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Pendragon Oct 2013
I'm fighting this battle,
That I'm clearly

The proof is in the
Blood that is oozing,
From my arms, stomach,
and thighs.

It's getting even harder to hide,
These demons that are coming from
Pendragon Jul 2013
I count every calorie,
I just want to be small.
In recovery for 3 years,
gained a lot.

My demons started screaming,
look at how big you have gotten.
Are you stupid? 130 lbs.
look at your hips you look disgusting.

No amount of yelling back could shut them up.
Went to the store and bought some pills.
Stopped eating in that moment.
Slowly started losing the weight.

The screaming refused to stop,
You're still fat, fix it.
More and more pills,
less and less food.

52 hours and all I've had is water and pills.
Pendragon Aug 2013
On the eve of my 22nd birthday,
My wish is to succeed.
For tonight while
Everyone else sleeps,
I will be following through
With long thought out plans.

Plans to be free.

So tonight before I fall,
I'll pile those pink and purple
In my hand.

A big gulp of red Gatorade,
To wash them down.
I'll pull out my shiny, green,
And brown scalpel.
The one I have been saving.

To set me free.

I'll drag that blade straight down my arms.
As I start feeling,
A bit dizzy from all my pills.

Tonight on my 22nd
Birthday eve,
I will finally be set free.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Everyone says you look so good,
You're so thin.
Look how tiny you are.

But, as they say these things,
My mind starts to scream
They are just
Don't listen to them
You look so  FAT
They don't even like you enough,
To tell the truth.

Then that time comes around
I made your favorite food.
no thanks, I'm not feeling quite right
     I'm really just

It's hour 52.
The only thing that my stomach holds
Is a little blue pill.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I can feel it coming,
My end is near.
There are no ups left for me.
This downward spiral I have been on,
is only proof I cannot go on.

I am ready to sleep forever,
its not much different than what I do now.

I cannot take one more person letting me down.
Pendragon Jul 2013
A beautiful angel has been called home,
I already miss her so.
Even though we were miles away,
In my my heart she always stayed.
And now she's gone,
I never said goodbye.
I'll never forget all the trips,
To her house.
And all the silly things she said.
She was quite the ballsy,
Lady always spoke her mind.
I know she's up there watching over us all.
Probably giving everyone in heaven a run
For their money.
And giving my grandma hell,
For leaving so soon.
God too this angel, to end her pain,
And now she can walk again.

R.I.P Aunt Arlie,
You are loved and already missed
Pendragon Aug 2013
Lift me up on angel wings.
Take me to where I'm safe.
Take away all my
Take me there on your
Angel Wings.
I want to be where you are.
Sadly, I know that it way to far
For any plane, train, bus, or car.
So just fly down past the clouds,
To where all the humans are.
That's where you can find me.
So please just pick me up on your
Angel wings, and take me to
Where all the ANGELS are.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I hide who I am whenever I can.
How can I expect you to like me,
if I hate myself too.

I develop many personalities,
just to hide who I am.

I have talked to many people,
none of which know who I am.
It seems as though it is better that way.
my poems really **** lately.
Pendragon Aug 2017
I've sat idly and watched as my world came crashing down.
The weight of it all stealing the breath from my lungs.
I've gotten up like nothing was wrong.
Sat and watched while everyone carried on, like I haven't just lost my entire world.
But they don't know, they can never know.
So I pick up broken pieces, severed limbs, empty lungs, and am forced to carry on.
Smile on my face, as if I hadn't lost my world.
Forced to say goodbye.
Forced to walk away.
Forced to give up my world, the only thing that mattered.
Forced to walk away like I'm completely unaffected.
As the world falls down.
Pendragon Aug 2013
I really **** at this,
Why bother at all.
I did it all to impress you,
But you don't  care at all.
In my head I thought I
Could make you
I really know nothing at all.
Pendragon Aug 2013
Look on my arms,
Look at my thighs,
All covered in scars.

Not a thing any one can do,
To make me stop.
It's my escape,
My addiction perhaps.

The tension all pent up inside,
Comes out,
And comes
When written on my arms an thighs.

That shiny silver,
Scrap of medal,
Brings my otherwise
Dead soul back
To life.

The lines,
The designs,
Make me feel like an

The words,
And the hurt,
Are just my muse.

Letting the monster inside,
Seep out a little at a time.

The scars the wounds,
That cover my skin,
Call it a sickness,
Call it a sin,
But it's letting out what ever
That lives,
Pendragon Jul 2015
Do you know how many times I've wanted to pick up the phone and let you know we still care people still care. You left you got up picked up your crap and were gone. Leaving no phone number and no forwarding address. All because you are searching for that highs caress.  But when you come down all the havoc and chaos you created is still around the high is only a distraction from the things you are destroying. Like your family and the friends that only want to see you get better. The friends that are feeding in to this addiction are no better than the drugs you think your missing.
Pendragon Aug 2013
The chunks of time that I loose,
I have found where they go,
They go to a girl named,

I never knew she existed,
She had a name.
I don't remember creating her.
Or where she came from.

Her name is Ew,
She is part of me,
Vastly different from the actual me.

is a strange name , yes I know.
Ew is the only name that's suits her.

A person so difficult to handle,
A daily struggle to keep her hidden.

A person,
Who lives inside .

A new part of me,
A whole new identity.

The two
Pendragon Aug 2013
Paralyzingly fear,
Grips my soul.
It threatens to never
Let go.

The many nights I have laid
Bounded by this fear.

Afraid to close my eyes
Once more.
Afraid to wake and find my fear
Is actually here.

The fear is crippling,
It never leaves my
It has grabbed on
And refuses to let me go.
And I learned about it
Years ago.
Pendragon Mar 2017
Everything is right where I left it. It's been so long, I feel the weight in my palm. Cool metal, and plastic against hot, cold, clammy hands. Hearing the slider click to open.
Waves of nostalgia ripple, like waves in the ocean. While it's just in my hand, I can feel the Peace of being split open. So many years being clean, want to fall out of the window and drown in the ocean. I want to know, does it help the same? Will it dull the pain? It's calling out to me,  it knows what I've done. I wonder if I can stop at just one?
Pendragon Feb 2018
It piles on and when I finally crumble under the weight of it, it's far too much to take.
I joke about it all the time,  "I'm pretty much the master of not dealing with things."
I joke but it a serious thing. I deal with nothing and and let it pile on.  Until eventually, I crumble. I take a long hot shower, my skin turns red. One  minute  passes by then another and another.  Soon enough the tears start to fall, and I can't stop them. **** the **** is broken, all the feelings left unspoken, coming out in waves. Dude get it together. You can't fall apart, you aren't weak, well maybe you are. So I take a deep breath in, release, it move on. The only thing your good at is pretending you are fine. So **** it the **** up move on.  Your strength sets with the sun, go to bed early, let the tears all fall. Let the thoughts bounce all around in your skull. When it's dark, it's easier to crumble. When it's dark and you are alone, there's no need for walls.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Come one, come all,
To see this girl fall.
Every unkind word,
That you thought she never heard.
Has all earned a spot on,
Her body canvas.
And painted in her mind.
She already had her demons,
That screamed out above all.

Watch closely ladies and gents,
As you see the inner struggle
Written on her face.

And still you say nothing,
Ignore it. It will go away..

L o o k closely,
She's not winning,
You can see that her world is

Looking up from where she's sitting,
It's a whole new person,
She has lost this final battle,
No one seems to care.

She grabs that rope and ties it up,
Real high.
Makes that necklace fit just right,
Clears her throat one last time,
Says softly into the wind,
Game over, I have lost control,
Of my mind.
Pendragon Aug 2013
Little girl I seem you in my dreams,
You came on a monthly basis.
I got to know you  but,
Cannot  recall at thing you said,
You would stay with me all  night
And I would sit in your heavenly light.
I knew then you were an angel,
I always thought you would be
My future daughter.
Until 3 years ago
Once a month you would come.
An the month before you left
You came once a week,
At the very least.
When you left I was lost.
And until 3 weeks ago,
I couldn't figure out where you had gone.
Then you and your mommy,
Came into the church.
I was awestruck,
Blown away,
I met my my angel on that day.
It blew everyone's  mind
That we instantly
People had said it was amazing,
They were
Blown away,
That little Gracie
Took instantly to me,
Begging to be picked up and carried around.
In your 3 years of life,
Never had you taken to anyone like that.
This is really ****** but I had to get it out of my head
Pendragon Aug 2013
I love you still,
Even after so long.
When I let you go
I knew I was wrong.
Your beautiful eyes,
And that goofy smile,
Still drive me wild.
Still talking to you makes
Me feel like a love sick child.
Letting you go was such a
Pendragon Jul 2014
You come in to my life
Then just disappear.
The promises you made
I held on to for dear life.
Every time you comeback around
I want so badly to believe
The words that you say.
I have given you so many chances,
To make it right.
But you always go away.
This time will be no different
You will go away again.
I'll be left alone to pick up my pieces.
And carry on again.
I'm so stupid for letting you in.
This really ******* blows.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I know he hurt me, and I know
he may do it again.
The possibility is real.
But I don't care,
he was the only one who,
I let break my heart.

I fell so hard, and so fast.
When he left my world fell apart.

I have a chance to have him back.
What's life without a little risk.
He's the only boy I have ever loved.

He could be my one.
Please understand that.
I need to live my life.
This really *****, I'm posting it anyway though.
Pendragon Sep 2013
Tons of commotion,
Followed by defining
The door clicks open,
Followed by a slight bang.

We are already made aware
Of the situation at hand.
No one speaks,
No sound to be heard.

A few moments after
The door clicks closed,
A slight mumble can be heard.
Followed my a
Heartwrenching scream.
Loud sobs echo
Through the halls.
Many here are
Slightly teary eyed.
Another mumble,
The door clicks open again.
The door seems to bang rather loudly
This time.
Nothing compared to the
Earthshaking sobs coming from the room.
IUFD makes the loud go
In a few moments the normal
Commotion  resumes.
Tonight we will leave
With heavier hearts.
A moment of silence,
For no longer beating hearts.
Pendragon Sep 2013
Your goofy grin
Makes my world spin.
A single whisper across my skin
Makes me fall for you all over again.
Listen girl,
Never have I stopped loving you.
You are one of the only ones
I have ever let in.
From  our silly silly notes then
To our heartfelt texts now.
We really never let eachother
My heart skipped several
When you said "I missed you"
I knew right then I needed to kiss you.
Too much history to ever let go.
It's probably not right,
We seem stuck in this cycle.
Always coming back to eachother.
Always knowing we will be there.
But girl seriously,
Why did I ever let you go.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Little girl only 3,
Asks what are you doing to me?
Little boy age of 6,
Don't worry you'll be fine

Little girl aged to 6,
Standing high in the tree house,
Pleading please stop I don't want to play.
Little boy age now 9,
Keep ******* quiet and you'll be fine.
Do as I say, or I will bring you pain.
Pleading again, she says please just let me go.
We are in the tree house, alone
No one will ever know.
I'll shove you out, and watch you fall.
And watch your blood seep from your skull.

Little girl 13 now, standing in front of her mom.
No mom nothing happened.
Don't be ridiculous.
Little boy now 16,
Has no clue of the damage he has done.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I sit here in this rabbit hole,
wondering how it is that I've gotten here.
This bump on my head may explain a little,
but with all the strange happenings I'm sure that's not all.

When I walk I feel like I'm floating, in mid air,
Like I need tied down.
It's a good feeling.
But when the strange things start happening,
it's to surreal.

My brain is on overload, whenever
I stand my head spins.
I'm standing still, the world is moving around me.
What I see is magical.

In moments like these I don't feel like me.
It's like I'm watching me from the outside.
Its so strange watching yourself walk about.

When I'm alone my head spins insanely fast.
It's a never ending merry-go-round.
I'm so dizzy,
But I can't stop.

Will I come out enlightened like Alice?
Will I just be another bold MAD HATTER?
Pendragon Aug 2013
Mania is a funny thing.
When you you're up,
you're up.
Way way up.
Everything is funny,
and everything's ok.
So much to think,
do and to say.
So little time to do it all in.
I'm up,
I'm  up
I'm very very up.
  I can't stop.
I can't get my thinks out any faster.
I need more hands
to perhaps
write faster.
I'm up,
I'm up,
I'm very very up.
The faster I write
the faster they come.
I can No longer read my own writing.
And time is moving slower.
I apologize that my writing is a bit all over
Pendragon Mar 2017
So many feelings all at once. Why did I open myself up, why did I let myself feel? Everything always hits at once.
It's hard to tell my heart to keep beating,
my lungs to keep breathing.
I just want that peaceful rest. Conflicting voices raging inside,
stop beating,
stop breathing.
It's so easy to let go.
Heart torn between sputtering,
and hammering.  Dying out or overcompensating.
I hate this.
Pendragon Sep 2017
You would know that voice anywhere,
The deep, loud sound, that has always instilled fear.
The kind of fear that makes your blood run cold and hot. The kind that freezes you on the spot. Too paralyzed in fear.  Takes the very breath from your lungs.
You know those eyes, the same ones that were always too close. The ones that looked upon you with the most hate you have ever seen.  Eyes so close, voice so loud. You can't move fear roots you to the spot.
You don't know what the monster is saying, but it's occupying all of your thoughts.
You've tried so hard to detach from the monster, to remove it from yourself.
Eventually, someone points it out, so you look in the mirror, and take a long good look at yourself.
What you see looking back is the one thing you've tried so hard not to become.
The monster inside.
Rough draft
Pendragon Aug 2013
I can almost feel that cold blade
digging in to my skin.  
The cool tingle before the sharp sting.
The release of endorphins makes me slightly dizzy.  
The bright red blood trickles down my pale arm.
Such a beautiful color contrast.
Why stop at just one?
The thought of these wonderful sights and feelings cause a visible shiver to run down my spine.
I simply can't wait to be alone so I can make these things appear on my arms.
Fantasizing about this is no longer enough.  
It's finally time to give in to this addiction.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I actually believe that,
This time I may have gone
Too deep.

I can't make it stop.
Red, red every where.

Feeling weak, I can no longer speak.
I fall to the floor.
The crash sounds quiet,
And that is strange.
The ringing in my ears is getting louder.

The once bright light is dimmer now.
I feel a bit colder now.
The iron smell is kinda strong.
I winkle my nose, I don't like that smell.

Then finally It fades to black,
This truly was my final act.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I try so hard to make everyone happy.
No one seems to notice that something is
horribly wrong.

I have lost all interest in everything I loved.
Tiny red marks have started to grow,
a little deeper,
           a little longer,
a little wider.

I sleep all the time,
but you best believe I'll say,
I'm just fine.

Its coming closer, I know I'm ready.
Just give me a few minutes to collect my composure.

I'll need a steady hand, to make sure this goes just right.

Pop the cap,
grab the blade, and
the rope.

Just relax, I totally got this.
Pendragon Aug 2013
Every time I close my eyes
I hear a disembodied
Heart beat.
Something is just outside
Walking around.
At night time my fears come
There is no escaping them
They come from all around.
A wicked laugh,
The beating of a heart,
The madding steps
Coming ever closer.
Coming from all over.
My fears come alive,
As soon as the sun sinks down.
No where to hide in this little town.
Even the most normal of sounds,
Turn terrifying when it
Gets dark
Dog barks,
heart stops.
Cat meows,
The tears fall down.
Nowhere to hide,
No way to make it stop.
Every sound I can hear
Brings me even more fear.
Icy chill runs down my spine,
When I hear that dog whine.
Begging please just go away,
Knowing every fear is here to stay.
What's worse is realizing ill
**Never get away.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Painfully shy, I can't look anyone in the eye.
I hear my name and I turn bright red.
Why must I be so painfully shy.

I hide my face whenever I can,
hoping nobody sees me so I don't
have to speak.
The lengths I have gone to hide from people
is actually quite frightening.
I can feel my throat start to tighten,
anytime I have to speak.
I don't care if i've known you for
100 years.
Pendragon Aug 2013
Please just let me fall asleep,
I have already dug my razor
Way too deep.
Please just let me Fall Asleep.

I'm laying here tears in my eyes,
Blood on my sheets.
Please for ***** sake let me

Please just let me fall asleep,
I want to stop crying,
Inside I'm ******* dying.
Please, just let me fall asleep.

Please, just let me fall asleep,
With each pass of this razor,
It goes a little deeper,
I just want to make this night end!!!
PLEASE, just let me fall asleep.
This really ******* *****, yo.
Pendragon Mar 2017
Hollowed out, the shell of a person. Emptied out nothing left inside
Pendragon Jul 2013
If she only knew,
When she gave me that tool,
My  first thought was this
Is too ******* cool.

  The second was not so  innocent.
    Imagine the cuts this is going to make.
       It's going to be so portable,
          I'll take it every where.
              I'll never be too far from my only peace.

Oh, the first cuts my new friend made,
Were oh so beautiful, and stung so good.

I couldn't stop,
   I liked it a lot.

It was so much easier than the box cutter before.
I never leave home with out her now.
Always knowing she's near, helps me cope.

If she only knew when she took me to that room.
The scalpel she gave me so innocently,
Turned sinister so quickly.
Pendragon Jul 2013
All I want to do is sleep,
I know there's something wrong.
So very, very wrong.

I am dizzy all the time,
I'm always in a fog.
Something is really wrong.

I should see a doctor,
I'm really quite scared.
I have a decent idea,
About what's going on inside.

I'm terrified of the possibilities.
But something is very very wrong.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Ok, yea I'm gonna go ahead,
And take that as a personal hit.
I knew that it would only last for a moment.
But, holy **** did that just hurt.
Even though it wasn't me.
I am too one if the unidentified ones.
Classifying us all as one,
Holy ****, the damage you have done.
I've been nothing but nice to you.
You have said it your self.
Now you just classified us all,
As nothing but ****.
Now, I'm terrified to say anything at all.
I'll hang out like a fly on the wall.
I'm not going to lie,
Pendragon Nov 2013
The Littlest Mailman,
It started as a conversation
With your big sister.
We were all so excited to
Hear about you.
We could barely
Contain ourselves
With the news of this miracle.
You were loved so much already.
Greatly saddened by the news today.
You were already so much to us,
A Son or daughter,
A brother or sister
A niece or nephew
Grandson or daughter.
But, sadly your heart stopped beating,
We are so sad you are leaving.
They must have needed another
Tiny angel in heaven.
We miss you already.
Grandma please hold him or her steady.
We will see you again when we are ready.

-----Aunt Tay
Not much of a poem more of a letter but I don't really care.  RIP Little Mailman
Pendragon Jul 2015
How do you stop looking at someone as if they hung the stars themselves, even after they shattered your already fragile heart.
How do you stop someone from meaning everything to you when you know that's not a thing they feel too.

How do you make sense of a broken heart that just keeps getting worse.

How do you convince yourself to get over the one who you finally let through, when you come to terms with the cold hard truth, he just used you.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I have no other way to express
What I'm feeling,
I don't think I'm actually
It's better to pretend I'm brave,
So they can't tell.
He'll yes I'm scared.
When those results were explained,
Only one word stuck,
What this can't be true.
I find out tomorrow where to
Go from here.
Another set of blood work
Just to make sure.

Normal range between 4 and 23,
If this was a race to 100
wouldn't be beat.
92 and some decimals have told me,
My fate.

The long journey begins today,
With these two simple words,

Pendragon Jul 2013
It's meant as a joke, you say it with a smile.
Every word you say,
sticks in my brain.

As I lay down to sleep,
silently I start to cry.

You will never know, because I'll NEVER let it show.
Each unkind word you say, becomes a real scar.
I will carry every word on my skin.

Each time I see you it starts with,
Hey Ugly why are you here, isn't it time for you to leave?
Go put make up on to cover up your
totally not my best.
Pendragon Jul 2013
I am there for anyone,
Family, friends,
Complete strangers too.
If you need an ear,
I'm here for you.
I don't need a name,
This isn't a game,
I just like to help.
I help others because,
I can't seem to help
Pendragon Jul 2013
I am there for anyone,
Family, friends,
Complete strangers too.
If you need an ear,
I'm here for you.
I don't need a name,
This isn't a game,
I just like to help.
I help others because,
I can't seem to help
Pendragon Aug 2017
There's no need to remind me.
I already know.
I struggle with this more than
Anyone would know.
Many hours spent thinking and alone.
There's no need to remind me.
I know too well.
My existence is useless.
An absolute waste.
Please, stop reminding me,
I already know.
Pendragon Aug 2013
Ever look down and not like a ******* thing you see?  
Then having your feelings confirmed by everyone you meet
The words come out and cut like a knife. Leaving scars on your soul for the rest of your life.
Every time you start to feel a little better those voices come back to life.
   Screaming louder than ever before.
This isn't finished I just hit a wall with it
Pendragon Aug 2013
The fear gripping my chest,
Made my blood turn to
Never have I felt a thing so
So scared of what's next,
As it creeps up my neck.
My blood runs colder,
As my head gets hotter.
Such a strange reaction
To such an emotion.
When the fear settles in,
Logic moves out.
And getting away is all
I care about.
No matter what I do,
Ill never get away.
My fear has moved in and,
He's here to
S t A y
Pendragon Jul 2013
I can feel myself drifting away.
Fading faster with each passing day.
No one listens to what I need to say.

On this rainy day it will all come to light.

I pull the cool, shiny, metal from its hiding place.
It reflects the emptiness from my eyes.
Quickly I smile, as I dig that blade into my arm.

All the while thinking...
What's the harm?

The blood starts pouring from my left arm.
Crimson red against pail white.
It's my very own beautiful sight.

I created it all on my own.
It's my very own masterpiece.

Suddenly, my world starts to spin.
As the door **** starts to turn,
the panic on the face of this human
is all I can see.

I can't get any words out.
They come out as a sigh.

She kneels down beside me.
and silently asks me why?

The bright lights and all the people running about,
are of the last of my memories.

Because you decided to care,
when it was too late.
Pendragon Jul 2013
Do you know what its like, to lose
time like it never existed?
Only to find, it was only in your mind.

You were fully functional,
but can't remember anything at all.

I landed on the floor,
but can't remember the fall.

I got to work,
can't remember the drive.

I can barely remember enough to hold,
a conversation.

This isn't and existence.
I'm only a nuisance.

Please just let me go.
Life would be easier if,
I was gone.
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