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Was I gazing at the stars, a starry night?
Blinded by their distant light.
The sand lay cold—like her touch,
Yet the night was warm, comforting as such.

Blurry mind, sunken heart,
Hurt so long it no longer scars.

I am cold,  and the pyre is burning,
Fists clenched, eyes glistening.
The fear of emptiness lingers near,
Nothing to hold, nothing to hear.

Drifting, drifting, still drifting.
It's the 1st poem in the set of three poems I have written. Please share your valuable insights.
Think less
feel more

speak less
being wordless,  explore

don't follow
the crowd
you'll have lesser doubt

what people
hanker after, withdraw
wanting is trouble

don't be a part
of any cause
it might come from
an unworthy source

don't be a part
of senseless laughter
life it mocks
it has no character

that which people ignore
might contain
the very seed of wonder

people seek immortality
not realising it's the greatest folly

keenly observe the outside
it will enrich your inside

values are permanent
fame and glory hardly remain

let others regard
you as silly
don't treat them as enemy

know the substance of life--
there's joy and fulfilment
but equally, of sorrow and strife

in the midst of inequity
show your empathy and generosity

in your final days
be not bitter
say instead: I've had laughter
Modern society is afflicted with TMI (too much information),  truth and sense are missing.  Civilisation is dying a little every day and is on the brink of insanity and inanity.

Are we better in the face of science and technology?
Lend me your ear
but not your consent:
I'm just a voice of my own
and might be empty of content
In the shadowed streets that sigh
Under burden of human cry,
From the troubled hearts that weep,
As secrets silent sleep.

There flows a river where flowers bloom
On banks of gold and verdant plume,
Where zaftig earth finds its voice,
In nature's sweet rejoice.

And as the dawn in crimson hue,
Breaks on world refreshed anew,
Sun of hope and prayer true
Sparkles silver yon pavements' dew.
BLT Word of the Day Challenge, Feb 4, 2025, #zaftig
This is the day that the Lord has made, so I will be glad and rejoice in it.

This is the day that the Lord has made, so I will be glad and rejoice in it.

This is the day that the Lord has made so I will be and and rejoice in it.
A soft light shined through the stained mirror,
The mirrors that were once shattered,
Their magic and reflection are long gone.
The light filled me with warmth,
And the mirror beside me reflected it.

My shadow had transformed into a graceful silver reindeer.
I followed it, but it went hollering by into the distance.
It didn't gather with the herd of its kind,
It sought neither validation nor company.

It galloped and galloped into the shadowy woods,
The woods that day whispered songs of reverence
For the silver reindeer,
Rarely seen, rarely found.
Hey there! Lovely reader, thanks for reading this poem.
Background to the poem?
This poem is inspired by the moment hope reached my heart after long struggles to live and the pain passed by. The shattered mirror that I was once, the wandering stag; that once I was, no longer walked beneath the shadows. After the trials, it found its place and taught me one thing: "Being your unique self is sufficient."

Never think your company would increase your value, the silver reindeer is part of every person's life when they get to know that they are the only person themselves who are sufficient to survive in the world without external reassurances.
always value your dear soul, dear reader.
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