirming we are One.

Each passing moment arrives more familiarity,
Recognition of a larger family.
One, actually.
I smell your particular blend,
Can imagine where you lay at night.
Your body pressed upon mine.
The feel of the point of inner action.
That singular point, where I recognize you.
Your eye shine synched with mine.
Everything is alright.

I've known you, all my lives.
We've risen with the sun many Times,
Slept under the moons hold.
I've held you for centuries.
Wrapped amongst your cocoon.
Your embrace is my senses,
I feel you now.
I allow the grade to be seen.
The beauty, weeping, screaming,
Pleading for recognition.
I see.

You, standing shadowed curled towards below, I see you, captured,
Crippled, contained within.
You wait to break free, shred, buried so deep,
Peel into surface layers, coax down the barriers,
Enforce, insist One.
I feel you near my skin,
Your breath rides my neck,
I know you,
You speak only in my memories

The vibrations being sensed, the message understood.
Release pressure, help some laugh
Cocreator of passionate screams.
Relax bodies, say I Love You, healing.
Just be me.
I feel an undeniable surge of love and unity within... Strangers seem so familiar. Shifts are possible if we can sense our Oneness. I love you all for reading :)
377 · Mar 2016
Seher Seven Mar 2016
new body movements
muscles stretching that
were missed.
growing strong yet
barely been kissed.
or held, caressed. barely
felt the grace of presence that
dug in. attached, resisted
the pull apart.

fully aware, now.
this embrace can only come.
if I miss it, it will be, ...
intended so, though
love has me in her range.

I can feel the arraignment.
the path my feet take
to it.
the pain my heart endures
for it. this love of home.

the feelings, all energy games
and I worry little about them.
aware of the pawns, the pieces,
attention short lived.
just struggle to keep it.
because these feelings change
instant, on to another moment.
these are the times I focus on.

the moments and the lessons
the preparation, the refinement.
like wine spent decades
richening, deepening the taste, yet
its still an infant.
baby steps to infinite, full
embrace of this moment.

this moment, I know it.
I remember the taste,
the fragrance. the
the moisture a new day brings,
that moment when light becomes
fully abundant, and we reach for it.
we ***** our SELF into it.
rising and reflecting it.
charging with each
******* fresh life in,
expelling the used out…

love liberated,
cycled back around.
the down pour begins to
rise around my ankles,
the embrace commences.
376 · Aug 2015
That girl continues
Seher Seven Aug 2015
imagine the misery 
that could be released

if the bodies that

already depend on her


could freely invite her

into their time.

That would be a rhyme

of reparations size.
a rhyme of freedom chimes.
just to be with her on the land.
submerged in her awareness,
healing of the nations confirmed.
374 · Nov 2015
love note
Seher Seven Nov 2015
I know I create what I see.
It's why I see the beauty in you.
Your shine reflects the glow.
Your grace encourages the flow.
I, bow in your honor.
Knees secure in the grit.

The eternal replenish,
The consistent persistence.
My heart beats, regularly
Checking for energy tweaks, alerts.
New moments of now.

Now I know
Each person I see, I see
Vibrationally, scattered about
Until erratically we meet.
Once eyes link,
That instant relief, the unwavering belief,
To see, everything is ok!

Stumbling, tripping, running,
Pacing home.
Structurally prepared to carry the load...
Alone or aligned with the unity previously established within.
As She prepares the family bed
United at the head,
The heart, the hands.
Take my hand, lead me,
Don't stand still,
Walk with me, get lost in
The divinity of perfect.
Of just is.
Of what is.

Emblazoned, enlightened
Our cells call out,
"Stretch far out! Spread your self thin,
A layer of embrace,
Press upon those in reach,
Force the message of unity!"

Spread out thin,
Hold close my kin,
Join again,
Force the message of
370 · Aug 2016
bees work
Seher Seven Aug 2016
the afternoon is settled
and the last bees are humming,
buzzing, quieter now,
from flower to flower.
less competition.

the long summer sun
has allowed them to
hum along forever it seems.
the heat grows, leaves tips droop,
and they are collecting with fervor.

their initial hunt begins
with the early rising day.
they head out over the city
in search of her milk.
her nourishing sweet life growing

the search is directed by the colors
of her display.
her richly tuned shades of violets
and yellows call them in.
they dart in and out, quickly,
focused, drawn in to dance.

that dance of her.
the one that encourages the let down.
the one that taunts the flesh.
her perfect dance.
it sends chills through my bones.

these drones fly drunkenly
by the end of the day.
they have beat their
wings against the same
pressure we feel, the same wind
we hear.

they grow weary as the sun shifts again,
we say good night, a short rest.
we process her nutrients in the dark.
369 · Sep 2016
Seher Seven Sep 2016
the eyes are said to be
the portal to our soul.
the door within.
where truth is told.

images pass through optical lenses
enter our realms as electrical
beat, beat, beat to our brain.
processed, and vision occurs.

the belief we create
what we see
is deeply seated here.
our eyes convert matter
to pulses of light and currents
that our brain can envision.

in those intricate delicacies
of what WE are,
in those most complex layerings,
our truth sits.
we have to watch closely.
so many details are missed.
lost in the abyss of what fear

so, how does this work then?
the electric tick of fear
must just keep expanding. its wave moving faster.
its in abundance and the visions are clearer.
the perspective is available for you
to align with.
those currents run continually,
tune in and then see what you wish.

and this is generational.
natives of any land say
its 7 generations ahead.
our work is not for our part of the path.
we are experiencing Attunement
and indeed it is heaven sent,
it travels on the wind.

this movement of air we exist in,
this moment to moment experience
where each new one is gifted.

as each moment is shifted,
we know something is happening.
our hearts are bleeding out stagnancy,
creating space for loves vision.

we rise, our insides being forced out,
the outside coming in on electrical currents.
367 · Dec 2015
Seher Seven Dec 2015
circumstances, misunderstandings
its these delicacies I mishandle.
not much space to be my self.
the water rushes in, my lungs fill.
these pesky circumstances,
wishing telepathics was our shared interest
knowing the path of least reistance.
it is clear and known.
the ram within,
her courage pulls to charge,
born again, shifting of the stars.
where these **** circumstances start.
cause I know what they are,
the objective sensed. senses need fine tunning.
nervous system, tunning. feeling tuned in.
the wind brings the faintest of messages,
listening closely.
zipping out Zs and As, connecting strings
centuries in length.
worlds deep, together receiving the sweetest melody.
in that breeze, where the circumstances pause, briefly, as they sometimes do.
sometimes you just misunderstand me.
a lot of people do.
and I know I just dont get you, either.
circumstamces of the stars, the dance
of the ages. minds infinite expansion.
I just want to span it, crack my set of code.
pay forward, encourage growth.

so much to know, well for the moment you know it.
after that its history, past, authenticated through
your mind, your slice.
oh what it is to be alive! to survive these
363 · Dec 2015
Seher Seven Dec 2015
dedication to the lives that surround me
I see you all, sure its still murky.
the lights are obvious
beaming forward, motion - clearly.
the hearts beat rhythmically to the breath.

I step into the relating whole heartedly.
it is a weakness, settling into trust.
so I do it timidly and consciously.
I chose to open my heart, repeatedly.
my hinges are made of gold!
so I can give me without fear of

to those in my vibratory reflection,
I dedicate this to you!
I give thanks that you commune with me.
you all shine exquisitely, so bright
your light actually touches me.
warms me from beneath.

ignite new fires, every moment
we interact, whether I know you now
or in the next act,
our union exists in the waves,
gently riding side by side,
sometimes reluctantly,
side by side regardless.
this whole thing is about US!
reflections only to be seen by another.

these vibrations are our relating,
our interactions, here.
warped by differing expressions,
all leading back to you.
never a moment to lose
in this perfection of creation.

soul communication
my dedication to you,
eyes that arrive at my vibes,
my words, I Love You.
Because I know to.
361 · Jun 2016
with haste
Seher Seven Jun 2016
The waters move quickly
Pressing all sides
Conquering the crevices of space.
Engulfing the flavors of colors
And sound, vibrating to maintain pace.
Liquid lit with abundant taste.
Each drip quenching my thirst.

The thirst of love, the panting it creates.
The dry chest heave you feel in the palm
Of the embrace.
The beauty our days take on, the glow
Of the suns grace. It's gift upon my flesh.

I AM ready to flow out. The bridge has been set. It's prepared to lift or shift.
Built for movement.
The forward, sideways, backwards
The one I AM built to dance,
Long strong legs and a solid core.

Activating, awaking the beast.
She quieted for the arrival,
The time is upon me now.
I move quickly.
360 · May 2016
Seher Seven May 2016
I'm bored with division
Distraction from One.
Tired of being told
that defining lines matter.
Or that matter is higher
Or lower, or whatever.
I'm worn thin, stretchy at the joints.
Stretched to maximum,
Acceptance of voice,
and each perspective, I see.
I hear your rotations viewpoint.
I respect why you are here,
Yet I am over feeling fear,
Separation ... its been made clear
We are ONE.

So I go on  retreat.
I journey the darkness of me.
The Black Swan pokey, Shiney
Things. The distraction
From the rest. Its a part, and it
Though my attention here is free.

I call in my personal team.
The ones that see me,
That love me, unconditionally
Whom hear my hearts call.
I am feeling reclusive again,
And yet I know there I end.
Too deep within, and I rejoin.
I know I AM... that which makes IT
So I keep balancing, one foot in.
The other trailing behind a cloud
of star dust and dreams.

I'll dream of you, welcome you there
And here.  Embrace your truth
Plenty of room for us all.
I'll send healing, loving energy to your
Wounds, calling them to seal.

My heart has no capacity.
Unconditionally free,
As for ME, I just got bored.
As for you, keep replaying what you need.
Results may vary
358 · Sep 2015
dating again
Seher Seven Sep 2015
complete within
she encompassing both,
and source.

beat again
simple expectations almost always
impossible of completion.

expect and be a deaf again.
muted, bound, except

the twin,
so I'll date my self,
figure her out, again.

let's see, how should I…
excuse me, could I,
no, miss, you look familiar,…
naw, yo! baby girl! whats your number?…

seven… and the chart is alignin
with every cycle there is…
my cycles, self aware of their taste.

rusty with my warm embrace…
this time hold my hand and
caress my face, look
deep through my eyes.
hold that stance, whisper
my love do you want to dance?
oh, yes… yes, I want to dance.
I can fulfill all of my desires,
satisfaction guaranteed.
I take my own lead, balance
and stand as a woman. A mother,
among the mothers, ready to create
357 · Nov 2015
ride to equinox
Seher Seven Nov 2015
for the darkest days
I will inhale and prepare.
I will kneel down.
shivering, ready to learn.

for the darkest days
I will ride the waves.
I will allow my board to coast.
motion sickness, always close.

the darkest days are upon us,
up here,
we hold tight towards the
some plants rest,
others prepare to seed
or feed.
spring greens being
nutritionally keen,
global hunger is make believe.
dandelions grow when
the reserves usually sour.
or right through the winter.
always on time, either.

through theses hours
I tap in, hit send and
the download begins… … …
patient now,
353 · Dec 2014
Nature's revolution
Seher Seven Dec 2014
the enormity of time makes me quiver
and I'm just trying to remember
all the rules of us.
I know I have them here
and you have them there.
too many questions to clear
balance out, finalize and submit…
yet I feel it.
I hear it. So,

I re-join Nature's revolution
our only true solution
the reunion of the Earth's
sistren and bredren
unification of this Times kin
brought together to rectify the days lost.
the memories only one side
knows both sides know…
the time to sing the national hymn
Oh come all ye
come and communion again.
wet our vibrations tips and ends
curl up again then
dip right back in.
the only place we will feel comfort.

our children are starving.
the curriculum surrendered to
the days of imagination
and heart tone stimulation
tuning in after these days is
rough. knowledge and things
get in the way.
self doubt is rough.
though it can be a start.
self examination will always
lead to the heart.
so do a little check up.
the clean up can be rough
but the road is only awaiting you.
these things are
as you are. nothing can escape
our grasp. it is the presence we sense
enveloping our senses.
but only most of us can't believe
in that stuff.
all the magical fluff.

I'm a truth seeker.
I question every thing I can imagine.
yet remained open and now
the magic is obvious.
my self realization is at the level of
rocks, though that's quite a personal accomplishment.
I've only now called myself a poet.
352 · Jan 2015
on some relationships
Seher Seven Jan 2015
our moon
She misses our moans
enclosed behind these walls
She yearns for our souls
our calls
our songs
our passion in love.

She beckons me
with an alluring glare.
barely aware of her
captured by mystery
calls on me.
preparing me.
I the novice star gazer.

She, here with me,
She warns me.
She rallies her team.
She implodes in dreams.
She maintains despite lean.
Her majesty, sprouting new life
only when ready.
and collects and releases the being
for her sisters meeting.
She, recapturing herself.
pure giving and

this love I know.
this love the moon proves
Time and
Time again.
She misses the grounds
the ripple of new life.
spirits pastime
create create create…

born under a balsamic moon.
aware of my call home.
eager to share all of me.
to inject my gift into the realm of now!
honestly a bit weary.
energy being forced out.
supernova type theories.
nearing the end of a cycle,
matter recycled,
She calls me back in.
this time I am even taller.
349 · Jan 2016
Seher Seven Jan 2016
if I could tell you
that I miss you,
I would. if the words could come out.
if I knew how.
or why, is it your smell,
its like mine. I just know it well.
and I miss you.

thoughts of you, thoughts
is what I miss. the kisses of
my thoughts of you.
the tenderness.
I layed caressed by your essence
for hours, I just miss it.

the way we collapse
and mend, then again
its the thoughts I miss,
and the walk. the bounce in your step.
like we walked those steps,
together and alone.
we seem used to all this,
what is this unions depth?
I know if I ask I will see it,
always on time.

I miss you, your smile,
my memories of it.
of the way your lips twist.
to hear them say my name
to call me, I almost cant take it.
imagination running free.
visualizing free, I will arrive.
youll be by my side, like all these times.
if our hips miss this trip around, I imagine
in the forest we'll be found,
bound, floating over a covered ground
shifting with the current, the waves
of us.
at home, walking each other home.

though I cant help but wonder
what would be found if we buried
down, deep into the core,
I'd want more, and more. I need years
to unload. hours upon hours of me.

we miss this, this trip.
Im sure its just memories, thoughts
of the past.
I just miss you.
347 · Dec 2015
Seher Seven Dec 2015
with the release
my fingers relax
my back stays straight
my mind rests
energy increase.

with the release
the heart can see clear
practicing things to prepare
for the days to come.
when I release with my heart
open, prepared for the days to come.

these days skim the crest
of my creations. my high mind
decisions of my details.
how I see what is required, to release.
to be free, ultimately.

my girl told me…
be secure in your safety.
you can do no harm.
trimming the fat, toning the arms,
the core, the heart.
its a cold world,
love alone warms.

exposed to receive
and instantly, gracefully, creation
just keeps on…….moving forward
creating again and again.
the beauty is not to be missed
it is to be seen, and released
and seen...
343 · Jul 2016
Seher Seven Jul 2016
This new set
Is settling in
Fine short strands
Feeling strong together
This new set feels tougher
Created by my hands, and heart.
New appendages, new start,
Hands aware of their power.
Words spoken clear.

They are pulling me back together.
All my pieces.
I weathered the storm.
Broke up with the head, confirmed
they reassemble the hairs, the splits of
My time
And the work just now begins.
I AM here to help.
And locate all my pieces.
The ones that originated near
You, too.

Each piece tightening, now
Preparing for this strong foundation.
Brick by brick
I re-stack. Reborn
I fall in love again.

And again and again
My new friend, my awareness,
She is now recognized.
This truth at my eyes,
I just live in now.
And trust my vision
And love you anyways,
And I saw sand again, like the first time.
343 · May 2016
Releasing the quest....
Seher Seven May 2016
Then I remember
Then my vision gets a bit
Blurry, my stomach quivers.
The water begins to flow.
Releasing pressure.

I remember, from younger,
Little person memories.
Ones of free.
I remember, me.
My heart yearns to serve
And share in the beauty
This pure bliss of witness.
All things I see.

Releasing the quest to solve my duality
The virgo piscean. The madness
Constantly challenging the other.
Peace only in wholeness.
Embrace the heart of the servant
And the mind of the intellect.
Standing firm in One.

And as I watched her sway, I too
Heard the groans. Weeks before,
And I just wanted to know
My heart whispered clear,
Reborn, limbs and loves essence.
Weeks before, I knew the end was near.
All is to transform.
To reunite to its whole.

As the layers shed, seasonally
Revealing anew, thoughts of my
Reunion with you liter my mind.
I assume, each tear I release
Brings me closer to you.
The grace, the reabsorbtion,
The rotation of my time.

In that moment where time disolves,
Where new life crowns.
That point where its me, and God
And I realize I've been home the whole time.
In that moment, I and I become One,
Again. Just a moment, then
I prepare to crown, again.
To root down, in deep,
Down, loaded, tuned.
343 · Aug 2015
holy trinity
Seher Seven Aug 2015
you, me and we.
simply, this is the source.
no visions needed, nor prophesy.
no mystical experience will be more clear
than perspective alone.

she, he and we.
simply. she receives, nurtures, gives.
he watches and guides, lives
to share seed, gives his light.
this is merely from in sight.
perspective, long history.
a single lifetime just too short,

so I repeat until I see, and this time
it is clear. I learn to trust my self.
she is tuned to the vibrational harmony.
she can see.

I have no other words to write,
I know my truth, the world loses interest.
the illusions wane in attraction,
heard mentality weakening, the attempts fleeting.
and I can just thank God.
the source of the trinity, the power of the flame.
the truth all really will claim,
the One.
Thank you to the poets that read my writing. This last year has been massive for me personally and HP has been a saving grace to be able to write my soul out and share myself. It really is an honor to be able to do it at all and highly therapeutic :) LOVE to all
342 · Mar 2015
Seher Seven Mar 2015
a shadow crept in
quickly, quietly, unannounced
the signs were flushed
on the flesh of her face.
tiptoed, trying a hostile takeover.

Eureka! its presence is now known.
the dark vibratory notes tone
diagnosis of dis-ease or disease,
regardless, the journey continues.

reborn to birth anew
You, will heal.
You, shine heal-her vibrations,
regardless, if all parties are on board!
its just your soul.
I've watched you from before
to the crown, now is Your time
to shine!
and let thy food be thy medicine,
hands are awaiting your embrace.
weak hearts are preparing for your tune up!
Child! You are health!

I anticipate a reintroduction
of sorts. though our souls
have been one from source.
our mothers and brothers and grandmothers
one pulse, one tune.
healing for the ages, healing of the sages.
we must stand up, just put our feet down!
rise, sister, rise.
neither victimized nor misunderstood,
You! oh You. I love you
I miss you. I'll see you soon...
342 · Feb 2017
nourished and well
Seher Seven Feb 2017
there are feelings inside...
I remember back then,
as a child, and even later.
I remember feeling so alone.

I felt like there was no one that knew me.
my one true friend was the only one
I felt had
begun to know.
my family though, felt strange and cold.
I didn't fit in. They call that the black sheep.
though I am a Pisces, so I know how
to mold.

though within, I felt a sadness.
a longing to live with a passion.
a driving goal.
I am accustomed to detachment,
to nourishing my own soul.
these things come easy.

I remember back then,
back in the days
before I heard the plant talk.
those days I would walk and talk
to myself for miles.
I would sing songs of steps,
count my steps. over and over again.

I still count a lot.

now I also see them.
I see my friends.
surrounding me.
they are still and peaceful
though they remind me that I am
not alone.

this path I proceed down,
this road I have found
is the one for me.
it naturally collides with all of you.
all of you, that I do meet.
each being, each moment of WE
I meet is meant just for me,
at that moment.

since the moment of this clarity
I have watched my loneliness disappear.
it was slow at first.
imagining my bonds must be on foot.
be the mobile type.
and those I hold tight as well.
I love my mobile friends.
though they move with the wind
and the plants are still there.
they share and share and continue to
teach me anew.
they challenge me how a friend should do.
they push me to grow.

they enlighten me.
they hold my hand. this path here is
a **** beast! they nourish me,
allow me to be.

energy flows through the leaves
and I see. so clearly, and I must now share.
the message is there. its in the trees.
the leaves, the way they make things.
we're the same magic as the moon!
soon we will feel more movement
we will notice just a bit different,
we will know we are One.

I get this,
I know this now.
now I reach my arms out to touch them,
to say hi.
to embrace the love that beats from their form.
it courses from their pores.
they feed us. I listen.
this is what nourishment is.
342 · Oct 2015
Seher Seven Oct 2015
numerically life makes sense
sequences trace the path
of least resistance, where solutions
are least tense.
numerically I can see the patterns,
they guide our breaths. I try to rest.

it gets intense. gut tense. tight. breathing helps.
the obvious release.

complete. energy replete only to rise again.
charging with my twin, seeing him. that grin.
charging for the days ahead, the weak bodies
need cures.
synchronicity leads us to Her, she has
it all.
leaving nothing behind, until it too falls.

and as the season changes, and the year
cycles again,
firmament expanding within, vision then begins to cloud
and dampen. the synergistic flow within strengthens.
visions provide the options.
the energy flow slows, perception now
mandatory. the days grow darker
rebirth on the other side of winter.
I await anxiously, patiently,

342 · Oct 2017
7 lives
Seher Seven Oct 2017
repeats of past lives bubble through time,
awaiting to be relived.
they circle around, gliding
ready to give the experience again.
all our things we never clear,
the moments we skip.
they just wait out there,
prepared to grip any new moment that fits.
fingers slip into these.
cycles repeat, healing relieves...
past lives on repeat,
seeing to clear.
338 · Dec 2017
dying to be born
Seher Seven Dec 2017
Some years ago,
in December, I died.
my breathing skipped, the blackness came in,
and I was dead.
in the next few instances, a few moments past,
I took my first breath, again.
the light returned, my son was born.

before meeting him,
the days prior, I had yet to really see me.
I was living an identity, something taught over
taught to me, molded on to me.
it never fit well.
the closest moments to this rebirth
were filled with these recognitions,
awakening to the parts I had shunned.
the magical parts.

December, the month of the star.
the month of the dark. The moments of death.
in some parts, no god light.
the stars show up, guiding our paths.
walking us to the grounds that
await our rest.
the parts that refresh things.
my energy has always known this depth,
where all goes to die.

that darkness was waiting for me,
captured in my womb,
waiting for me.
no moment before could I break free,
soaring took time.
the peace to be felt at that level of the light,
gliding side by side with the powers
of the sky.

they came alive that night,
the beginning of things,
the ending of things,
nines divine right.
circling until the next cycle ignites,
no fear for death,
proven it births light.

my son's eyes opened bright,
a baby lion's stare.
aware, prepared for the work.
they will keep coming forth,
the call is loud.
the womb is birthing warriors in the dark,
quietly, carefully plotting it out.
eyes are watching, careful now,
pull the dark out and allow it to
light the path of One.

pull it all out.
standing I gave birth
and I will not sit down except to
rest, steady now, following my heart.
337 · Apr 2017
seven lessons
Seher Seven Apr 2017
Body gaining strength
Eloquent and bare in stance
Focus seems to leap
337 · Nov 2016
those moments
Seher Seven Nov 2016
We sit on opposing sides
We watch one another, carefully
We notice the difference.
The diversity.
We see it as challenge.  

Neutrality, the option of the stars.
The opinion of the cycles.
My own personal dedication.
Unlearn division.
Learn to move through the steps
Hold another's hand gently,
Allowing room to wiggle.
To hurt.
Create space to heal and touch.
I need to be touched.
I need to reconcile my hearts work out.
I love unconditional and have had a guard
Up. Taught young that my love would
Be taken advantage of.
Never worried up front.
The first hurt though,  
Instant cover up.
Instantly taking my personal path
Up another rung.
Following that piscean path to One.

It's the blood,
They taught me to keep my fists up.
I fight for you. For love. I've been beat up.
All who whisper love to me, it seems.
It's a conundrum.
Born with unconditional love for everyone,

It just isn't for me.
It's in my stars.
I barely recognize I'm alive.
When the moons glow is full,
I fill with the want to go home.
My heart was born for you.
while I'm here and aware
I'll stayed focused on how to repair
These broken habits
And serve as I'm meant to.
My Virgo essence reconciling in my sea.
Influencing me to critique and heal.
One will know me.
And in that moment,
This barely makes sense to me now though the words must get out
336 · Sep 2016
Seher Seven Sep 2016
as she reaches her maximum,
reflective, potential for this month,
I feel her illumination.
its like this most months.
her glow reveals my deepest desires.
my true call home.
what my heart wants.

though, here I seem wired to serve,
as her sides round out I hear her .
its so **** loud.
she reminds me of what I long for.
since so young, I just wanted to be home.
it must be getting close
333 · Jul 2016
Seher Seven Jul 2016
Courage to me
Is the fire in the belly of the beast.
It's the heat, of the centuries, the fire
I cannot tame.
Each breath
Encourages the flame.
Scatters bits of me
Sailing on the wind.
Little bits.

The bits of all You
I breath in.
I take them, embrace them slowly.
Slower now, settling in I may
Not understand these pieces of You.
I may never hear all of You,
So I submit, you're what you give,
I tilt my head back
And allow the nourishment.
Your bits excited me
And confirm WE are ONE.

union, finalized expansion.
Only ONE.
I taste thee
And your courage
Demands me to try again.

As WE do time and time...
The waters move through the times.
I feel the embrace,
I see the face of my mother
Of another time,
I imagine her tears
Her fears and how each one
Was settled in time
And she gives me courage too...

Trust ME
trust You,
See WE,
LOVE unconditionally,
Kiss cheeks
Be free, tethered only to my soul.
Knowing time is defined by I

And I, WE allow courage
To push tears through,
The water breaks the gate,
Expansion necessary.

And it must be free.
They trace courses along my cheeks
And then I release
Those bits of me, into our sea
And I nourish You.

And I allow for the definition to be
Courageously capturing these bits...
Giving thanks just to witness.
Seher Seven Jan 2017
I write at night,
once the dark sets in my line clears.
and I start to hear, on some nights,
voices within trying to get out.
so I write.
I remember the advice
that each project should be
delighted in as my first.
each new moment must be given its due.
so few seem to feel this depth.
so few of us have yet to see whats possible.

each one is just as meaningful as the next
and the last.
10 years prior or lifetimes passed.
each capture of time is best spent in it.
just in that moment.
I want to live each one out loud.
there exists a burn to devour it.
to force it down.
hunger in the belly of the beast.
passion for the minutes relief,
for the next moment that comes.

each one is a part of the song.
the song plays long and slow
spanning strings of time.
each strum follows the cords
they shift from one way to the other.
they constantly move. we are
riders on the waves
bubbling from atop. and the waves just
never stop.
they move with the clouds and air
and the water.
they keep the song playing.
listen closely to the tune.
hear her play...
she moves silently. quietly.
shifting space with her tones.

she knows those low dark tones,
she creates in these scales.
the spark is seen for only a moment,
the next ones are ruptures of more.
more new moments, being birthed in the dark.
where the true courage starts.
the fire that makes this stage go.
we forget what it takes to grow,
the light always pierces through.
it moves and shifts, reflects its gifts,
etches out vibrations previously thought gone.
coaxing itself through patterns of dark.
pressing against the sides, making its presence known.

you see I write in the dark because
the dark knows me.
I pierce through its womb with an intensity.
I am buried deep within its core.
my sound is low and it is absorbed by the ground,
by her body. she likes my sound.
she begs for it, late at night.
desiring a full cup.
I must admit there is an intense lust,
a want to feel this ****** of the light.
I wish to be the dark,
the trust, the part of us that receives
unconditionally. the receptor of things.
I have wondered if such moments were
thought for me.
to be open to receive continuously,
I think I would then experience free fully,
try I must.

and the trees are the ones who
gave it up.
helped me step my game up.
before I was walking with my head down.
it was time to grow up,
heal some family wounds,
toughen up. each time my foot touched
down I knew the alignment was perfect.
some felt like a tight squeeze,
a slow death. some I would sing
temptations breaths, I would imagine
I was somewhere else.
I didn't have the trees then.
they had to let me live.
I found them. and now we
are friends and Ill tell you it begins with just
noticing them.
really noticing them, the divine being within.
they record the memories of here.
they capture times stories, leaving air
for my womb to birth anew.
how magical do we have to get
to finally allow the truth through?

this thing we do,
this dancing celebrate,
its the dance that matters.
the movement.
the sway from one side of the planet
to the other. how the waves shift back
and forth. never pausing for a rest.
energy is in constant movement.
changing from moment to moment.
definitions always change.
things must always be redefined.
we define time.
this manifestation of it,
time awaits its direction.
it awaits between the ticks,
faithful for the next moment.

and if this is the last poem I read I
could release my grip and merge
knowing that my hearts voice was left
on the page.
the truth of my soul.
everything is as it is.
designed, either for this way or the next.
everything is ok.
remember we are the head of the quartet.
we are the sound that travels from the core,
the dark steps,
we are the actual steps of the one.
our path is clearly set. and the dark awaits
the intrusion, with great angst.
creation begins again.

when I am writing I feel this within,
this darkness being enlightened
by sharp colors and bright light.
it forces my mind to cleanse.
breaks through the deep caverns
created back then, before the trees
started talking and way before now.
now I just allow it all in.
I just put my head back and open.
I receive the light and
my hunger lessens.
my core tingles and listens.
she calls the light deep within,
she calls it to the darkest of corners
and she sets me free,
confident now to say
I am no longer scared of the dark.
329 · Apr 2017
breeze driftin on by
Seher Seven Apr 2017
Though this time the sounds felt free,
Less questioning.
No need for defining.
This day I had clarity.
Power increasing , rising to soar.
Working harder to clear this hearts calls,
Releasing it's pressure. Slowly allowing a roll
A soft unfold.
As the new blooms boldly open to the warmer air,
my tone carries on the wind.
This time, I called upon the wisdom I own.
This time, I aligned with you.
And the outcome felt good.
328 · Mar 2017
suns shine
Seher Seven Mar 2017
As I sat with you,
I felt the warmth pierce my core.
The heat embraced me.
Electrical currents being charged.
Pulsing, jumping, intensifying.
Top layers burned slightly,
Though lavender can heal that.

Soothed beneath, tensions released.
Patience for the next round.
The next touch of your fire.
I must be nearer the sun.
328 · Apr 2016
April 17th
Seher Seven Apr 2016
jupiter dances
with the moon tonight as if
they were binary
326 · Feb 2017
eclipse is on the rise
Seher Seven Feb 2017
the way in which your image
itself upon the matter that makes stuff up.
the colors I see.
the texture my skin is
made to be touched by.

how your image is seen time again,
how I end up spending my days
watching your images.
all of them.
they all inspire my voyage.
my message.
each light beaming source.

I just want to touch it all.
ultimate desire is to merge.
as the moon approaches her turn,
I begin to feel quite fluid.
326 · Nov 2015
my love
Seher Seven Nov 2015
my love,
you are the one that I hear
the voice that draws me nearer
to my self.
my love, you are the call.

my heart, you know who you are.
you are always open
and prepared to serve your whole.
always searching for the holes,
they bleed into the system and defining lines fade.

my love, you are my core.
you stimulate my blood,
create a path for it to flow,
warping time with your movement.
my love, you clear my vision
and heal my eye.

my love, for you, I do
everything my heart calls me to.
this love I know.
this love beat in my chest back then,
and she still remembers.

my love, remember.
memories linger of our magnetism,
pulling the magnets together.
my love forces the power of intention
She, fully aware of Now.

infinitely aroused, standing side by side.
preparing for the cycles, embrace the dance.
the music of spheres, tuned perfectly
to the infinite,
until finite,
tuned to sing the song.
of the cycle of things… riding the waves
with you, my love, with you
I am possible.
today is a super charged powerful day … stand strong … stay light :) Happy Sunday!
326 · May 2015
the essence
Seher Seven May 2015
the essence of this is independence
the solo dance
the one we are born into.
the confidence to step, step by step,

the essence of my youth is this
realizing I had my interests best
reigns in my hands, instant success.
thankful to those along the path,
who felt my light, my heat, my heart,
well before I invest.

the essence of the black hole,
my infatuation clearer now.
you experience independence,
the systems of existence have no chance with you. you stand alone,
yet! await the other side.
I must be born of you.

of the land of independence
of the tribes, of the scribes
greatest tales.
the independent that Sun too
gazes back upon.
the birthing black hole.

the balance here, now,
of independence and creator.
perfection real, so
nothing to strive for,
but to love more. so I love you more
and I thank God I witness.

and I receive the plant message,
relationships, the interdependence,
is solely for nourishment.
I will nourish you.
I'm built for it.
323 · Apr 2017
Seher Seven Apr 2017
micro span within
macro vision stimulates
maximum time space
322 · Dec 2015
moon in Cancer
Seher Seven Dec 2015
and so
the major circle
notches a few degrees
or so more,
and the awareness of new
beginnings implant our hearts.

We awaken with the fears of last night,
the darkest we've felt,
resolved and rested in their beds.
allowed to flow freely with
all that yesterday did.
We embracing the coming days.

the freeze travels on the wind
in some places,
in others the sun shines bright.
these traditions, mostly
focused by sight.

though rebirth is the message of now,
and I hear her stroke through the heavens,
I feel her feet lightly grace
the sky
skipping along her dark path,
always drawn back to the light.
the chance for life,
to expand.

these ways, these days,
it's clear now.
the simplest dance, rebirth and
I, always prepared for the next step.
heart energy charged with the breath, ******* in each particle of air, my lungs,
Fulfilling their breadth,
the capacity for life inside.
exhaling out each dying thing
inside, force out my death.
with the reverse, once again,
embracing my rebirth.

always preparing for the next step,
as the moon prepares to crest.
I stand underneath, exposed.
illumined in it's reflection of self.
prepared in the face of love.
321 · May 2017
May day
Seher Seven May 2017
Giving thanks to you all.
The month of April was a ball.
Writing hearts beats just to share.
Thankful for my family
Who are always there.

Here, to allow my self to be shared.
I appreciate you, friends.
To my family! !! I feel like you all are a large part of my journey.  Always grateful for the love and support ☺ Happy monday yall!!! XO
317 · Jan 2016
Seher Seven Jan 2016
The warrior blood
Runs thick
It shifts heavy feet,

Ones that drag, scrape,
Slowly. Moving with steady

Ones that are grounded
Rooted, fed from systems below.
Sprawl overhead, capture
The light from above.
Equality undetstood.

Ones that reach through time
Bringing souls back,
Resurrecting mind lost,
Or mistrekked.
Usually there are many there to grip,
Begging for another chance.
Slipping through strong hands,
Paitiently awaiting return.
Creating again.

Warriors dont miss home.
Theirs a path of freedom,
Birth is just a part of the dance.
Home, branching far from
The start, desire to roam,
And be healed.
Paths chosen before.
Relation written in stone,
Instant awareness when
Home is felt, whether there
Or somewhere else, in the
Eyes of the tribe of warriors.

Standing strong, side by side.
Recognition of pride
In my warrior ways.
My battle days, my

White flag moment.

A warriors surrender to fate.
Submittal to the date,
The times current.
The tick of time,
The pause of seconds,
Where time dissolves.
That pause, time stalls
It rests, in the dark
To prepare for the tock.

Tick... tock...

Warriors know how to bow.

Gracefully head down,
Arms stretched out
Prepared to receive the
Pour down.
The love abound, the
Embrace of rebirth.
Of the ticks
Forcefully leading, pushing
Expanding towards  the tocks.

Tick ... tock ...

It wont stop,
Now is the time, warriors,
Stand up!
Arms up!
Receive the down pour of
Open your heart, feed
The systems below
So new life continues to grow and
Bear down, it can be found. Its
You, warrior.
You are the love.
315 · Mar 2016
joy of being
Seher Seven Mar 2016
By the imagery,
Maybe I now can feel it too.
Held suspense, in the distance
And the visions. Gut hit,
Paused for a revisit, a recheck.
Embrace fully felt.

Entranced. Action in
The heavenly dance.
Arms spread receiving
The heavenly granting of vision.
The heavenly peripheral vision.
The perspective from above.

Loved, moved to hug everyone.
Recharge with each touch.
The ones that are bound
To this time around.
Those prepares future visions
And coax relation, for certain results.
The results will arrive
In time we will see we are

The physical kind, the movement of stuff.
The energy behind life,
The formation of cosigns.
The reflection you make
When you look at me.
The actual movement of things,
This love, force is what I see.
Tuning to it just seems free.
Love no longer a mystery.
Grace, fully received.

Love is all we need.
Its all we are.
Tune in. the vibration is a little higher.
Rise and shine, its near here.
Submit to our self, our heart vibration.
Open, relax in the joy of being.
313 · Oct 2016
an ode to friends
Seher Seven Oct 2016
you provide a nourishment
few other moments contain.
you join me with the moment.
you root me to now.
your reflection allows me to see
my own beauty and I love you.

your energy is what expands
to meet me, to touch my soul.
I feel it surge within, healing
some bits of me.
your true care, your protection
secures me and I love you.

my friend, you extend your self,
my self, ourselves, WE have been before
and again.
I will recognize your eyes then, too.
my friend, I love you.
An ode to friends and especially to my friends and their cat Bob
312 · Dec 2015
Seher Seven Dec 2015
please, allow me the space
to find the words to express
my interest.

there are some things that catch my
eye, or my breath.
I usually know why, shiny or
loud, some sort of distraction.
attention normally focused within.

there are some things…
once these functions of space
penetrate my mental embrace
I become entranced.
fully prepared for the next step
wherever it may land.
at first glance …        

there are some things.

some things that capture me,
that nurture and nourish
the being within.
She, written on March ten,
has stars within that desire to be wished upon.
the deepest desires purged upon,
structured for soul communication.

lackluster dedication, my soul aches as it waits.
the ****** sensations
that now take place, prove we are one.
I feel your thoughts, your imagination.
they are now tuned to the same vibration.
please help me find the words…….

worlds merge, and loneliness does digress.
if only from the awareness,
the openness, the possibilities.
imagining them all. bodies sealed as one.
praying in unison with each shift of space.
dancing, walking, looking, playing,
whatever it takes. absorption must take place.
passion will need new defining.

healing, drawn to the light.
312 · Jan 2016
the next step
Seher Seven Jan 2016
Heart broken open
Time warpping,
Quickenings of the beat.
What is needed
And heals the wear,
Mends the tear of selves
And creates new tissue,
Then is released.

Soaring on the wind,
Or the waves, its been
Days, my heart maintains its mend.
Its been strengthened
And its reflecting its voice.
Recklessly disciplined,
Closely monitoring choice,
Aligning each step with my beat.
I know the tune, now.
I hum the songs of my heart.
Im just getting them out.
They've been buried
Under mounds and mounds.
Pounds of self doubt.
Concerned if you'd like my song.
I had it all wrong.
That love, that pair,
Is already in here.
Balance is me here, now.
Teetering in and out,
Still fighting
To share my heart out loud!!!

Things keep changing
My desire waning,
Seems like the work is
Better done alone.

Free of those attachments
Free from the madness,
The fog that sits,
The love explodes!

The abode of my heart
Grows, stronger, with each step
Towards independence-
To be prepared to advance to
The next step.

The steps home..
308 · Nov 2015
listening closely
Seher Seven Nov 2015
we are change…
download begins.
read that sentence again,

We are change.

how much can that deepen our
moments here.
not change as in
good to bad
or poor to rich.

change over time.
some of that, and all of it.

our bodies change the waves,
mutate the way things communicate.

our minds make what we say,
creation escaping with the breath.

our self permeates into all spaces
reveals alternating identities
and changes things.

making something different
than before.
there are many levels we must explore.
the light within our cells
help us peel them away, digging
deep inside each layer.

We are change.

when we start to see this
with our minds eye
we liberate our right side.
changes begin to explode inside
and our true nature illuminates.

the truth our steps make,

We are change.

always evolving our environments
Earth abode sacrament, dedicated to
change this place over time.
guided through that mind eye.

trusting the self is the hard part.
now, consciously placing my feet on the ground.
305 · Jan 2018
Seher Seven Jan 2018
when she,
asked me about lava,
the picture became so clear.

the stories told here,
all the ways to the truth.
my eye now views things differently.

like, the living being Earth,
She creates through the liquid.
She awaits the pulsing energy
of the sun,
and her blood begins to boil.
overspilling into the waters,
and her womb creates anew.

the blistering heat cooled,
crust instantly forms.
land rises from the core.
She then begins to call seed.
life springs forth,
breathing in this new ground.

She calls more seeds,
more diversity,
more paths to receive,
increased frequency.
the creatures creep, crawl and soar.
they heed her tongue,
knowing She creates all.

from her bleeding, dark womb,
pushing into the light of the moon.
forcing new life into the heavens.

awakening to the view of the seven,
self aware and open, awaiting more.
305 · Apr 2016
haiku 1
Seher Seven Apr 2016
Changing my mind is
Limitless exposing truth
Possible is you
Ive been writing haiku ... challenging exercise.
304 · May 2016
Lessons of the light
Seher Seven May 2016
You are calling me
I hear you.
Each night we spend together
Entangled in a fervor of
Movement and energy.
When you visit in the day
The sun actually shines brighter.
The greens look fluorescent.
Theres a sparkle to the tones.
I love when you come,
How you hold me firm
And can see outside of me.
The higher body.
The power of bodies.
The fractals fractal, expanded
The essence I claimed to be.
You hold me there, like no other has.
So gently, when we are there.
The expansion frees my soul.
Releases those bits into the sand
Rebuilding at will.
Next page