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If you're hurt, let it hurt today.
Cry over silly reasons.
Hold your breath for a while.
Then, only then, you'll be able to let go.
Like water
We converge
Into oceans.

But first,
We diverge
Into rain.

And rain
Flows down.
It makes its way.

Don't fight
What can't
Be changed.

Don't give in
To the madness
Of contradiction.

An open mind,
Isn't dazed.

Just go
And meet
The ocean

Where you
Unite with

Every dream I had
About a perfect life
Had but one thing
In common
is for dreamers
to hide
from the dawn

My visions
and will
mostly gone

Three days
since I’ve
the memories dance

All over
the future
in destiny’s
— trance

(The New Room: September, 2024)
When times get hard dear soul
lean on the power of God !
If stars refuse to shine then  
hold on to the light of Christ
and let Him illuminate, your path
Don't linger on your grief for too long  
for even rainbows disappear after rain  
Just believe in the power of His love  
and keep your eyes on the prize
heaven is for the brave ones like you
When times get hard dear one,
lean on the power of God !
the dull feel of pain
but not really pinching
more achy than sharp
which is better in most cases
this hurts more than it did
the first time around
but it also doesn’t hurt one bit
a mystery left unsolved
and goodbye isn’t a word
it’s more of a feeling
and through the days i felt
that you might be leaving
so adieu and farewell
it was perhaps a good time
but losing is a pain
and i lost every game
i still miss how you talk
but i don’t miss you at all
that’s important
it doesn’t affect me at all
but it’s sad to look back
rome wasn’t built in a day
the greatest empires all fall
they all believe they’re eternal
but the difference is that
it really felt like we were.
real flower hurts alone.
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