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  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
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She rides !

•     •

•      •

death is already everywhere

( if we don't nurture

who then shall rule us but the KINGS ? )

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She says she is looking for love

But settles for ......... What ( ! )


Gypsy !


Put on your true wild aura !

If you are not a


what are you ?

Ride gypsy toward free hills
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Rotation is Optional*

What makes up the Dance of the Spin?
Whence to forth have came of This from?

What happened to have Spun
such a Spiral to arise
~ Entwined ~
of such likes as this kind?

From the Void of Shadows,
~ unspeakable Bliss ~
what only Knows of this depth's Abyss?

I decline,
this current paradigm
make to rumble
thus impending Rise
would grow beneath
to tremble the ground
of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer
on bended knee
before the alter of
the quaking Core.
If not the many visions before,
mine have eyes once forseen.
Then from the Sacred Secret
it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother
are rightfully addressed,
our tears will flow
bring heave to our chest.
It is then, will we contend
of what such Powers
we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter
without Vision in Center,
the Dance of the Spin?
For surely we fall Dizzy
Heavy our State...

Flux will Flash
if not with the Flow
that throes asunder
now thrash and grow,
stronger than this
only One we all know.
With Hope we pray
for what we sow
but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
Repost of my very first poem on HP
This poem references Egyptian Mythology and Spiral of Life.
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Into the Clearing
I make note
Of the uninterrupted
Brightness, Unbroken

This makes for instant
naked at best

Interim testing ground
Stop and take a look around
When Elements invade
The private places object
Unknowing of the merging
Of a natural nature unto itself

Oh, the soft and sacred
Whispers softly unto
Those with ears to hear
Let the mystery of the Holy
Slowly unfold for thine eyes
Once distracted from the
Wonders of my Wooded

Here stands You,
untethered by the
Winding ropes
Of illusive lore

We no longer care for There,
Now that we are here
It is Here
where we Refuel and
Recenter for our next

Choose with careful
then Commit
This is It
Next Lesson
Or Level
I will revel
From my
Place of Power
And Knowing

Journey Onward my fellow Wayfarers :-)
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
Happiness is elusive
In the heart that laments
This gorgeous life
Radiant with love
By hollow promises
And hedonistic pleasures
Reality we present ourselves
In the pursuit
Along the wrong path
Passing on the flames
Of destruction
Life is much more
Than exhaling and inhaling
Toxic fumes of anger and apathy
Raise your consciousness
To elevate to a higher plane
Of reality which exists
Beyond the realm of mundane
Happiness is not elusive
More so, we tend to run away
From an alien feeling
Life is much more precious
A gift from eternity
Cherish beauty in your heart
Keep the flames of hope burning
To take you along the path
Of happiness
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
And in the beginning, there is a cry unto the void as black as night ~ before the word is spoken...this is her story of Creation.

She had been punctured from the inside~
and Her shattered Core harnessed the wailing waves of this Primordial Mourning.
Into violent vibration arose the Creation of this Principle...

We are all but the Sacred Wounds of Her Original Innocence

It's not the Sound...It never was the Sound~
It's what I heard before I fell back into this All again ~ so Now all the Things I've Lost~ I find It All in Time...
I can't pretend It anymore.

It's not always in this Place to Go and Live and Lose and Love and Be All that ever was...
~See ~

No one tells You anymore what to expect so You just have to guess and You guess...and You get what You get.

But You won't know what You knew before...Oh No.    


That's restored to Everything that could ever have been explored..

And You fell to It All again because You knew It was something that you would have to find..

Lost in the Rhythm again...Love...
No one but Eye could be able...too wrapped Inside.

And Gone...Emeraldly
And Gone In...A Head

And I fell again to Heavens Dance ~
to Heaven's Bed.

I guess I took out of my Heart...
I guess It made Itself known why I Love You so~

Nothing here pretends to know ~
it just goes on and lives and grows and knows that it falls back to its Heaven...


...and Heaven begins again.

Never, Never did It end too long to go back again...No!
~too long to know that Nothing lasts Forever.

Just your Soul...just your Holy Sigh, You leave the rest behind because You can't refine and You can't resign in this
until you've lost your Heart~


The broken pieces You can find went Home~
...Are never's just to find them again...That's All.      
A repost from the beginning...
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