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Q Aug 2013
Sorry Mommy, I'm not the better daughter
I'm sorry, Daddy, I wasn't what you wanted
I'm sorry I'm not good enough yet
I'm sorry I for everything I never said
I'm sorry I'm a overweight, I'll fix it I swear
I'm sorry I'm cutting, but I need it to keep me sane
I'm sorry I smoke, but it's my replacement for air
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm crying
I'm sorry
There's no point to this
I've already ruined everything
I'm so, so, so sorry
I know it doesn't help.
I'm so sorry.
I can't make up for what I've done.
But I am sorry.
I'm sorry I was born
I know you didn't expect me
I'm sorry I wasn't born a boy
I'm sorry I acted to much like you
I'm sorry I made you hate me
I'm sorry I'm annoying
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything.
Whatever you don't like about me
I'm sorry it's there
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I cry so much
I'm sorry I'm not pretty
I'm sorry I left
I'm sorry

I'm so sorry
I don't know what else to apologize for
I'm sorry you have to spend money on me
I'm sorry I don't know what to be sorry for
I'm sorry I said I hated you
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm not useful yet
I'm sorry I don't make all A's
I'm sorry I don't get math
I'm sorry I don't like science
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry you don't love me.
I'm sorry I want you to.
I'm sorry
I'm so very sorry
I'm sorry I don't call you Mommy anymore
I'm sorry I don't call you Daddy anymore
I'm sorry
I'm sorry you have to be my parents
I'm sorry I'm not good enough
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I know it's not enough

Q Aug 2013
Excuse me, can you spare a minute
To hear all about Chaus?
She's a raving, mad poetess
And she's looking for some love.

Now, please, if you'd just listen
You'll understand it'd be no chore
She'd listen to everything you have to say
If only because she wants to write once more.

I apologize in advance if she seems too desperate
It's just been awhile since she wrote something from the heart
So it'd be absolutely wonderful if you could make her love you
And the rend her heart irreparably, gruesomely apart.

I hope that didn't scare you away, it is a scary request
It's just, she can't find her inspiration
The future of a poetess, an author, rests on you
We've already tried games, ***, and vacations.

We're more than willing to compromise
If it would help, maybe she'll be something someday
In fact, that'd be a lovely way to break her heart
Lure her in with love, then steal her money and run away!

Unfortunately, you must audition for a callback
Well, no matter, I'll leave you with a contract
Should you decide you want this job
You must leave her anything but intact.
Q Aug 2013
Because you only hurt
The places I can't see
You only create wounds
In places I can't reach

Because you're just like the others
Just like everyone I tried before
Because when I put in everything
You leave me broken and sore

Because you got me thinking
About everything I hate to want
And when I told myself to take the risk
You left me needing and alone

Because I'm too insecure for what you want
Even though you pull harder than my push
And when I think you're falling with me
You save yourself while I'm snapping out of the rush

Because I could say so much when people ask
Why I haven't finally had more than enough
When they ask why my heart lives on my sleeve
But to this day, I've only replied "Just because."
Q Aug 2013
Poetry is for those losers
Who understand life better than you
When you're ripping up their paper
And stealing their lunch food

Poetry is for that loser
You pushed down the stairs yesterday
Who wasn't and isn't at school anymore
Because the hospital's trying to fix the breaks

Poetry is for those losers
You beat down with all your friends
Who you threaten not to tell anyone
Or you'll make sure that they can't

Poetry is for that loser
Whose slicing up their skin
Who you laugh at daily
Until they go and cut again

Poetry is for those losers
Who won't eat a single bite
Because you always call them a "******"
And they cry through the hunger at night

Poetry is for that loser
Who always makes straight A's
Whose homework you steal and shred
Until they can't salvage their grade

Poetry is for that loser
The one that always cried
The one you least expected
To commit suicide
Q Aug 2013
My cuts still bleed in the morning
Long after I put the knife away
And when you rush in and find me
It is far too late to ask me to stay

I'm living six feet underground
My corpse and the bugs play all night long
I'm happy to be gone but I wonder will you
Write something pretty on my headstone?
Q Jul 2013
Tipsy, topsy, tumbling mess
Refusing to see sense
The truth is drowned in seas of inebriation
Q Jul 2013
I forget sometimes, why
I'd stopped caring what you do
Now we talk again (we lie)
And I seriously ******* hate you

You make me a blubbering mess
Of vulnerability and anxiety
And under any amount of duress
I'll admit my hatred and push you from me

You grate on my nerves with your easy smile
So confident whilst I am without esteem
The very sight of you chokes me on my own bile
I wish to rend your flesh from your bones as you scream

I hate you
Abhor you
Despise you
Loathe you

And no matter how attractive
You used to be to me
Your personality is just ugly enough
For me to hate you with glee
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