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Richard B Shick Nov 2024
All these crazy emotions,
Swirling around my head.

Now that you are gone,
Words need to be said.

You're gone from this life,
Yet Forever in my heart.

Anger is what I feel,
Why is where I'll start.

You didn't deserve die,
Life is very unfair.

I go to pick up the phone,
Wait you'll never be there.

I would
give anything,
Just to hear you again.

filling my soul,
Time to pick up
the pen.

need to come out,
If I'm ever
going to heal.

Many have their own way,
This how I deal.

I know your over my shoulder,
Reading as I type.

Tears rolling down my face,
Pausing a moment
to wipe.

The sadness is overwhelming,
out my soul.

Let me self medicate.
Time to smoke a bowl.

begin dodging me,
around my mind

The ones I seek
are elusive,
And the hardest to find.

jets right in,
Consuming all of me.

What did I do
to deserve this,
Or is it something
that's to be.

I know I'm lost
without you,
to find my way.

The only way to get through this,
Is to take it
day by day.

Now that my mind is weary,
I must try and go to sleep.

Till I Wake tomorrow,
Your memories I will keep.


Written by
Richard B Shick Nov 2024
Now that your gone,
Emptiness is setting in

A Huge hole,
Centered deep within.

You were my rock,
You helped me keep it together.

For that Baby Brother,
I'll love you forever.

Emptiness is,
Never hearing your voice.

Gone too soon,
Never given that choice.

Now that your gone,
Emptiness is setting in

A Huge hole,
Centered deep within.

Hollow is how I feel,
Pain echoing inside.

Feelings trapped,
No longer can we confide.

Emptiness is,
The loneliness inside my mind.

If only life was a VHS,
I'd just hit rewind.

Now that your gone,
Emptiness is setting in

A Huge hole,
Centered deep within.

Emptiness is
Trying to scream and shout.

Pain echoing within,
And yet nothing comes out.

Now that your gone,
Take my hand  be my guide.

Help heal the emptiness,
Coming from deep  inside.

Now that your gone,
Emptiness is setting in

A Huge hole,
Centered deep within.


Richard B Shick Nov 2024
The sun slowly sets,
its golden light fades.

Marking the end,
of our shared days.

In the quiet,
a shadow takes your place.

Yet your laughter will always linger,
As i still see your smiling face.

The bond we had,
no one or time could sever.

In my heart Baby B,
you'll always live forever.

My Brother’s love,
Always steady and true.

Each memory I have,
Brings me  back to you.

I’ll carry your wisdom,
your spirit, your pride,

Your voice is a whisper,
You will always be by my side.

Though the pain cuts deep,
the love does too,

Goodbye, Baby brother,
I’ll always miss you.

Rest now, in peace,
Watching over me as I sleep.

Until we meet again,
Your memories I will keep.


Richard B Shick Nov 2024
I Want to take this moment,
and thank you from my heart.

You've always been so kind to me,
from the very start.

You've been there when I needed you
and always showed you care.

You've helped to ease my pain,
You've helped to ease my fear.

Words can only express,
How i truly deep i feel.

The love that you have shown me,
It's not fake but truly real.

I Wanna take this moment to thank you,
You didn't have to care.

Yet If I ever need you,
I know you will always be there.

To me that means everything,
The  kindness that you show.

I always look forward to tomorrow,
So i can see our friendship grow.

Live Love  Hope
Written by Richard Shick
Dedicated and inspired
By Rachel Gancitano
Richard B Shick Jul 2021
Your eyes they tell a story,
That many will never see

The struggles you've endured,
Are the feelings that come to me.

Your soul has been battered and broken,
Your heart has been torn apart.

Answers that you seek,
Not knowing where to start.

Let's take a little journey,
Inside Is where we need to go.

working from the inside out,
Is the only way we grow.

Made to feel so worthless,
By men you thought you loved.

And the greatest man in your life,
Is now looking down from above.

People that are your family,
Are The People causing you pain.

The demons Living inSide your head,
Are driving you insane.

Your father is always with you,
Just seek and you shall find.

Time to face the Demons,
Time to free your mind.

You are your own creator,
With angels at your side.

Time to Step out of your darkness,
No longer A time to hide.

It's time to conquer your fears,
That haunt you  While you sleep

I'm here to walk beside you,
That promise I do keep

You are an Extraordinary person,
you are A keeper of the light.

You are meant for greater things.
Your demons you must fight.


Written by Richard B Shick
Richard B Shick Jul 2021
Even though I hardly know you,
In my mind you always remain.

I wish you a life With happiness,
Even though there's been so much pain.

You truly are an amazing person,
This is what I feel.

You have a Heart of gold,
This I know Is real.

Never forget your struggles,
They make you who you are.

You my dear are a Beautiful soul,
shinning bright like the northern star.

So many thoughts and words,
Spinning around in my head.

The need to put on paper,
To help heal when they are read.

People will always judge us,
In our shoes they do not walk.

Trying to break us down,
While all the do is talk.

Take my hand and walk with me,
To a special place.

To me that place is simple,
It's putting a smile on your face.

I may not have gotten to see it,
Trust I know it was there.

It's the simple acts of Kindness,
Of letting you know someone cares.


Written By Richard Shick
Thank you Miranda ❤️
Richard B Shick Jul 2021
It’s time to pen this letter,

You have been occupying my mind.

For You  I’m very grateful,

A friendship that not many find.

I miss old times together,

Now we are all these miles apart.

We became best of friends,

Bonded at the heart.

Always here with open arms,

Or just to lend an ear.

I will hold you in your darkest hours,

And protect you from your fears.

Here to spread some laughter,

And put a smile upon your face.

Here to love with all my Heart,

Our Bond never  replaced.

So just encase you haven’t heard,

I think you’re pretty Great.

I miss you my best friend,

While you are in another state😢

We shall meet again,

We will not always be apart.

Until that moment comes,

I’ll keep you deep in my Heart.


Written by Richard B Shick
Love you Red
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