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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
The world that may exist
Yet to be explored
As we may not have imagined
What we have seen till now
The edges of covers
Maybe laying there, at some corner
Where we may not have reached
Or, it’s too close to us
Where our eyes do not see
Busy with our daily chores
Daily duties seeks our attention
We have woven our reality
Minds do not want to believe otherwise
The secret maybe in the bird’s calls
Or the animals behavior
Or in the nature’s upheaval
Are we listening carefully
Is it a figment of one’s imagination
Where does it germinate
If seeds were not planted
Somewhere in the distant past
Of what we have known till now
If it comes to a nought
From where we have started
Are we ready for a different world
Or, it’s preposterous to think otherwise
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Cailey Weaver
Find joy in the moments that aren't noticed.
They are the ones that contain the most meaning.
The best feeling in the world is to be amongst people who don't think about the downs.
People who don't care what life throws at them.
It is the best type of happiness.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Ena Alysopriono
Sometimes people are so quiet
They are almost invisible
It can take days
Before they realize they have been noticed

Sometimes people are so scared
Of being hurt again
It can take months
For them to say "hi" back

Sometimes people are so sure
No one will ever love them
It can take years
To unbury their hidden self

Sometimes it can take moments
Repost this if someone has taken a moment for you. Then Pay It Forward for someone else who needs it.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Some lust after, some fear
some don't consider the inevitable and the unclear

I can't surrender to an existence so mere
without questioning life on this sphere
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Elizabeth Squires
night's cloak of darkness
lifts to display the daylight
nature's own drama
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
I enjoy the perpetual blanket of unrefined cotton clouds snug tight against the night turned day, grey and unrelenting.

There is a thin film layer then
in between ~

     Me.               Myself.        &          Eye.

If I blink real hard and purposeful, I'm sure it would all dissipate....

Pin-popped balloons always do....
Sitting outside. My black leather coat has seamed to have shrunk....
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