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 Jan 2022 Papaya
Dorothy Parker
Now this must be the sweetest place
  From here to heaven's end;
The field is white and flowering lace,
  The birches leap and bend,

The hills, beneath the roving sun,
  From green to purple pass,
And little, trifling breezes run
  Their fingers through the grass.

So good it is, so gay it is,
  So calm it is, and pure.
A one whose eyes may look on this
  Must be the happier, sure.

But me--I see it flat and gray
  And blurred with misery,
Because a lad a mile away
  Has little need of me.
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Charles Bukowski
I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Since we just can’t
See the plain truths
We, ourselves plant
Trees of bitter fruits
 Jan 2022 Papaya
hard man
 Jan 2022 Papaya
a hard man doesn't need to shout
threaten or front it out
a hard man can crack an egg
without breaking the yolk
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Ashly Kocher
Fighting demons from inside
Tears rolling down my eyes
Falling slowly inside my hands
One droplet at a time
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