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Kneel before me at your white porcelain altar.
Sacrifice the bits of pieces you had stashed away inside,
Place them inside the holy not holy water.
Watch each piece and place where they were from.
Sacrifice to me
For I am your goddess.

Your martyrdom will be known throughout
For you died for the lives of animals, for their rights to live
By being staked- refusing steak
Not for the 679 other reasons you decided to say no.
Die a martyr for me
For I am your goddess.

Wear red rubies along your wrists.
No one will ask where they’re from or how long you’ve had them
But they will shake in fear for this rosary- your rosy cheeks
Is as holy as the blood I too have shed for you.
Bear my symbol
For I am your goddess

Do not fear the day I come to meet you at the gates.
Stand in your doorway arms outstretched.
Await me for I await- will weigh you.
Sleep at night and dream of my loving embrace
and my second coming,
For I am your goddess

Feel my not hands touch your not waist
And my not lips kiss your not face
For this is not me and this has never been you
Because you are a child
And I am a goddess
so its national eating disorder awareness week so i thought i'd publish this poem i wrote a while ago.
Well, hello there.
I won't be here long.
Just wished to greet old friends.
Figured while I was about
I could slightly lessen
My overabundance of words.
Lately they seem to trip,
Sometimes stumble over each other.
My mind still screams,
But it is subdued.
My scars are still there,
But they have faded somewhat.
I do miss you all,
Playing games of words.
Tossing similes across the way,
Almost like playing literary dodge ball.
I wish you all the best,
Of pain I wish you less.
~The Silvertongue~
Thank you everyone.
One round
In the chamber,
Thirty in the magazine,
One moment makes a lifetime,
Two seconds taken to breath.
Three brothers at my back,
Four wolves in the hunt.
Five miles to ruck before rest,
Six hours to sleep tonight.
Seven days left for another week,
Eight civillians lost as collateral.
Nine houses cleared without incident,
The Tenth is where they're waiting.
Eleven minutes for the firefight,
Twelve rounds taken to the legs.
Thirteen minutes until Medevac arrives,
Fourteen month recovery.
Fifteen minutes left before lights out.

Mag is half full.

Sixteen hours to rest and clean weapons,
Seventeen men play cards in the barracks
Eighteen minutes left during fire guard,
Nineteen year old soldiers miss their family.
Twenty minute call home to loved ones.
Twentyone shots over a white headstone.
Twentytwo streets left to clear before dusk,
Twentythree families bustle in the bazaar.
Twentyfour hours in each day in hell.
Twentyfive men craving cigarettes.
Twentysix reports of gunfire this morning.
Twentyseven combatants killed.
Twentyeight days left in deployment.
Twentynine years old at honorable discharge,
30 family members waiting to welcome you home.
31 days in every month spent in the devil's sandbox.

Mag is empty.
Drop mag
Draw new mag
Load into well
Hit bolt release
*Continue fighting
Crossed stars mean nothing
Except an extraordinary battlefield
When wronged lovers return for vengance
#Betrayed #LoveIntoHate #Vengance
If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve to  be around at my best
We all know the feeling of something missing,
But what about when what's been misplaced is a piece of the soul?
I feel like I've lost my identity.
My better half has been whisked from my sight.
Now all I can do is endure until she returns.
It's strange, how after all this time...
You still make me want to strike a match,
Watch the entire world burn,
And salt the ground so that nothing grows.
Erase every memory of us,
Good and bad.
Angry? Me?
I guess you could say that.
Maybe you shouldn't have taken advantage of me.
A wolf with a good heart is still a wolf.
I still have a hard time letting go of the past. I don't forgive easily. And I'm not sure I will until she experiences what she put me through.
Does growing up mean that you are not allowed to feel?
Is it about covering up your scars so well that we all forget the burdens that these shoulders have carried?
Am I entering a competition to see who can tape together their broken pieces the best?
Does growing up mean putting a piece of duck tape over your stories to silence the sum of who you are?

Because if that's what this is...
I beg of you,
Please do not make me do that.
I've got a bit of a reputation.
One heartbreak and I end up alone,
Find a heart to latch onto until,
Eventually it falls apart.
I make it down the road called life,
By hitchhiking,
From heart to heart,
Love to love.
There's a reason I'm no longer trusting.
You should know that.
But the boy with a broken down red truck
Is now the villian.
Not like I expected any different.
Like I said,
There's a reason.
Twas the night before christmas,
And all through my home,
There was naught but silence,
I'm completely alone.
The shadows all creep and protect me from life,
If I make it to morning I'll still stay out of the light.
The elves are plotting to destroy me tonight,
But they're kidding themselves if they hope not to fight.
I still don't know if I can trust what I feel,
But it doesn't matter as long as I can **** what's not real.
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