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Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Saturday Night.

I have no need to explain myself,
I am what you created.
As the artist who painted this canvas,
you especially should understand
the portrait I call myself.
If you find me to be a disappointment,
it’s your own **** fault.
I catch myself forgetting the
little things about you,
My puzzle is left unfinished.
Secretly, I believe
that I am somewhere in the middle of
Just waiting until
I get the courage to close my eyes
and take the escalator
up and away from
Void's emptiness.
Into the heightened arms of Love.
Catch me, if I fall.

Sunday Morning

Time flies by
and I'm still here lost without you.
I am someone that
came from nothing at all.

All i can remember from that night
running home to the Sun.

I found myself passed out beside a toilet.
I got a hangover and fresh start.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012

Right, keep testing my waters.
I'm badder than Katrina,
my storm will sink your ******* "battle" ship in one hit.
The sea is cold and heartless and I'm just water.
Grab your umbrella it's gunna rain for days.

3 minutes:

Times slipping through my fingers. Life is just the previews, death is just the featured film. Circuit boards, my moods are electric. Flip the switch and complete the circuit. Like a newly changed light bulb, I am absorbing some of the darkness, that you failed to hide. Guess I'm just a bit manic and you're a bit sad.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Running in a race
of empty hallways, dead ends and hangovers.
Lobotamizing myself for the time being.
Like Spring the sun will always rise
to end the suffering  of days that
seem to never end.
Clocks never seem to work in our favor.
Even if we are on schedule.
**** it,
I'll just flip a coin and carry on.
The silver said tails.
I guess I'll just catch you on the astral plane.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I'll keep walking this tight rope.
But if I lose my balance and fall at the very hieght
of all my built up fears,
I pray someone will catch me.
Here's to free falling into the arms of love.

My standards exceed this world, I want to meet angels.

I never thought the winds of time would blow you away and leave me here
six blocks away
from where this endeavor all began.
I am the left overs of a life ended early.
My reflection is a ghost splashed with some life.

Love is free,
love is blind,
love will eat you up
and spit you out.
As soon as the next best thing comes a long.
Hell yeah, lets drink to that.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Some of us have twins,
most of us have split personalities.
Have you met Bandit yet?
Our lives aren't measured in years,
they're measured in our victories.
So take your blades and spill some blood.
It's a dog eat dog world.
If you play The King Of Hearts,
every hand in life
it will only get you,
cut, burned and thrown to the curb.
Used, depleted, robed of every thing you can lose.
It's **** without *******.
I'm done, like a cashed bowl.
This hand I'm playing The Ace Of Spades.
Revenge stings like a bee and
like you said I have anger issues.

I'm drawing again.
I'm learning a new technique.
Sketching you out,
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Life is a movie and men are really actors.
Some get the lead role, while others are just extras.
It's a hierarchy,
you got the over zealous ****** on top and ******* below.
If you can sell your soul, you'll make headlines.
Get paid.
Buy a steak or something.
Care only about yourself and **** everybody else over, in whatever position you'd like ;)
.Fight ***** or don't fight at all.
Sucker punch the Devil for trickin' you and book it.
Run, run fast, like the cops  are after you.
****'s about to go down.
It's Irony, in his emmy winning role!
Shameful that "The laws" are just dyslexic interpretations of petty rules anyways.
Use logic, not obedience
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I'm caught in a web.
Cause I'm so fly and you're just a spider with a lying problem.
So Imma run like a bullet does from a gun.
Fast and free until I hit the walls,
I've been building.
I'm like water with lemon on the road to bitterness.
My minds going 120 and I'm too short to reach the brakes.
Sometimes when I'm alone,
I can hear my heart slowly breaking
because my soul is trying to walk out on my body.
Like a ghost, I keep fading in and out of life.
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