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Ryan Jan 30
Thought cried expectantly
wishing for an other Chance
in sundering limelight
Ryan Jan 30
I turn to seek a moment
of contemplative silence
I expect the trees
to sway in the wind.
It is a still day
Ryan Jan 30
What is this feeling
that fills my soul?
The dull ache of a relationship
that has wilted and withered
before the first stem,
or leaf, disturbed the soil under
which it rested.

I swore the seed had already sprouted -
its fresh tender stem, vulnerable
and needy, had burst
forth into the vivid piercing
light of the sun, gobbling
up it's nutrients and crying
for more.
Ryan Jan 30
"Everyone tries their best"

It is no wonder then, that everyone's best seems to dissipate with a single
gust of wind

The collective effort of 8 billion
people - or however many of us there are now - is simply too much for the world to handle. We are too straddled with overtimes, unrequited love, building a body
that is more attractive
than our perceptions
will allow, and a multitude of insane,
other, 'productive' tasks:
mindlessly absorbing ourselves into the depths of the internet
so there is no space for the efforts
of any others: it is that grindset mindset,
the continuous, unending, unceasing
flow that is inevitably lost on these winds
of time. Every well intentioned effort
simply flutters and flys and flees away
on a single whimsical gust.
Never noticed. Or seen.

This absurd cacophony of effort wilts
away into silence, as if dropped
from an old willow tree in the shade
of a grey autumn eve. Once a great canopy of lush, productive, hard-working
leaves, it was soon ripped,
from a tree who no longer needed
it, and carried by the harsh
November wind - to fall and rot
and disintegrate into the groggy
earth with all the others
piled on one another in some pitiless
heap, waiting to be trodden
on and shat
on by a passing poodle wearing a pink coat.
Ryan Jan 30
What does it mean to be in the moment?
To be present, truly
For your mind to not be wondering,
Second guessing,
For when I ask myself, "am I present?", I realise I am not
For if I were, I would not have asked
So how can I know myself to be present,
If I cannot ask?
Ryan Jan 30
Change is the only static thing
When the question is asked
Is it changing, or is it the same
The answer will always be
The same, for it is always
Changing. So you must stay
The same within the change
And as such, be always changing
Ryan Jan 30
Look around and see
There is everything
For you, and for me
The world is at your fingertips
So see
See it all
It belongs to you,
As it does to me
The infinite and everything
Touch it,
Feel it,
Become part of it,
Become absorbed in it,
It is as real as you
Or me
Since it is everything
Breathe it,
Become it,
Can you feel it?
The vast swathes of everything
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