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  Jan 2018 Ryan
grumpy thumb
Leaves gather in corners
like spies with secrets
wind whisks
their rustling whispers
to rendezvous upon conspiring breezes.
  Jan 2018 Ryan
Charles Bukowski
I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd
  Jan 2018 Ryan
Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
  Jan 2018 Ryan
Oscar Wilde
The wild bee reels from bough to bough
With his furry coat and his gauzy wing,
Now in a lily-cup, and now
Setting a jacinth bell a-swing,
In his wandering;
Sit closer love:  it was here I trow
I made that vow,

Swore that two lives should be like one
As long as the sea-gull loved the sea,
As long as the sunflower sought the sun,—
It shall be, I said, for eternity
‘Twixt you and me!
Dear friend, those times are over and done;
Love’s web is spun.

Look upward where the poplar trees
Sway and sway in the summer air,
Here in the valley never a breeze
Scatters the thistledown, but there
Great winds blow fair
From the mighty murmuring mystical seas,
And the wave-lashed leas.

Look upward where the white gull screams,
What does it see that we do not see?
Is that a star? or the lamp that gleams
On some outward voyaging argosy,—
Ah! can it be
We have lived our lives in a land of dreams!
How sad it seems.

Sweet, there is nothing left to say
But this, that love is never lost,
Keen winter stabs the ******* of May
Whose crimson roses burst his frost,
Ships tempest-tossed
Will find a harbour in some bay,
And so we may.

And there is nothing left to do
But to kiss once again, and part,
Nay, there is nothing we should rue,
I have my beauty,—you your Art,
Nay, do not start,
One world was not enough for two
Like me and you.
Ryan Jan 2018
Two withered paths, a corded brow, a face rigged in string.
Each subsequent step away from the decision –
Just met –
Draws this string ever tighter
Its tension rigging the two paths;
Options that will last,
Into this sort of equilibrium.

For the crossroads –
Just left –
To peter down the path
Of which he is unsure if his decision was one
That could be respected,

A sort of pride remained behind
Dragging him back, down the path
Which he just passed
A decision regretted
To bring him to the start which he, oh so hated

Why did he repeat these wonderings
With no meanings?
What brung him back –
time and time again –
To that same track?

He teeters on the edge of one path,
Then falls into the other
Only, to his dismay,
To be pulled back on strings – traps –
That rip him back to those same crossroads
Will he ever learn his lesson?
Or is his lesson learnt?
The man who swings on ropes of fate
between one decision
and another.
That's the last poem I've written so far. Make sure to tell me if you're enjoying them and would like me to write more.
Ryan Jan 2018
Now is all I have,
A masters grace that transcends
Ability of those before and after
My only tercet (I think that's what you call it). I wrote it in one spurt, couldn't think of anything else to write after it, so I left it as it is.
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