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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
    /   )*   |

(         )

                            & there she was just a walkin down the street
                                                  singin        ­    do - wah - ditti -

//  //
                                                          ( etc )
//  //

we come from the most exotic places

                 From the farthest reaches of          sanity

But here we are


Here with our broken Will


Here with our empty Dreams

                BUT WE ARE           HERE !

                           //  //

             ( on yes !             Yes we are )

A simple story !

A simple story of         Crime

A simple story of         Deceit


We are Warriors of the Soul

We DO NOT rebel

We ONLY unite and become

Unto each other

What we need


We are Not      of the Crime
We are Not         of the Deceit


Come sweet         Child - of - the True Song

Be wholly wise
whole and completely free

Of the madness all around

•   •

It is not that there is no Justice here !

It is that there is not even the slightest hint of any Reality !


We are here


We are all we need to be unto eachother

We are the New
the True

The Love

The Peace


We see the Hell

But we also see each other


We are the future

We are the Full Day & it's Seed
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
/    \                                                  

The wisdom of ages          Lingers

We walk Ancient Hills


Gentle maidens
                                       Children 's spirits

//   //                      
Pure Warriors
                         //  //


•     •

The winds !

Her sacred breath reflecting

Perfect Reasons                                                  

Free people !

( memories    !  )


In the MATRIX  and ILLUMINATI chains

We are

But we are raring to escape !

//    ::   //


Wisdom yields

Be a Lover !

( reveal your Face )

From out the Prison walls

Unto the Holy Sanctuary

Unto the Pure lit company

Of those who love with no constraint
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
<(       ) >                                                                        
                       & from the Planet Venus                                                

                     ///  • |

                                                                    7 pure souls approaching

•   •

Gentle as the child truly is

Down on the iron streets
                                          ( the prison streets )

There is a lover called      Forever
               there is a hidden hope
                         In some mangled memory


YE of the still - loving heart

YE of the purest Eye and truest Vision


wander through the deserted dream

Thru the alien constellation

Knowing that when you are seen

                     They hardly think you       real - at - all

/../         /../

The   Breath of God

The hope for Peace


The el - train cross the ***** sky

Seeking love in alley -  ways

Courting death to ease the pain


We wander thru the broken line

Of age to youth

And immortality


Hypnotic spells hold souls at bay

The muted hope for free exchange

Of loving kindness shared in purity


From Venus the 7 souls complete

Have come

See us walking down the road

See us waiting on your street
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
A tortured writer once there was
who toiled into the night
Locked in his lofty chamber
where stories could take flight.

'Twas a dark October evening
a moonless night and dreary
Tho ink was filled
no words would spill
He soon became quite weary.

The writer threw his quill away
and muttered with a sigh,
"No more midnight oil for me
the end of the wick is nigh."

Frustration with the flow of ink
had almost made him weep
Tho *** was full
His wits were dull
And so he went to sleep.

When next he woke
he found himself
Upon a stormy sea
'Twas black as pitch
The likes of which
He ne'er before had seen!

The sky was red and purple
There was a hellish wail!
A ghostly gleam
Glanced from the beam
And gibbered in the sails.

What is this apperition?
He cried unto the wind
Where am I sent?
I must repent!
My sins you must recind!

Ah, NO!
Thus spake
The loathsome ghoul,
It is too late for you!
You know full well
That you're in hell
Your options are now few!

Her words sliced through
the lashing gale
And chilled him to the bone
For gazing 'round the
Phantom ship
He found he was alone.

Forsooth! bellowed
the tortured bard
For now I know your scheme!
Here's the switch
You foul old witch
This is but a dream!

You see this sand
Within my hand,
Which through my fingers creeps?
This is but illusion
And I am just asleep!

The banshee shrieked
And squeeled with glee!
She danced upon the deck!
That is true, but now for you
This is a shipwreck!

She spread her arms and chanted
The seas began to boil!
Double double
Cauldron bubble
Trouble for your toil!

The red wind howled
Like a pack of wolves
O'r an ocean black as tar
His heart froze
As waters rose
'Neith a sky which had no stars.

Against this sea of troubles now
There's nothing I can do,
But in this dream
Perhaps is seen
An end to what flesh is heir to.

The witch regarded him with hate
Let me assist! She roared
And swooping down
In devil's gown
She pushed him overboard!

He flailed about as he did drop
And couldn't even think!
She crowed with glee
For he could not see!
The ocean was of INK!!!

As he sank, his fear was rank,
Within those oily waves.
His voice was caught
But then he thought
This will not be my grave!

He asked for hell or heaven
To rescue him away
He escaped death
With his last breath
He began to PRAY,

Then sweet arms
wrapped 'round him
'Twas an angel! She did cry,
Hold on tight, and do not fight,
For we are going to FLY!!!

Out of the mirey ocean
She lifted him on high
The furious witch
Howled and pitched
Herself into the sky!

For a while she followed
Spouting curses as she flew,
But the angel's wings
Did soar and sing
There was naught
the ghoul could do.

And so the thankful writer
Got a brand new start
And so he plucked a feather
From the angel wing's soft heart.

Thus ends the epic ballad
Of POE. One Edgar A.
His legendary writing
Admired to this day.

Now at his will an angel's quill
To inspire him to write
For though he wrote of darkness
From ink as black as night.

He was an inspiration
For who could truly tell?
Annabel's love.
From heav'n above?
Or from the pits of HELL
The Scarlet Pimpernel
(C) September 30, 2014

This collaberation was so
Much fun! As I type this poem
I think, "I'm just going to let
Them wonder who wrote what.
It was a true pleasure working
With the Scarlet Pimpernel.
If you have not already
Please take a look at
His other poems.
He's a wonderful artist!
Our writing styles are
Very similar.
But was it written by US?
Or influenced by a
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
spending all my time in your company
you have taken my load upon yourself
you deal with all the detail
all the daily stuff that would take me away
from you
you love me to the limit of my capabilities
and then love me some more
this seamless loving is a constant wonder
and I do believe it because in you I can trust
and trust this closeness to Heaven
anyone could get this side of the grave
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Internally the structure is sound~
The mosaic glass tile weeps thick at the base, a phenomenon as evidence of time.

The stained color is light at top, growing darker the lower the eyes travel down~
The piece takes on the element of flowing water submerged in heavy sorrow.

Indeed, I would not argue to disagree~

*It is truly a very sad thing to feel so lonely in this world set on fire.
I recall the ancient glass murals in the churches and cathedrals throughout England and Europe. The pictures took on  a sorrowful, deep mystique due to dripping sands of time ~ the mosaic glass being thicker & darker at the bases.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
The earth rejoices at the sound of laughter

as cries are heard too often.

Let these tears that fall

as a result of joy

be the water that helps flowers spring.

They will rise, towering over ants and rivers

from the dry, and dull ground

that has let sadness seep into its pores

a virus; taking life as its host.

We laugh to forget, and love

happiness emanating from our skin

our intentions alternating

like sun and moon.

Laughter is so beautiful,

seemingly abderian most of the time

it never fails to enrich the soul.

They say look for kindness in a man

but never forget to explore his humor.

Share laughs with your best friend,

they will make these memories last a lifetime.

Even those with melancholy waiting, hanging

from the corner of their lips

revel in the pleasures of the soul

and appreciate the sounds that the earth makes

to forget its troubles.
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