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Mirror, mirror
Laced in fear
Dictate my life I'm meant to steer
Consequence in wine and beer
Seek a journey I can't be near
My thoughts of glass
Are limber and shattered
With the sledgehammer of past
To be crushed and mentally scattered
I found the pieces
I put them together
I struggle to remember it forever
The pains of my action
The results of my distraction
The screams of my endeavor
To serve my mindless faction
Draft me
An architectural blueprint
To serve my life in death
And live as a hollow mint
I've done the job
To be ached as sin
To hold the weapon of man
And peel the thought like skin
As a cover of wrong and thought of different
I shoot my thoughts of new and inherent
To be on the winning side and walk away the crow
Is to peck the skin of the dying and reap what I sow
The second half of my military poetry.
I grew up in a family that fought for causes they were paid the believe in. To put that kind of admittance into words in beyond me.
It's more than the struggle
There's pain beyond the weapon in arms
Where it stems from
The scorn of the homeland
There you find the source of your fear
What made you run
Is what taught you to stand your ground
To remember what made you strong
Is to forget what makes you weak
And to live with the heart of a defender
Is to die with the mind of a pretender
To defy the suffering you see every day
Is to remember to scorn that made you who you are
From the source, a man in pain
With the tears of denial
Scared of the status
And enrolled in the abandoned
Take life with paycheck
And live with the chosen's suffering
Every day
And tomorrow
You drink
To remember the cause that was lost in sorrow
The first half of my military poetry.
My aptitude was a farce
An inadequate measure
"To be a poet" some time ago
My high percent sell my heart as sure
That this was meant to be
But with my time dwindling so
I see it not as blatantly as it be
But rather chance of mistaken identity

I am no poet
But a man with temporary troubles
A canvas to convey it
And thoughts popped in drifting bubbles
My perception is my rival
Changing my life as I follow through it
Making it harder to face my denial
As I splinter off of this conduit

My words are a sham
The meaning in them is hollow
Even I can not follow
What I write to define me as who I am
"A change in career, perhaps"
Another mindless change from fear
An accident made from confusion
Another wound I see as only a contusion

I don't agree with myself
My definition of a poet
To lock myself in rhythmic testimony
And charge myself for it
I say no more
I abandon the tradition of my rhyme
I have no stories to tell
"I've run out of inspiration"

Am I excused?
It doesn't feel genuine
I won't want to hassle you
Brief over me and dismiss me as fodder
A ticking clock in the form of text
Is this the journey?
The life of a poet, drowned in confusion and uncertainty
Am I destined to live without knowing who I should be?
Is this for me?
Or have I seen all there is for me?
Jaded skies in uncertainty
I am a number in forcibly
What I deem my constitutionality
A judgement I decide as worthy of personality

"Am I a poet?"
It says I am.
I can think I'm one.
A poetaster, a lyricist, a bard.
But literature be ******, I'm destined to live as I am.
A poet or not, this is the life I've sought.
Whether I like it or not, I'll give it all I've got.
Life changes. I can understand that. But I'm worried that I've stopped writing poems, and instead just try to "churn them out". I'm not feeling inspired anymore, it feels like a self-obligation. I don't want to leave this website with sub-par writings, but I feel like I can always do better. Even when I give it my all, I'm not sure if it's all I can give. And I want that to change.
I serve my rhetoric
The monarch that knighted me
Through heresy and behavior so hectic
I cast aside a thought of mutiny
Metaphor for brick as I slay down infidels
And speak to them gospel on my carousel
My epistemological theory
That fight their conspiracy
Of stallions not charging for the queen
But to burn asunder and demean
The hopes of militia, built to reap
Harvest what little of life we live without weep
And in my mantra see flame
My journey as a disciple without care
I hear word of a seance with lives of fame
And digress my journey with completed fare
My pain, my oath
The life I define as a growth
To battle heart with yours
Is to sink and pour
A feeling, melded in meaning
Struggle to see and believe
The life of yours I perceive
To be other than my own
Is a hollow stretch I have sown
Itch of the blacksmith to earn it as whole
To forge a love in nothing but coal
Burn it in my furnace
And power my machines
Knowing your fire is nothing but mean

The cold of hard iron
You build the spire of which I admire
A cold influx of emotion
And a career where you found devotion
Chill the metal and make yourself periodic
And I will craft you into something more sporadic
A metal meant for war
Passion of the sheathe you wore
To do nothing but settle a score
Of who's love bore
The scandalous prize of more
Or more.

My life is in iron
Forged in the heart of the pyre
I am the one who builds this nightmare
The weapons that do nothing but fare as a weaponized liar
A battle I perpetuate
And a soul I can not consulate
But to make up for with a payment
I will ignore you persistent ailment
And follow my own path
As the blacksmith, ignorant of your goals
Fought under oath it do help the sociopath
But rather show the animosity of it's written scrolls
Admittedly, I wasn't even sober for this one. Creativity is wonderful when uninhibited.
Intoxication, Inebriation
Onset to my deviation
Annihilate and Calibrate
My need for compensation
Count the number, Quicker to slumber
A subtle drip to encumber
Hearts, Parts, I brace and come apart
An ache for deliberation
the only thing more difficult than doing it alone
is admitting you can't
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