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  Aug 2018 Raiven Pryde
Break and tear at my skin
Pull down the covers
Reveal my true sins
I'm not a real lover

Chip at my fortress
That I've build high in the sky
Knock down the door
Its within there I hide

Fight the dragon
That stands in your way
Pass by him with ease
As he's quite easy prey

Scale to the furthest tower
Within there I lay
A lonely girl hiding
This is where I stay

The walls mean nothing
Nor the doors that are bolted
That dragon so fierce
Is weak though devoted

Its easy to break through
Its simple to get in
But the real question is
How do you win?

The real challenge wasn't
The doors and the riddles
It was whether or not
You could cure me, even just a little

To rid me of this curse
Lay upon by a witch
To forever feel this loneliness
Though I am a complete *****

So tell me darling do you know
The way to set me free?
Or will you be like the rest of them
If so, go on and flee

I'll stay in this tower
Dont you worry
You weren't the prince for me
I know that the truth is that I'm the one
The only one who can set myself free
Raiven Pryde Aug 2018
I am your nightmare.
Don't worry my dear,
I'm not going anywhere.

I'm right behind you.
I watch your steps,
I see your mistakes,
I haunt your dreams,
I get inside your head,
And you'll see me
Just before it ends.

I am your worst nightmare,
But you can't live without me.
I chase all the demons away.
Raiven Pryde Aug 2018
Would you listen to my cry,
as I hold you
as you slowly die?

I cover my heart
in ****** and brutal
rose petals.

Wondering if it can cure my heart
so I don't find you in a grave
or hoping it will dull
the truth and the pain.

Hoping my heart's wound
can finally be healed,
just wish it's not too late.

Would you listen to my cry from above,
as my heart gives in from all the pain
that it's had to sustain?
Raiven Pryde Aug 2018
I wasn't hers to fix,
but she fixed me still.
I could push and shove,
but when I looked again,
she was helping me still.

She put me back together
and I was finally happy again.
But the world,
It has taken many things from me.

So when the world finally broke her,
I was more broken than
than when she found me...

And there was nobody like her,
Nobody to fix me this time.
Nobody to take this person
and make him whole again.
© 4 months ago   love • pain • sad
Raiven Pryde Aug 2018
If I could hold
The world in my hand,
I would let it burn
Like I once did.

Oh, how I once burned,
So bright, and so clear.
But the brighter I burned,
The deeper I sank,
The faster I died.
And all I ever did
Was burn brighter.

If I could wish
For one little thing,
I would ask
To be born in darkness.

A place where there is
No light to shine,
No fire to burn.
A place where
I never died.
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