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Eleanor Aug 2017
A butterfly flutters gracefully by a waterfall.
It's wings causing a tiny breeze.
But that tiny breeze,
caused rocks to shift,
and for the waterfall to dry up.

Revealing an ugly rock face,
with jagged edges,
and crumbling ledges.
What a miserable case.

Why did the butterfly cause such a reaction?
Because it had been done 1,000 times before.
Let me know your interpretation.
Eleanor Aug 2017
I am broken.
You are too.
Everyone is broken,
but we'll make it through.

Some are only chipped,
and can be easily fixed.
Whereas others have been smashed,
and it is only with love, care and patience...
that they can be truly recovered

Some stay broken forever,
forgotten, alone and unloved.
But for some the repair just takes time,
and will be remembered, cherished, loved
and never beyond repair.
Eleanor Aug 2017
I believe that we do everything for emotion.
We risk for excitement,
dance for fun,
and for happiness we can smile at the sun.

I apply makeup for joy,
sing for any feeling of my choice,
own up to rid myself of guilt,
and for sadness, I hate the way I was built.

I watch sad videos to feel empathy,
I draw for peace of mind,
I listen to Dodie for ALL the emotions.
But right now, I feel nothing...

— The End —