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 Dec 2018 Panteh-A
Lewis Hyden
Cyber! Neon green, pinks,
Hair like vivid spotlights
At nightclubs, darting, sharp,
Strong-willed and persistent,
Piercing through the pale skin
Laid thinly over fog.

Shock-shock! If anarchy
Is popular, what does
It mean to rebel? Rave
Lights beam through the system
Like tracer rounds! The punks
Spin like halogen bulbs.

Steel! Plenty of plastic.
Enough to rebuild the
Eccentric walls of their
Flashy nightclubs. Above,
Sophisticated chains
Spin and drag over meat;

Pointless. A simple sort
Of mechanisation.
The music, the plastic,
The hair dye; all of it
Spits to the contrary,
Such anarchists are they.
A poem about failure.
#32 in the Distant Dystopia anthology.

© Lewis Hyden, 2018
 Dec 2018 Panteh-A
The sun beams through the gap in my curtain,
The warmth brushing against my hand,
It makes me forget the troubles that await me this fine morning.
used to open locks
small land parcels in water
used to start cars, keys
 Dec 2018 Panteh-A
anthony Brady
It is but new words
for resonant songs:
in languages tuned
from old notes.
Imaginations are
rearranged to yield
greater and deeper
human insights,
framed in a
variety of forms.
Truth to  Sincerity
is all.

Nothing in literature
can be compared
to poetry, other
than Beauty.
For, in a word,
Poetry is Perfection.

Poetry is Beauty. Beauty  is Truth. It's loveliness does not fade but increases.  It will never dissolve to nothingness. Look upon all beauty with love,  as if for the last time. All that lives must die - passing through life to eternity. Poetry endures.
 Dec 2018 Panteh-A
anthony Brady
Your raw material is Humanity:
You ponder - you produce.
You make things beautiful,
You make beautiful things.
You allow them space,
set them in their place,
to be themselves:
Herself – Himself.
This is The Way
The Way to Love.

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