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  May 2017 Ooolywoo
Cara May
When you loved someone
it feels like you're laying down
on a lavender field
gazing at the stars;
thousands of them

When you loved someone
it feels like the wind
and the sun are unison;
just enough to caress
your delicate skins
and make you feel warm inside.

When you loved someone
it feels like you're venturing
into the wilderness
at the back of your hometown's house;
treacherous but exhilarating.

When you loved someone
it feels like you're dancing
to your favourite songs
in the rain
and the thunder is rumbling;
fearsome but thrilling.
The feeling you have when you loved someone.
  Nov 2016 Ooolywoo
Cara May
void heart is dangerous
works like a drug; hallucination
that every man are fond of the owner.
apparition of fairy tale
unbearable from day to day.
counting times to meet the other half
it's ludicrous, unbearable, embarrassing.
it's a part of fulling the void; unloved.
  Nov 2016 Ooolywoo
Sarah DeeSarah
Today I'm going to stop loving you.
You are hard to love, but loving you is not hard.
I love the scent of your skin as I lay next to you in bed,
And the way your laughter curls at the ends of your lips,
Then erupts across your face.
I love you even when you don't love yourself.
But my love for you makes me weak.
When your sharp words are filled with anger and wrapped in bitterness,
They pierce through my heart,
I clutch my chest as the air leaves my lungs.
The pain crashes over me in continuous waves,
And I'm trying to keep my head above the water,
But the tears from my eyes are flowing like open flood gates.
And I can no longer see where I'm going, so I collapse,
Into a puddle, still gasping for air.
Work in progress...
  Nov 2016 Ooolywoo
Colten Sorrells

I lit a fire once
spent hours feeding it
fanning the flames,
stoking the embers
just so I could watch it burn
until I got bored
and decided
to watch it die
she gave me warmth, comfort, and love and in the end, I didn't even give her enough to keep going
  Nov 2016 Ooolywoo
Wrapped around her finger
Metaphorically and physically
The way she looks in my eyes
Heavy breaths exhaling desire
Light reflects off the sweat on our skin
I take a hit off your hips
Inhale your passion
Trace your curves with the tips of my lips
Grip your throat delaying your breaths
A sudden gasp as I explore your love

Follow me into ecstasy
  Nov 2016 Ooolywoo
All I wish for
are nights
where my demons
refrain from
running rampant.

I want them
to sit still
and behave
as I savor
the gentle
early morning breeze.

I want them
to remain quiet
when I listen
to the sound
of nature.

I want them
to close their eyes
while I watch
the gleaming stars
from the
rooftop balcony.

Maybe one day
when everything
is in place.

A day where
I've cleaned up
all the mess
that I've made.

Maybe then
they've found peace
and would run away
with me
through mire
and tall grasses

All I wish for
is to make
my soul
rest in tranquil planes.

Maybe one day.
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