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Looking for a sign that I’m heard-
Is it a bird outside my window,
A shaft of sunrise in my sky.
Is it a song come out of nowhere
Remembered and sung word for word.
How can you recognize a sign
When you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Is God listening?
For why would I be aught but myself?

Dost the eagle swim?
Dost the whale totter?

Forsooth, I am Man.
Forsooth, I am-

-bickering teeth and a tongue too glib.
-fond, warm eyes, ready to jig.
-gentle songs on a summer's day.
-a hearty breakup just before May.
-the roar of ice, crackled by heat.
-a fiery shout, far from replete.
-passion stopped by unsought sound.
-my own demise, far from profound.

Indeed I am, all this and more,
I swear to me, I swear quite sure.
 Feb 3 Renee
Do you ever feel
Like you're a bug?

I mean
Think about it
They get punished
For just existing
And in the world we live in
We are born in to this madness
With the only escape
Being death

Bugs come in all different shapes and sizes
Still bugs nonetheless
But when we see an ant just minding it's business
We step on it
And when we see a butterfly
we take a picture

Bugs get squashed
By people

People get squashed
By people

Do you see what I mean?
Maybe not the most poetic thing, but a thought I had.

(This note was written by a light that could not turn on, but you thought you could turn it on when you wanted to. Is that enough?)
 Feb 3 Renee
Nancy Maine
Words poised on my tongue,
courage blinks, then vanishes
silence takes its place.
 Feb 2 Renee
-one foot
sky =
engulfing, I
, look
Screams fracture the silence. I see
Acrylic blue ground, horizon unbound, cyan waves rise they
wail a siren's lullaby to drown me: in royal blue. I vocalize liquid to
—conquer blue by my
shattered faucet-tongue

Have I won?
 Feb 2 Renee
Heidi Franke
Fate slips
As a fallen horse's
To prove there
Is a yonder, unwritten
Which we can not
With our fingerless hands
Stumbling through life
Gripping guideless
Tripping over a wish
Never to be ours
Fate did never
Salty liquid drops on paper
Waterfall on my cheeks
As I try to express,
My feelings on this very paper

I take small breaths,
Trying to diffuse the pain,
But can't ease the pain
I could only move my hand
As I stain the pure paper with ink

Like an ant in a huge hall
Pain in a numb body
Scream to deaf ear
 Feb 2 Renee
David R
 Feb 2 Renee
David R
In the grey dawn, a crow's call,
Harsh, unbidden, as prophet's cry,
Foretelling unspoken shadows.

On the ancient oak, a sentinel,
Gnarled branches whispering past legends,
Roots clawing the shrouded future.

'Neath the ground, secrets stir
Through the wind's steady howling,
A presage of what's to come.
BLT Word of the Day Challenge, Feb 2, 2025, #Presage
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