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Sam Harty 10h
I am not lost
I am not found
it's been years
since my mind
was sound.

I am not happy
I am not sad
I actually
that things
are so bad.

I am not young
I am not old
But after all
these years
my actions are
a lot less bold.

I am not yours
I am not mine
but strangely
I think of you
all the time.

I've not a poet
& neither am I
These words
don't make sense
I feel like
I could cry.
Sam Harty 10h
to the sea I stretch
from the sea I came
to feel one drop
from your waves
drives me insane.

to the ocean I'm strewn
from the ocean I reach
I find myself quite content
just being your beach. ;)
Sam Harty 10h
Your sand, my waves
you're every grain
hotter than one
can possibly explain.
my water
trickles to you
at first
just to tease
in urgency to aid
in your release.
before too long
my waves
crash against you
covering the ****
of your land
caressing it in it's
beautifully long span.
my wetness envelopes you as
I bury you in the splashes
applying wet thudding lashes
I pound your hot surface
with all that is my waves
because in the end it's only
you that I crave.
Sam Harty 10h
Sinking like a deep breath
A gasp upon the shore
Riding the waves
of long goodbyes
Sam Harty 10h
I am a glass of water
she sees right through me
yet nothing to her is
crystal clear.
I thought she knew me
but all my depths are
shallow to her, I fear.

I drown
in my own feelings
gasping her name,
but she cannot hear
that it's her
I'm calling out for
all the same.

I ache from words
forced to stay unspoken
until the space between us
spans out of our control.
Until who we were is lost
between the gaps and gasps
of feelings she was too
naive to see and I was
too afraid to speak of.

what will it take
to make her see me?
to make her feel my love?
for me to finally
become her ocean?
**my all time number one favorite poem!
Sam Harty 10h
I want someone I cannot have.
same story, different tale.
time spent with her, I'm elated
time apart, a bitter hell.

I want someone I cannot have.
her beauty takes my breath away
but she belongs to someone else
it be unconscionable to stay.

I want someone I cannot have.
so I try to turn and go
but every fiber of my being
just screams, "NO".

I want someone I cannot have.
this will **** me in the end
so I'll try to flip the script
and make her just a friend.
Sam Harty 10h
Spring is almost sprung.
The flowers await the rain.
I understand their longing
because the time I spend
without you drives me
quite insane.

Spring is almost sprung.
With the silence of the leaves
and the smell of honeysuckle air
my soul smiles remembering
the last time you were here.

Spring is almost sprung.
Life thaws and wakes
Mother Nature to start anew.
And I remain patiently
waiting for you.
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