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NuurSeraph Dec 2014
The time has arrived
to come back correct
to say the things that
remain unsaid

the futile mind
in heaps and piles
can rearrange into files
in cabinet drawers that
go on for miles
slam them shut and
give me smiles

we dance our fingers
over paper pasts
to understand that
nothing lasts and
with this freedom
I build my kingdom
in Honor of...

forever come what may
my shining face will praise
the words I choose to say
Finding peace of mind by speaking our truth.
I will write a poem but my heart hurts so much right now. It seems life is not very fair at this moment.
I know bad things happen all the time and it’s how we react to it that shows what kind of person we are. But right now I feel like a weak person.
Things that are important to me might not be important to anyone else, I realize that. But right now they are very important to me. I pray tomorrow it will not matter so much.
I know we get lonely and lose loved ones and make bad choices that we are sorry for later. I know we have a God that loves us no matter what.
I just want to feel better and writing always helps me to do just that and I am going to try and write a poem that says how I feel.
The day started like all the rest
It took me by surprise
It’s apparent
It’s obvious
When life tears me down
Fear fills my heart
All I ask
Please hold me in your arms
The nights of endless pain
Suffering that I can no longer stand
Just help me through the fright
Hold my hand through the rain
Teach me how to face the world
Shelter me against the storms
Help me hold my head up high
In the scary night
As I sit on the side of the bed
Waking up with a fright
As the storms of my life
Grabs my being
As I say goodbye
In the blink of the eye
I chase away a tear
As life continues on
Even if it kills me
I might not write
Very well
I might not be the smartest
And I might not go very far in life
This I do know
But as life continues on
Slowly oh slowly we die.....

Debbie Brooks 2014
  Dec 2014 NuurSeraph
           poem rhyme
with a sky blue

hues of day, yester-

in brightest color
                     (alphabeticaly ordered)

             man denies.

of hopefulness-
         or wrong
                        in song
the searing depths.

a lover's stare,
                or thy flowering

From dawn,
         to dusk,
      nothing left out,
         so calm
                       so eloquent-
  Dec 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
(               (            (              (             (                          
    /)\          /)\      /)\          /)\         /) \                            
     /\           /\        /\           /\          /\                                

                                                    keep on truckin

( Waiting for your kind words )

I see
                                          People suffering


I am
( even I ! )

Am become weak

( Even frightened )

Thinking of DEATH

( who sees Me ? )

Thinking of DEATH

angels in the sky
Saints on sacred mountain tops

Women bathing in pure cool streams

Children awakening unto golden Dawn

•    •


( full & complete )

You walk besides me
And I am free


Why do we hesitate ?

Why do
We make each other wait ?

For a few kind words

For the love we ALL possess

The love that everybody needs ?
  Dec 2014 NuurSeraph
Fume of the mystic air
flows to create
an invisible lodge
a harmonic rhythm
of knowing the other.

Sanctuary of Love
shelters the Kiss.

Received touch
makes up
points of  Desire
as flesh and blood
from the etheric.

A fluid transparency
made of interchangeable
unique crystalline particles
of unseen color,
an indefinable atomic structure
Draws contours of a  body
that subtly shapes along the kiss.

‘Kiss me’
is a thankful whisper
‘Play me to a oneness’
gratifies the breath
along  her neck,  
lips, forehead  
and knees
an anechoic chamber of limpid breeze
rectifying bliss
an irrefutable awareness of joy  
a gifted  Unity
an honored desire

She feels the
colors of zephyr and without visualizing
grows into the derived equivalence
of emerging pinks or  jutting greens
she is destined to remain as invisible as
his’… not owned - not reserved

‘nothing stays nowhere
a thing is not received  if you are not there
A blessing of the moment  is everywhere
you are drawn to where and what you truly were’

As the body gets formed
miracle gets real
As miracle gets real
the body gets formed

and mutates
a lucent gate
towards a universe
so The wind can pass

At the edge
she molds
to …
…. a
……….something new

The lover the love
The now at now
senses itself  
in white lines
a bridal delicacy
‘A flower’
tales say
with myriad petals
living at the edge of the universe

She reads the volatile coolness
of the warm colored
differently sized light trace  that
the fumes,
the kiss ,
the breath,
the blow,
the zephyr,
the lover
has become for her

she traces
his ever expanding Trace
so that perpetually  he shall progress
for the universe
while she remains
and observes
as her nature requires her to be
as their dual existence is conditioned to
as is nature’s one
or Love’s

She,  the precision of  joy that he creates for
the eternal witness of bliss
Colored by divine light
of rejuvenation
of freedom
of truth
at a place beyond thoughts
at the edge of a universe.
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