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Apr 2020 · 157
Loving you softly
Sadly Kida Apr 2020
I want to start off by saying that my stomach still flutters when I hear your name. I shutter at the thought of you and your smell makes my tongue salivate.

Fixated on your rib cage slowly rising up and down. Your breast like two perfectly plump peaches glistening from my tongue caressing them softly. Your stomach marked up with dark cherry red, a stream of crimson on your neck and thighs.

You flinch at my bites however lean in for more. Knowing it leads to me eating more. You know where I'm leading to, my lips presses against your soft skin. My tongue sliding in and tasting ecstasy and hunger. I like the wetness, your breathing, and the hot steamy madness running through my head.
Jul 2019 · 172
Sadly Kida Jul 2019
slirpin steady spirits out of chopsticks
colored liver on your popstick
curly lyrics are your top picks
a steady serum that works to make your
heart kick
a heavy leader who knows how to make your day hit
sweaty and steering
your words uneven
slurring secrets dressed like sequence
a confetti sentence not meant to keep you dreaming
Jul 2019 · 496
Darkest plum
Sadly Kida Jul 2019
I dream of you in colors that don't exist
It's shakes me awake at night
Curiousity on soft toned finger tips
A darkest plum color
Like secret rose hips
A cursed tonic
Whispers in the dark wood ballroom
Serving drinks to those
Allergic to skin jacking cross spirits
Mar 2019 · 163
Last night
Sadly Kida Mar 2019
I like feeling your warmth against me
Your face on my chest
everything is so fluid
with the way you move
Crash into me earthy and blue
your colors melting into mine
your kiss bubbly on my skin
I like to feel your smile when your lips are on mine
When you're around everything is so solid
inside this lucid dream
The touch of your finger tips in my skin
Is concrete
and your brewing eyes is just something you cant makeup
they're too unique
Feb 2019 · 222
Blue waters
Sadly Kida Feb 2019
Your skin
warming like a fire
Ignites flames in me
when against my tongue
And if kissing every inch
of you was healing
I'd do it
I'd bathe you in sugar plum
and berry blue waters
Letting you savor every bit
and I'd watch it drip off of you ever so softly
Feb 2019 · 753
Swimming in your words
Sadly Kida Feb 2019
You make my head spin
like dancing tequila
A splash of
sea foam green
and minty tea
I could swim in your words
and never drown
because you always kept us afloat
Your ship was unsinkable
and it was stronger
than any other
Your mind has traveled farther than most
The experience you collected throughout the years
you were an epic tale in my eyes
A woven book
of summer kissed skin
It was something more than infatuation
and I craved to taste it
Feb 2019 · 340
Loving a writer
Sadly Kida Feb 2019
Not everyone will have a
like your own
You crave new flavors
no one's ever heard of
The way those tangerine skies
just melt on your tongue
Cottony with golden hues,
it was your divine taste
in how you painted stories
The flavors,  spices and frothy words
made my lips tingle
Your hunger is what really kills me
You fill up on books ever night,
crisp waxy paper sticking to your
delicate fingers
The books pile high and you're still not full
Hunger is always a familiar
And the stacks of novels never seem to disappoint me with its height
Feb 2019 · 161
Sadly Kida Feb 2019
feelin like raised rent
Don't work enough
for it to die down again
Just like a pill
hard to swallow
I don't talk anyone
no more
It's a sad pass time
but you gotta follow
I just want that one person
but he in his own world
I know it's hard
but sometimes you gotta be
your own girl
Feb 2019 · 299
Swapping truths
Sadly Kida Feb 2019
All they wanna hear about
Is your struggle
Rather your happiness
And compare theirs to yours
Jan 2019 · 314
As i lay
Sadly Kida Jan 2019
I want to start off by saying
you were the most
                  soul I had ever met

the way your jaw moved
   when you were embarrassed
or irritated
your face would scrunch up
and you'd blink hard
                                   letting out a gasp of sharp but smooth laughter
And I liked when
                you'd think
Your eyes would flickr like
             a lit candle
and every time you spoke
                 I couldn't help but want to bite those lips
    Gently of course
                       I hated when you were angry
                My body melted to nothing when you were sad
   And it felt as if my whole body would crumble to pieces

                          when you just


I'd lay there in bed
Thinking of you staring up at your ceiling
             hoping your storm would blow over

and you were yourself again
This one is about mocha eyes
Jan 2019 · 144
Morning sex
Sadly Kida Jan 2019
And there were times where
all I wanted to do
was touch your face
but you wanted to touch
Jan 2019 · 379
Broke n full
Sadly Kida Jan 2019
Anyone else getting so
of scrapping pennies
Meal stretchers
and cold with ripped
Fillin up on what was
suppose to be
last week's rent
Can't help not havin a real meal
since month 10
Sleepin on
Air mattress beds
Just tired
Jan 2019 · 192
Sadly Kida Jan 2019
And at the attempt
of being normal
I was ever more
than sane
I licked and gnashed my teeth
my hair a tease
nails dug straight into
self pity
Tearing it apart
piece by piece as if I were an
and it were my prey
Leaving no trace of it behind
to claim
Jan 2019 · 130
Sadly Kida Jan 2019
I think I've lost myself
too far left
down steep cliffs
and motherless

A flicker of the eye
I notice you watch her
walk by

The late night calls end
our tongues used less
no words escape
twisted up word scapes
sloppy letters
and torn pages

Yet again
I notice
the flicker of your eyes
Your hands no longer
touching mine
the want to leave
to breathe different air than me

I'm broken
lost and confused
I thought you were my muse
Dec 2018 · 125
Sadly Kida Dec 2018
City of lost souls
swirl like dancing ashes on
the cold
Thumping of your feet
dance so freely
Dec 2018 · 358
Mocha boy
Sadly Kida Dec 2018
Look at me dangerously
with those mocha eyes
Still brewing
you're hypnotizing
That daring cocoa butter stare
Sweet and deep with
secret bitter twists
Smokey and honey filled
you made my cup half full
on days it felt so empty
Sipping on your lips feels so
soul awakening
Nov 2018 · 121
Sadly Kida Nov 2018
Honey dipped
you kissed me softly
smothered in honey suckle sweet
My favorite kind of tea
Broken in two
you're my glue
hold me right
and never let go❤
Oct 2018 · 198
Sadly Kida Oct 2018
Ya know all I have is anger right
Got one trying to love me
but I can't right now
I don't have much to offer when I'm so broken down
Mixed drinks and myself spilled out on the pavement
Trying to collect what's left of me
broken up pieces I see you took what's left of me
Oct 2018 · 1.3k
Part3: tripping
Sadly Kida Oct 2018
Funny how some people
steppin on my laces
skippin spaces
underrated conversations
weak excuses
scribbles on the walls these days
left behind from ghost trippin
on the brownies
left out from the party
down the block
didn't mean to over do it
too much THC over used it
seeing doubles and triples
riples in the vortex loopin
my colors echo in the hallways
cant help but think bout
next time i get paid
get laid by a girl from third floor
with green hair and a name like
Sorry that my issues
seem so boring
tv screen blasting
and they're snoring
Word scramble in my brain, gamble
Oct 2018 · 140
Part 2: Time
Sadly Kida Oct 2018
Feels like my life is draining away like water
sooner or later
the years fading away
A spitting image?
Of mommy and daddys baby
wasting away greatly
the older, the more she crumbles
Her story nothing but a mumble
a flickr of light crosses the table
nothing like her love
had seemed so stable
a story
made for her
a fairy tale built to perfection
confection sugar coated sonets
seem to tangle
on her lips, a kiss like this
more dangerous than bliss
i wish a girl like her wasnt as complicated as this life wasting away
faded words on a page
as the years pass by and the tears do dry
Will she remember?
the aches the pains
the memory of fame
A Rythym of words
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
Part 1: lying to myself
Sadly Kida Oct 2018
First you told the truth
told me straight girls just werent for you
I took his hand
gave him a sweet kiss
and we rolled in the sand
Said life never felt this great and the happiness began
daydreams  of us kissing
wedding bands and life plans of us out of the country
My mind on men
couldn't wait to escape but
there was a fault in our fate
a girl who wanted a taste of your luck
Mom thought she was great
and you start to eliminate your love for your man
said god hates gays
cant look at you with starry eyes anyways
people start to notice
A flick of an eye and tap on the shoulder
"Dont do that infront of my children"
they'll be confused as time rolls over
So i believed it
didnt know life would be this different
didn't know id forget that i was into different love interests

So then you started to lie
second time comes round
cherry boy you kissed just had to fly
out of town
said his parents abusive
doesnt raise no boys whos heart flutters for other men, excuses

It hurt
more then just a little
empty beer bottles start to pile the table
cell disabled
lies and cheating start to enable
the dishonesty he had for his lover
man made love for another
no amount of liquor could make them lie next to eachother

She heard it
him whispering soft words
of a males name
the screenshots of emails he sent
were not tame
"I love you" Spilled over the page
and she knew this wasnt a game
So she left that very next day
Story telling,  draft number one:  a man in love
Sep 2018 · 126
The break down
Sadly Kida Sep 2018
I wanna talk about experiences ive had
but im too young to understand
too young to have a plan
far too small to tell you stories
the aches, the pains, the glories
Ive had people make me crumble to my knees
release the pain and overdose
i was nothing there to see
Ive had someone tell me
Its all in my head
triple threat
brain dead
Sometimes i just wanna sleep
nothing to eat
nothing to be
unconscious in ya bed
Opposite of a day dream
Now I have someone who makes my knees weak
A shiver and tease
lips on mine
i was left starving
for you on me
The laughs, small talks and stories
I wanted nothing more
than our love to burst
like sunny mornings
Sometimes i just wanna fall asleep
with you right next to me
nothing drab or mean
nothing but the sound of us
Just not feeling great mentally all the time
Sep 2018 · 460
Mocha eyes
Sadly Kida Sep 2018
Theres just some
who know you're in pain
and will spend
waiting for you

And I'd invite him in
no matter how long we've gone
His warmth spreads over me
smoother than any
sweet bubbly poison
And when he kisses me
its slow
taking time to trace me
inch by inch

And as much as i hurt
as much as it kills me
to remember
those who have hurt me
I cant help
but want him to take more
of me
To kiss every piece of me
hold me
and look at me lovingly
with his mocha eyes
Sep 2018 · 111
Out of it
Sadly Kida Sep 2018
Im just a little
too high tonight
to write
Wish my mind would just
settle down or take flight
Sep 2018 · 880
Wasting away
Sadly Kida Sep 2018
And thats when i realized
I was losing myself
That part of me
that edulged in sunlight rays
Late night reads and
lazy days
I kissed out of passion
never boredom
and prefer heartbreak
over loneliness
Life had a meaning
written in leather binded
journals and sparkly red ink
It was soft to the touch
and smelled of lemony
It did not make a sound
Yet it had a voice so beautiful
it made your mind
crash like tidal waves
against your skull
My mind now is nothing
but decay
what it once was seemed
to never exist
not a sign left behind
no emptiness
as if it had never been filled
The nothingness now something
and it was numbing to feel
That want to feel
literally anything
was now a desire to feel nothing
like an empty tv screen
buzzing alone 4:35 at night
Aug 2018 · 109
Sadly Kida Aug 2018
I want to look at you and know
you won't run on me

I want to be me as a whole
and splash in your wholesome too
To know that we are so full
we could make waterfalls

I want you to be there and tell me when my thunderstorms are just trickling rain on my window

I want to know that you can handle me and I can handle you
That you don't just put up with my rain
but learn to find beauty in it
To see my pain
and understand
And to know you hurt too
Aug 2018 · 170
On ya lonesome
Sadly Kida Aug 2018
Funny how you cut me off
now you say you're
Got no one to call up
and smoke some
Complaining you ain't loved
when you had one
Pushing me away
like I was the bad one
Playing these games
Honey it's all good
She was that toxic honey - a cold one
Aug 2018 · 148
Sadly Kida Aug 2018
Everything's fuzzy and cloudy
Heads spinning
The walls peeling
Eyes red
Throat bleeding
Its cottony skies
That keep me from breathing
My chest heavy
Cant stop from heaving
When I cant stop
All I do is drop
The words in my head
Dropping on the pavement
Aug 2018 · 154
heart break all over
Sadly Kida Aug 2018
I regret the nights
I laid there in her bed
as she used me
back again, those painful breakups with sunflower
May 2018 · 173
As of now
Sadly Kida May 2018
I feel the reason
why we grasp
onto the now
so tightly
is because we’re afraid of it fading away
as if it were a dream
The old looking back on their life
at a way one
adores a picasso from afar
Moonlit eyes
dreamy with tired vibes
Looking back we see
time going by unoticeably like
cloudy skies
and then
all at once
they’re gone
and all we have left is
words to spill from
our doughy lips
Remembering when the clouds were here
freshly bloomed
cottony waves painting our ceilings
Sadly Kida May 2018
Im not sure why
but i feel it coming

the way she looks at me
the want for me to be as far away
as possible
is burning beneath her
eye lids

The subtle hints
the anger
cold blankets
and light weight meals

She doesn't want me here anymore

Those long days at work
of back pain and
the urge to take a break

Taking a seat at home
wishing my mind
would just sedate

She doesn't wany me anymore
i feel the hate
I dont feel happy here
i cry thinking about setting a foot in this place
Sadly Kida May 2018
I realized i was
in love
with her
when i started noticing
pieces of her
in others
Her smile, her laugh
the way she traced my hands
while we talked
Her eyes would soften
and her lips like tulip petals
frenched words with
her tongue when she spoke
I knew
when i first saw her
that she'd change me
I'd let her break my heart
a thousand times
If i knew the love
her and i obtained
tasted like this
My soul mate
Apr 2018 · 206
Lavender cobwebs;how sad
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
My soul
a paperweight in my body
A tired sack
of dried pebbles and stones
weighing me down
in earthy waters
of moss and soil

How sad it must be
to not feel your body change like
flowers do in spring
Oh how the young lay alseep
one foot in the grave
Wishing to kiss death
on its cold lips

How sad it must be
not to feel happiness
To not bask in its colors
of yellows and greens
To let the leaves
engulf me while i sing

And how sad it must be
to not have you with me
To hear your heart beat
and your ocean blue eyes gleam

How sad
I know that sadness all too well
that dark heavy cloak
that leaves me shivering at night
How sad
My days and nights a rollercoaster
of emotions
dipped in lavendar
and cobwebs
My sweet and bitter days
mixed together like
green tea

How to heal?
Im not sure
But i know to relish in the sweetness
of my yellow days and to swim in the blues
Let it carry me
not consume me
Apr 2018 · 457
Late night thoughts
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
I cant help but continue
to write poetry about her
She was many firsts

She imprinted many memories
on the crevices of my
that no late night cup
of coffee can erase

Every shakey touch
Every gentle, and hard
our mouths speaking
an unknown language
to eachother silently
on our tired lips

The way she traced my tattoos
on my skin
The way she held me tighter
and even the way she breathed
made me wanna scream

Im in love with a girl
that i can never stop writing about
She's all thats on my mind
My flower, she would love me to the moon and back
Apr 2018 · 188
Summer berry lips
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
My flower
you have made
my world so overwhelmingly
with happiness
You pieced me back
And like a reborn spring
our love melted together
in an ocean of colors
To feel your warmth again
and taste your
summer berry lips
It leaves me feeling like
i am swimming
in my golden river again
How i missed my
Apr 2018 · 195
My love, roam free
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
When love sprung
in my heart again
it felt as if it were to explode
with warmth.
Dripping down my chest
and *******.
That overwhelming sensation
of blissful starry kisses
on my olive skin.
What once was an abandoned sunflower,  
wilting, drained of her yellows
and greens
now blooming with life.
Her colors bursting in the sky
like fine oil paint.
Giving color
to my finger tips
and cheeks.
As she touches me
it were as if fire flies
grazed slightly against my skin.
How i missed
her sweet aroma.
It made my mouth water
for more of her.
Even her name
made me tingly.
Like a soft hum
of a song in a warm dewy night.
She was love i searched for
in books and poetry.
That broken love
that still lived by hanging from a single stitch.
We took that stitch and wove endlessly.
A beautiful blanket
that kept me warm with her love.
She was made for me.
Apr 2018 · 378
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
And she was like
A saccharine tea
honey suckle sweet
Her lips like
minty leaves

Grazing knuckles
under the milky
Her melodious voice
a symphony
to my quaking

To be in love again
Apr 2018 · 232
Rekindled flame
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
Falling in love
with her again
was much like
sugar coated
That sweet pain
resonating from
the past
It dripped from
her lips
and tongue
That dark nectar
we all crave to
Apr 2018 · 199
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
Autumn colored day dreams
crash into me
Drink me slowly
like warm wine
wash me softly
your hands like the
cottony waves in the sky
kiss my skin
and leave behind
a starry night
Like smooth oils
paint me an imperfect
Apr 2018 · 708
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
Im falling deeper

in a state of anxiety

Mama i feel our strings


the tension stronger

than our quivering earth

Mama i feel like


I dont mean to leave

I dont mean to hurt you


But im dead inside

Mama every time i wake

I feel this pain inside me

dont take this the wrong


I wanna bask in the sun

and breathe dadelion fuzz

But mama

Im dead inside
Apr 2018 · 206
Lips to sky
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
Cauliflower clouds

drip down my tinted blue


leave behind a trickling

aurum river

so that i may lap up

Its shine

Bathe me

so that my burning skin

may be clean again

Free me
Apr 2018 · 149
Sadly Kida Apr 2018
Sunflower stems ripping

through my bones

and teeth

****** fingers

dripping on the seems

Reminents of burnt edges

just cremate me

Sunflower petals

suffocate me

wring me dry

Soak up my melting


Leave me here to


Sunflower girl

poison me tonight

take away the golden light

from the pearly sky
Mar 2018 · 438
Until death
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
All I want is a

bed of roses

to hold me

while I sleep for


My apricot heels

firm against the


Tears that fall


wiping away at

sticky eyelashes

“I thought things like

this only

happened in movies”

A quiet sigh

blowing through the trees

“I wish that

were true”
and as the sun paints the

sky so lovingly

with tangerine oils

They'll breathe their

last goodbyes
Mar 2018 · 221
Swamp water
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
Lately the clouds
have been changing
their colors to
deathly grays

The air thicker than
swamp water
dripping down our
tar lined lungs

Our brains as brittle
as autumn leaves
crunching under your
zombified feet

My world has yet
to see light
Its skies no longer
full of gay colors

A funeral painted in my
I mourn for the now
deceased beauty
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
I cant help but think
I'll ever be
good enough
My hands shake
and my heart races
faster than any
parading drummer

Seeing you strikes
fear in me
That feeling of knives
digging further into
my lungs

That need for showers
so hot my skin
tingles for pain

That terrifying feeling
I cant seem to shake
No grunge filled song could
hold me tighter than

Mister aslyum kissing my
ears lightly with
his words

Maybe I'll sleep tonight
if i let Johnny's music
flow over me like
Highly suspect - Mister asylum album
Johnny - singer
Mar 2018 · 227
Stepping out
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
Somtimes i feel like
I need to step
from the world

It can be for
half an hour
or a week

I have urges to
pop a silly one

Make my knees weak
and my head float
like a balloon of

But thats no way
to live

So i rest my
Letting the sun shower
me endlessly
And my sadness
leaking from my

That daily restless
and salty
dreams fill me
When i say "pop a silly one" i mean edibles that contain ****. I'd never promote popping pills
Mar 2018 · 211
In love with words
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
She said
let me taste you
like you do
to poetry
To consume
every word with
the flick of your tongue

Letting it roll
between your lips
swallowing it piece
by piece
to savor the

Let me make love
to your mind
A slow and sweet
that leaves me
like your heart beat

To be in your mind
is far more exilerating
than to be in between
your legs
Mar 2018 · 196
Her name even stings
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
She makes
my heart sob
That gut wrenching
what once was
exquisite butterflies

There are times
I wish with
every aching bone
in my body
that i hadn't
fallen for

Like a glass vase
obliterated on
cold floors
I was just
time to ****
on her clock
Why must i
be in
Mar 2018 · 184
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
Those sheets
of insecurity
and shame
slipped off me
while you lay
starry eyed
at my naked chest
and as your hands
slip under the
i later find
that there were
other art pieces
you gazed at
when i wasn't around
Mar 2018 · 179
One night
Sadly Kida Mar 2018
I lay back
waist deep
a frisson of
and excitement
Her hands
finding their way
up under my
t shirt
tingly trails
of star dust
on my
Her mark
a slightly  bruised
trickling down
my chest
like a river
of cherry wine
And as our
bodies collided
and all i
could hear
was her breath
I felt her
As i grazed
my lips
on her neck
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