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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Babu kandula
Leaves, magic, freedom, tranquility

If world is a tree
And we are "leaves"
Surviving from the
Nutrients provided
By roots

How we get food
Water, sunlight and air

We are bounded to
The tree as long as we
Can. We get "freedom" when
We are separated from tree(death)

And growing old and old we
Finally we will rest in "tranquility"

And our place is replaced by
Someone with greenery.
Separation from tree(earth)
Should be natural
But now it became artificial
Because of many attacks
Dedicated to 9/11 tragedy...
May all rest in peace
To see the world, from a child's eyes
is to behold life, without disguise
awe and wonder, each moment a prize
the whole world is a puzzle, each piece a surprise

A tune is for singing, a bell for ringing
Stairs must be hopped, a balloon mustn't be popped
Stars can only twinkle, a toy must jingle
All things must be gazed at, then probably tasted

Just for a lark, she might mimic a dog's bark
like the crow caw, or like the *** guffaw
there is little her eyes, have not tried on for size
all is hers, till told sternly otherwise

A puddle is for jumping, and so is the bed
Candy is for stuffing, till her mouth turns red
A hop, a twirl and away we go
Walking is for fools, she is ever on her boat

So stop for a while, and sing with your child
shake a leg, do a jig, let go and unwind
For not very long, will your child dance along
if she thinks she is alone, in a world so monotone
Little girls are the most adorable.. why must they grow up? :)
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Lonely furrow, deep
deep enough to plant
watch over , **** and water.

Aspiring poets curse

Blight, of their fellows
rampaging through
a meagre crop, loved
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Jennifer Weiss
We are all burning at both ends.
Some more than others,
On the clock we must depend.
Let's hide under covers
and never give in.
Let me wear your bad days.
Celebrate you when you win.
It makes for a beautiful dance.
A Childish romance.
It all depends on more than just happenstance.
It's the kind of work you carry in your spine.
"The back breaking, soul fulfilling, leave me supine" kind.
You know it's something worth it when it transcends time.
Like if we could just have this forever, we would be fine.
I never want to give up what must have taken all my lives
to find. Something that is truly one of a kind.
Don't think about it too much.
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