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 Sep 2019 OC
Sona Lachina
I am at peace in wordless scenes
In the dark hollows of sleep
And in the bright wells of daydreams
Where silence is the gatekeeper
And everything is:
       As it seems --

I trust the places where
       noise cannot enter
Where the air is scrubbed clean
And voices surrender
Their so-called meaning

And I can sit mute in the quiet
       field of being --
 Sep 2019 OC
Ciel Noir
 Sep 2019 OC
Ciel Noir
you fly too high              
    on borrowed wings
                      so far above
                         the shining sea
          and I can see you
            the­ darkness leads you                                
down to me                                                
I ride the waves                                  
and all around                
                    the sky is light
                                 with falling feathers
                                           if I catch you
                          we both will drown
     your molten wings
hold us together
 Sep 2019 OC
SelinaEunyoung Park
The death fades
and a dandelion appears,
dancing in circle.

Whispering wind
sings the ripening fruits,
full of sweet juice.

Yellow sun
brightens the cold, tearful day,
spreading news of life.

Oh, here it comes!
The haven.
Please enjoy
 Sep 2019 OC
Out of Love
 Sep 2019 OC
I feel like Icarus;
a lead ballon.

For I know I am
On the ground—

It’s Cold
And I’m Cold


Flying to close to the sun;
It was hot-
We were hot.

I just flew too close-
While trying to leave
the atmosphere

I popped and
my wings melted;
And now?

I’m just cold
A lead balloon on the ground.

Or I’m Icarus and I’ve drowned
But it’s still the same
Cold and going down
It’s been... rough
 Sep 2019 OC
John Dewberry
 Sep 2019 OC
John Dewberry

Let it fall and rise
Like Kosovo
With respect and reverence
Like Rome and the Byzantines
Or Constantinople

Give them liberty
Immunity from the tyranny
Of former countries
Why must history
Stubbornly refuse death
 Sep 2019 OC
 Sep 2019 OC
Foolish men wander
Down strange roads
And ponder
Nothing that is sane or true
Wise men will trod
On well beaten sod
And eventually step in poo
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